The difference between Communism and Fascism

Correct. Karl Marx had the right idea. I guess he just underestimated human nature.

Not quite. Marx ignored human nature, in large part because he spent almost his entire adult life cloistered in a library in an academic setting. That is, he had no real contact with human society and didn't understand what human nature was other than as an academic exercise where it could be easily molded into whatever was necessary.

For Communism to work you have to have a population that is entirely altruistic. That is, they put the group first, and allow themselves to be subsumed by the group. If the group decides that you must die when you turn 30 for the good of the group, you willingly let yourself be killed when you turn 30, that sort of thing.
Not quite. Marx ignored human nature, in large part because he spent almost his entire adult life cloistered in a library in an academic setting. That is, he had no real contact with human society and didn't understand what human nature was other than as an academic exercise where it could be easily molded into whatever was necessary.

That makes sense.
Correct. The Roman Empire was a Fascist country.

Fascism is not a nation or a form of government. It is an economic system based on government manipulation of markets.

It exists in every nation.

So does communism. So does capitalism.

The Roman Empire also practiced that third form of socialism...slavery.
Correct. Karl Marx had the right idea. I guess he just underestimated human nature.


The Founders certainly underestimated the depravity of national American leadership seen by the President and his terrorists on 1/6.

Lying, cheating and attacking innocent people is not a traditional American ideal.
third form of socialism...slavery.

You should understand that Communism was never achieved as Karl Marx had envisioned.

Nor could it ever be achieved. Those states became more economically successful as they dropped the controlled economy and adopted more elements of capitalism and the free market.

They are nothing like Marx's model. They are only "communist" because they call themselves that and are ruled by the communist party.
Above the tribal/village level, I agree. Whenever representatives need to be elected, that's when a one-party systems falters. At least two-parties are needed to keep the other side in check.

OTOH, if one or both sides starts cheating and violating the laws, either legally or in spirit, then the system self-destructs.

The Republican Party of 2021 is killing democracy and our Constitution. The answer is certainly not communism, but it's not letting authoritarian assholes take over out of trumped up fears of the fucking socialists.

There is no democracy. The United States was never a democracy. Redefinition fallacy.
It is the DEMOCRATS that discard the Constitution. Inversion fallacy.
Communism is not a form of government. Neither is fascism. Both are forms of socialism...Democrats.

Trump is not a Democrat nor a socialist.
Nor could it ever be achieved. Those states became more economically successful as they dropped the controlled economy and adopted more elements of capitalism and the free market.

They are nothing like Marx's model. They are only "communist" because they call themselves that and are ruled by the communist party.

Even China is no longer Communist. They're really a Fascist state now. They are definitely practicing Nationalism, want to expand into what they consider traditional Chinese territory, have a command economy but allow private ownership of business. All part and parcel of Fascism.