The difference between Communism and Fascism

You don't get to speak for the dead. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy.
Trump doesn't support any terrorist group.

Sybil, you can barely speak for yourself.

Alternatively, follow Bill Hick's advice and use them as stunt people in the movies:

“You guys like going to the movies? You,you, you do? Three of you do? I love the f….g movies. Love ‘em. Now I’m watching Terminator 2 – d’you ever see that movie? Well, I’m watching, and I’m thinking to myself, you know what? There’s no way they’re ever going to be able to top these stunts in a movie again. You cannot top this shit….unless…they start using terminally ill people as stuntmen in pictures. Well, hear me out. Cos I know to some of ya this may sound a little cruel. ‘Awww, Bill, terminally ill stunt people? That’s cruel.’ You know what I think cruel is? Leaving your loved ones to die in some sterile hospital room, surrounded by strangers. F…k that! Put ‘em in the movies! What? You want your grandmother dying like a little bird in some hospital room? Her translucent skin so thin you can see her last heartbeat work its way down to her blue veins? Or do you want her to meet Chuck Norris?”

“Hey, how come you’ve dressed my grandmother up as a mugger?”

“Shut up and get off the set. Action! Push her towards Chuck.”

(fight noises)

“Wow, he kicked her head right off her body. Did you see that? Did you see my Grandma?”

“She’s out her misery, you’ve seen the greatest film of all time….. I’m still feeling some resistance here!”

No CC here:

Shit that's brilliant! :eek:
Logan's Run is a classic.

The book was far better than the movie, which sucked. The series sucked even more.

That was not a democracy. That was a technocracy (government by technology...essentially government by computer).

Your age was tracked by the computer. If you failed to turn yourself into a suicide center (known as 'sleep centers'), enforcers directed by the computer would come and put you to 'sleep' anyway. The enforcers were known as a 'sandman' (a warped name related to the 'sand' formed in your eyelids when you sleep).
The book was far better than the movie, which sucked. The series sucked even more.

That was not a democracy. That was a technocracy (government by technology...essentially government by computer).

Your age was tracked by the computer. If you failed to turn yourself into a suicide center (known as 'sleep centers'), enforcers directed by the computer would come and put you to 'sleep' anyway. The enforcers were known as a 'sandman' (a warped name related to the 'sand' formed in your eyelids when you sleep).

There's also George Lucas' "THX-1138".
Alternatively, follow Bill Hick's advice and use them as stunt people in the movies:

“You guys like going to the movies? You,you, you do? Three of you do? I love the f….g movies. Love ‘em. Now I’m watching Terminator 2 – d’you ever see that movie? Well, I’m watching, and I’m thinking to myself, you know what? There’s no way they’re ever going to be able to top these stunts in a movie again. You cannot top this shit….unless…they start using terminally ill people as stuntmen in pictures. Well, hear me out. Cos I know to some of ya this may sound a little cruel. ‘Awww, Bill, terminally ill stunt people? That’s cruel.’ You know what I think cruel is? Leaving your loved ones to die in some sterile hospital room, surrounded by strangers. F…k that! Put ‘em in the movies! What? You want your grandmother dying like a little bird in some hospital room? Her translucent skin so thin you can see her last heartbeat work its way down to her blue veins? Or do you want her to meet Chuck Norris?”

“Hey, how come you’ve dressed my grandmother up as a mugger?”

“Shut up and get off the set. Action! Push her towards Chuck.”

(fight noises)

“Wow, he kicked her head right off her body. Did you see that? Did you see my Grandma?”

“She’s out her misery, you’ve seen the greatest film of all time….. I’m still feeling some resistance here!”

No CC here:

Perhaps you should be put down like a rabid dog. That is some sick stuff.
Attacking Great Britain is not claiming historical German land. Attacking the Russia is not claiming historical German land. Putting designs on crossing the sea and attacking the United States is not claiming historical German land. Attacking the Arabian nations is not claiming historical land. Forming an alliance with Japan is not claiming historical land. Invading Italy is not claiming historical land. Attacking Greece is not claiming historical land.

You believe the lies of Hitler????

Hitler didn't particularly want war with Britain. In N. Africa the Germans only got involved because of Italian incompetence. Portions of Ukraine, Belorusssia, and in particular the Baltic states were considered German by Hitler. The Soviets also occupied half of Poland.
There was never a real plan by Germany to attack the United States, particularly by invasion.

The invasion of the Balkans and Greece was solely done because the Italians started a war with Greece, were losing, then the British got involved and sent an infantry division and a tank regiment to Greece. That was sufficient provocation for Germany to invade Yugoslavia to get at Greece and kick the British out. Had none of that happened on Italy's part Germany would have left the Balkans and Greece alone.
He acts more Christian than I've ever seen you behave.

Which is worse: A person who claims to be a Christian but never acts like one or someone who doesn't claim to be a Christian and is almost always Christian to everyone?

Unless you have an honest answer, I'd appreciate if you didn't answer at all.

True Scotsman fallacy. Trolling. No argument presented.
True Scotsman fallacy. Trolling. No argument presented.

Translation: I refuse to answer on the grounds I will incriminate myself.

Sybil, clearly you are not a well person.

Meanwhile, back on the subject of authoritarian assholes, pedophiles and cocksuckers there's this:

Fascism is collusion between state and corporation.
Since such collusion is itself government manipulation of markets, yes...fascism can take this form. This is no the only form, however.
It's happening now in large amounts.
Some. The Church of the Ozone Hole was caused by such an alliance (between the government and DuPont). This was over the loss of R-12 patents. The manipulation was banning R-12 refrigerant and requiring the less efficient R-134a (made exclusively by DuPont under a new patent). Solar panel manufacturers getting the government to manipulate energy markets is another example. In both cases, however, it is GOVERNMENT, not the corporation, that is manipulating the market.
That's about right too, the Reagan revolution.
While Reagan certainly had his problems, he was not a socialist.
The conflation of large corporate satisfactiin and freedom and happiness.
Government manipulation of markets is not about satisfaction, freedom, or happiness.
Nah. YOU can create your own job. I know. I've done it.