The difference between Communism and Fascism

There is no democracy. The United States was never a democracy. Redefinition fallacy.
It is the DEMOCRATS that discard the Constitution. Inversion fallacy.
Communism is not a form of government. Neither is fascism. Both are forms of socialism...Democrats.

Trump is not a Democrat nor a socialist.

....and you're completely sane plus do not have any sock puppet accounts like gfm175, IBDaMann or have a faux forum. :laugh:

Disagreed with your ravings, Sybil.
Not true. Hitler wanted Lebenstraum. He wanted, to claim what he considered historical "German" lands. Mussolini, similarly, wanted to restore Italy's control over lands the Romans had controlled. Neither had much if any view of taking over the planet.

On the other hand, Communism did.

The object of the International was to bring Communist revolution to every nation and incorporate it into a one-world state where Communism ran the planet.

Attacking Great Britain is not claiming historical German land. Attacking the Russia is not claiming historical German land. Putting designs on crossing the sea and attacking the United States is not claiming historical German land. Attacking the Arabian nations is not claiming historical land. Forming an alliance with Japan is not claiming historical land. Invading Italy is not claiming historical land. Attacking Greece is not claiming historical land.

You believe the lies of Hitler????
So you deny Christ's teachings. Right.

He acts more Christian than I've ever seen you behave.

Which is worse: A person who claims to be a Christian but never acts like one or someone who doesn't claim to be a Christian and is almost always Christian to everyone?

Unless you have an honest answer, I'd appreciate if you didn't answer at all.
Not quite. Marx ignored human nature, in large part because he spent almost his entire adult life cloistered in a library in an academic setting. That is, he had no real contact with human society and didn't understand what human nature was other than as an academic exercise where it could be easily molded into whatever was necessary.

For Communism to work you have to have a population that is entirely altruistic. That is, they put the group first, and allow themselves to be subsumed by the group. If the group decides that you must die when you turn 30 for the good of the group, you willingly let yourself be killed when you turn 30, that sort of thing.

That is democracy, not communism. Democracy is government by popular vote. By it's nature, such government can't own anything. There is no communism in a democracy.

Fascism is possible though. Usually this is the first stage of the collapse of a democracy as it dissolves into an oligarchy or dictatorship. THEN you can have communism.
Not quite. Marx ignored human nature, in large part because he spent almost his entire adult life cloistered in a library in an academic setting. That is, he had no real contact with human society and didn't understand what human nature was other than as an academic exercise where it could be easily molded into whatever was necessary.

For Communism to work you have to have a population that is entirely altruistic. That is, they put the group first, and allow themselves to be subsumed by the group. If the group decides that you must die when you turn 30 for the good of the group, you willingly let yourself be killed when you turn 30, that sort of thing.

Logan's Run is a classic.
Not quite. Marx ignored human nature, in large part because he spent almost his entire adult life cloistered in a library in an academic setting. That is, he had no real contact with human society and didn't understand what human nature was other than as an academic exercise where it could be easily molded into whatever was necessary.

For Communism to work you have to have a population that is entirely altruistic. That is, they put the group first, and allow themselves to be subsumed by the group. If the group decides that you must die when you turn 30 for the good of the group, you willingly let yourself be killed when you turn 30, that sort of thing.

"The Lottery" is also a classic.

The Founders certainly underestimated the depravity of national American leadership seen by the President and his terrorists on 1/6.

Lying, cheating and attacking innocent people is not a traditional American ideal.

You don't get to speak for the dead. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy.
Trump doesn't support any terrorist group.
Nor could it ever be achieved. Those states became more economically successful as they dropped the controlled economy and adopted more elements of capitalism and the free market.

They are nothing like Marx's model. They are only "communist" because they call themselves that and are ruled by the communist party.

Communism is not a nation nor a form of government.

Yes, it is true the capitalism is a better model. Capitalism is the only economic system that creates wealth. Socialism is based on stealing wealth. It does not produce wealth.
Fascism, like any form of socialism, is theft of wealth. It can only be implemented by oligarchy or dictatorship. Implementing it is totalitarian by nature.

Fascism exists in every nation. So does communism, and so does capitalism.

Fascism is collusion between state and corporation. It's happening now in large amounts. We have oligarchical collectivism, the book inside the book in 1984.

That's about right too, the Reagan revolution. The conflation of large corporate satisfactiin and freedom and happiness.

My right to work makes me frei.
...For Communism to work you have to have a population that is entirely altruistic. That is, they put the group first, and allow themselves to be subsumed by the group. If the group decides that you must die when you turn 30 for the good of the group, you willingly let yourself be killed when you turn 30, that sort of thing.
Logan's Run is a classic.

Alternatively, follow Bill Hick's advice and use them as stunt people in the movies:

“You guys like going to the movies? You,you, you do? Three of you do? I love the f….g movies. Love ‘em. Now I’m watching Terminator 2 – d’you ever see that movie? Well, I’m watching, and I’m thinking to myself, you know what? There’s no way they’re ever going to be able to top these stunts in a movie again. You cannot top this shit….unless…they start using terminally ill people as stuntmen in pictures. Well, hear me out. Cos I know to some of ya this may sound a little cruel. ‘Awww, Bill, terminally ill stunt people? That’s cruel.’ You know what I think cruel is? Leaving your loved ones to die in some sterile hospital room, surrounded by strangers. F…k that! Put ‘em in the movies! What? You want your grandmother dying like a little bird in some hospital room? Her translucent skin so thin you can see her last heartbeat work its way down to her blue veins? Or do you want her to meet Chuck Norris?”

“Hey, how come you’ve dressed my grandmother up as a mugger?”

“Shut up and get off the set. Action! Push her towards Chuck.”

(fight noises)

“Wow, he kicked her head right off her body. Did you see that? Did you see my Grandma?”

“She’s out her misery, you’ve seen the greatest film of all time….. I’m still feeling some resistance here!”

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