The difference between the Left and the Right

The Left is Feared.

The Left were worried that the Right would be stern and paternalistic.


The Right were worried that the Left would be free to be crazy.

Please understand the difference between the two sides.

One is stern and realistic.

The other is outrageous and bizarre.

The Left doesn’t FEAR the right.


The Right DOES FEAR the Left. The Right is very, very afraid of the Left.

The Left are fearsome.

The Right is protective.

The Left are chaotic.
You are lost.

No one takes you seriously.


Right, when you have the leader of the right, the individual with the biggest podium in the country, publicly labeling the other side as “evil,” “losers” “enemies,” and “traitors,” yeah, it sure looks like the right “want a conversation”

No, we want you to stop being evil, losers, enemies, and traitors.
The Right wants a conversation, the Left demands obedience.

There is no equivalence, one is better than the other, and if Lefties do not like hearing this then I suggest to them that they start behaving better.

When thinking people say you are a moron, they are correct.
When the Right says they want Unity they mean that they want people to walk together arm in arm in community.

When the Left says Unity they mean that they want compliance to the GroupThink, that was decided by manipulation from the elites a lot of the is abuse.

There is no equivalence, one is better than the other, and if Lefties do not like hearing this then I suggest to them that they start behaving better.

When thinking people say you are a moron, they are correct.
When the Right talks of education they are talking about of learning stuff (teaching stuff) that would be useful in life.

When the Left talks of education they are talking about getting other peoples minds to think "Right"....they are talking about abuse.

There is no equivalence, one is better than the other, and if Lefties do not like hearing this then I suggest to them that they start behaving better.

When thinking people say you are a moron, they are correct.
The only difference is the Democrats only whine. The Republicans make up phony stories and documents to try to prove the cheating.

The only difference is the Democrats only whine...make up phony stories and documents to try to prove the IMPEACHMENT.
Herein lies the problem with the belief that America must be a two party system. Left or Right.

We've all been played into believing that if we don't vote for the lesser of two evils the world will end. We see this in every election cycle. This last one was no different with everyone on the media saying it is the 'most consequential election of our lives'. Another lie but served its purpose to get out the vote.

People in general attribute too much power to the president. If we all had a basic understanding of the government we'd know that legislation comes from Congress (executive orders aside). The checks and balances are in place to ensure we are not a mobocracy.

I think we'd all be better served by stack ranking candidates and removing any indication of party affiliation from ballots in order to force people to actually read about who they're voting for. Maybe then we'd have a major third or fourth party groups that could better represent diverse views and force cooperation if they want to get anything done in Congress.

The fact that America voted a reality TV star into the presidential office should be a leading indicator on the level ignorance for the general population.

Side note, take a look at the closely contested states like AZ, NV, GA, PA. There was a sizeable number of votes for the Libertarian party that could have swing the vote one way or another. I wonder where these folks would have gone if they voted for the lesser of two evils.....
The Right wants a conversation, the Left demands obedience.

There is no equivalence, one is better than the other, and if Lefties do not like hearing this then I suggest to them that they start behaving better.

I suggest that we BOTH get our way--by going separate ways.
There are no compromises to be made.
We each find the other to be totally repugnant.
Neither side has any real desire to unify.
So let's fix that.
The Right wants a conversation, the Left demands obedience.

There is no equivalence, one is better than the other, and if Lefties do not like hearing this then I suggest to them that they start behaving better.

The Right doesn't want a conversation because the Right is full of bad faith actors. Just look at the Rightists on this forum. How many of them can hold a conversation without sperging out?
And it makes sense because Conservatism is based on Fascism, which is all about power. Conservatives think a debate is nothing more than a chance to display power.
The right (as represented by the Trump voter) does not, now or in the past, want a dialogue with anyone who disagrees with them. That's laughable. Right now the behavior of the Trump supporters here is simply unAmerican. It's dangerous, and it isn't 'dialogue'. Suggesting otherwise is ignorant. Period. End of story. I am not extending a hand to a person who I KNOW is going to kick me in the nuts. The threats of violence here are beyond the pale. If made in public, they would get people arrested. I'm tired of this bullshit line. When Trump supporters accept that Trump lost, we'll talk. Otherwise, I will savage them in every way possible.
Conservatives invite dissent. Leftists want to crush it like Fascistic brown shirted thugs. :thumbsup:

Here is another thing that I have been saying since the mid 90's, understanding that by that time I had grown up in a conservative family in a conservative mid western town and spent several years going the other way in the 80's as a Lefty only leaving the Democrats because I would not stay in a tent where there was so much lying going on:

In my personal experience on a day to day basis in real life people on the Right are more tolerant, are more open to spending time preferably enjoyably, with people who dont agree with them than people an the Left are. Since that time every time I say this I get Lefties up in my grill telling me that this can not possibly be true, that I must be either crazy or lying.....but it is true.
This is tacocunt talk for "You are absolutely correct".

TacoMan has had a hard on for me for years because I am too educated, I am too close to right, and I say what I came to say because I am a FreeMan. Intimidation does not work on me which drives him even more insane. Like so many on the Left in these regressive times he is allergic to free minds, especially heretics like me.
The left thinks getting some useless degree then not making 6 figures out of college means you're not being paid a living wage.

The Left thinks that it is the credential (often fraudulent...go look at how little recent university graduates know) that gets paid for, the Right says that it is the persons ability to get a job done that get paid for.
You know when the Left is morally or intellectually bankrupt is when you state a position they take on something that makes them look stupid or bad and all they have to come back with is ad hominem, insults, profanity, and vitriol.

"I dont like what you said, I dont like how you think, so I am going to do my best to cancel you" is how the Regressive Left rolls.

Why has this been tolerated for so long?

This is not good for anybody.
Those are facts arsecheese. Why should the countries leader not tell the truth?

Hey pal, it was your man who said the right "wanted a conversation," I am just pointing out the fact that someone who "wants a conversation" doesn't start out by labeling those they "want a conversation" with as “evil,” “losers” “enemies,” and “traitors,” if you are going to participate least know what you are talking about
Already had one today claiming hearing something he didn't like was hate speech.

Every idea that they dont like they label garbage and try to punish anyone who speaks it, and truth is no defense, this is how the Regressive Left rolls.