The difference between the Left and the Right

Another way of stating the basic difference between conservative and liberal philosophies:

Conservatives prefer an economic system that rewards the producers.
Liberals prefer an economic system that rewards the parasites.

Not quite or completely true.

The non-Left prefers an economic system that has reasonably equal opportunity and rewards those that earn their way
The Left prefers an economic system that rewards the faithful and produces equal outcomes at the expense of those most capable of producing the necessary wealth to do that.

Thus, the non-Left wants reasonable regulation to ensure all have an opportunity to succeed and a tax system that fairly taxes everyone in an equitable manner, while the Left wants massive regulation and control of the economy to ensure that outcomes are equal and a tax system that confiscates most or all of the wealth from those who are most successful.
The Right are today the more decent people.

The more tolerant and the more humble.

I say this as a self proclaimed lefty.

I hate were we are.

But here we are.

Not quite or completely true.

The non-Left prefers an economic system that has reasonably equal opportunity and rewards those that earn their way
The Left prefers an economic system that rewards the faithful and produces equal outcomes at the expense of those most capable of producing the necessary wealth to do that.

Thus, the non-Left wants reasonable regulation to ensure all have an opportunity to succeed and a tax system that fairly taxes everyone in an equitable manner, while the Left wants massive regulation and control of the economy to ensure that outcomes are equal and a tax system that confiscates most or all of the wealth from those who are most successful.

Thank you, T. A. Gardner. You stated the basic difference between liberals and conservatives more articulately than I could.
Lol . You are about as "Left" as a "Right Turn". ..lmao

Well, you know what they say... Three left turns make a right... Most people who are on the Left eventually grow up and move to the Right. Those that don't are either losers or true believers who want revolution for the sake of revolution. The former are often called, variously, hippies, vagrants, losers, dopers, dorks, etc. The later are usually just referred to as Enemies of the State.
The Right wants a conversation, the Left demands obedience.

There is no equivalence, one is better than the other, and if Lefties do not like hearing this then I suggest to them that they start behaving better.

In other words, the RIGHT wants you to inwardly rule over yourself (self governance), while the LEFT wants to outwardly rule over you (tyranny).

And, for Christians out there, just note that the first example is the way of Jesus, and the second example is the way of Satan...
In other words, the RIGHT wants you to inwardly rule over yourself (self governance), while the LEFT wants to outwardly rule over you (tyranny).

And, for Christians out there, just note that the first example is the way of Jesus, and the second example is the way of Satan...

Simply laughable coming from a supporter of a wannabe "Dick-tator".
In other words, the RIGHT wants you to inwardly rule over yourself (self governance), while the LEFT wants to outwardly rule over you (tyranny).

And, for Christians out there, just note that the first example is the way of Jesus, and the second example is the way of Satan...

Or to put it another way the Right says that the people decide, the Left says that the bosses decide, the "experts" decide failing to understand/care how power corrupts always.