The difference between the Left and the Right

But he ran as a republican so nothing changed at all

Nothing changed because of the corruption and bad thinking of the Elite Class, to include their stunning hubris and lack of self awareness.....these fucks are largely unwilling to many are incapable of learning.....that is how badly the Elites have failed.
The Left's argument is that in things like wages the outcomes should be equal regardless of the effort or skill involved in getting them. The Left is all about equal outcomes (a participation trophy for everyone). The non-Left is about equal opportunity to get an outcome. If the results vary based on hard work, skill, determination, etc., then that's fair because those that put in more useful effort get rewarded commensurately more than those that were stupid, lazy, unmotivated, or whatever.

With the Left, they want to drag society down to the lowest common denominator rather than build society up on the shoulders of those that can and do put in the most effort.

Everybody but the Left gets that when you grow up and become an adult, you are the one responsible for getting stuff done. The Left wants to remain children and have somebody else--like the government--take care of them so they can spend their life in idle leisure and doing useless crap...

The "living wage" argument used by the left proves exactly what you say. That concept is based on existence without regard to skills.
They think working at McDonald's is a career. Managing a Mc Donald's is but flipping burgers there isn't

They think someone whose only skills are something that is considered a chore at home is worth more than $2/hour.
The "living wage" argument used by the left proves exactly what you say. That concept is based on existence without regard to skills.

It's also rooted in a being able to live a life of pleasure without consequences or responsibilities. Put more bluntly, they want to be Peter Pan.
The Right wants a conversation, the Left demands obedience.

There is no equivalence, one is better than the other, and if Lefties do not like hearing this then I suggest to them that they start behaving better.

The right is racist and homophobic the left is inclusive it's that simple
The right is racist and homophobic the left is inclusive it's that simple




Yep, so "inclusive" you burn our cities, our flag and first respondent's vehicles.
See what happens if you have the balls to bring your "inclusiveness" to rural America. You might see this




Yep, so "inclusive" you burn our cities, our flag and first respondent's vehicles.
See what happens if you have the balls to bring your "inclusiveness" to rural America. You might see this


ROTFL. No one cares about rural America, all the smart ones have moved to the cities
In my observation, the main difference between liberal and conservative philosophies is their attitude toward taxes. Not talking about the obvious fact that liberals like high taxes while conservatives prefer low taxes. Talking about the justification, the Raison D'être, for taxes existing in the first place. What is their purpose??

Conservatives believe the purpose of taxes is to pay for essential government services. (We could argue all day about what's essential and what's not, but that's beside the point.)

Liberals believe the purpose of taxes is redistribution of wealth.
In my observation, the main difference between liberal and conservative philosophies is their attitude toward taxes. Not talking about the obvious fact that liberals like high taxes while conservatives prefer low taxes. Talking about the justification, the Raison D'être, for taxes existing in the first place. What is their purpose??

Conservatives believe the purpose of taxes is to pay for essential government services. (We could argue all day about what's essential and what's not, but that's beside the point.)

Liberals believe the purpose of taxes is redistribution of wealth.

there is nothing about conservative spending that suggest even a remote interest in low taxes. Your comment was true 60 years ago
The right is racist and homophobic the left is inclusive it's that simple

Prove it cunt face. You leftists are the intellectually laziest fucks on the planet. When faced with an argument you hurl labels as if that's an answer. What a useless fuck you are.
there is nothing about conservative spending that suggest even a remote interest in low taxes. Your comment was true 60 years ago

Another way of stating the basic difference between conservative and liberal philosophies:

Conservatives prefer an economic system that rewards the producers.
Liberals prefer an economic system that rewards the parasites.
Another way of stating the basic difference between conservative and liberal philosophies:

Conservatives prefer an economic system that rewards the producers.
Liberals prefer an economic system that rewards the parasites.

That is one of the dumbest comments that ever posted on the internet. Facts are the biggest parasites out there are the rich.