The difference between the Left and the Right

Here is another thing that I have been saying since the mid 90's, understanding that by that time I had grown up in a conservative family in a conservative mid western town and spent several years going the other way in the 80's as a Lefty only leaving the Democrats because I would not stay in a tent where there was so much lying going on:

In my personal experience on a day to day basis in real life people on the Right are more tolerant, are more open to spending time preferably enjoyably, with people who dont agree with them than people an the Left are. Since that time every time I say this I get Lefties up in my grill telling me that this can not possibly be true, that I must be either crazy or lying.....but it is true.

And I thought the "wanting a conversation" was inane, the right has to have melodrama to understand anything, there has to be good guys/bad guys, that is why prime time Fox and 24/7 talk radio are so successful
The Left is Feared.

The Left were worried that the Right would be stern and paternalistic.


The Right were worried that the Left would be free to be crazy.

Please understand the difference between the two sides.

One is stern and realistic.

The other is outrageous and bizarre.

The Left doesn’t FEAR the right.


The Right DOES FEAR the Left. The Right is very, very afraid of the Left.

The Left are fearsome.

The Right is protective.

The Left are chaotic.

All too often in recent decades the Right has decided to be protective of their ability to accumulate wealth and so they allowed themselves to be tamed by the Left....they became cucks for the Left...mostly pretending to be the opposition. That is how we got to now, with the Left totally out of control and all too often acting insane. The constraints were missing, the insisting upon truth and decency have been missing.
Herein lies the problem with the belief that America must be a two party system. Left or Right.

We've all been played into believing that if we don't vote for the lesser of two evils the world will end. We see this in every election cycle. This last one was no different with everyone on the media saying it is the 'most consequential election of our lives'. Another lie but served its purpose to get out the vote.

People in general attribute too much power to the president. If we all had a basic understanding of the government we'd know that legislation comes from Congress (executive orders aside). The checks and balances are in place to ensure we are not a mobocracy.

I think we'd all be better served by stack ranking candidates and removing any indication of party affiliation from ballots in order to force people to actually read about who they're voting for. Maybe then we'd have a major third or fourth party groups that could better represent diverse views and force cooperation if they want to get anything done in Congress.

The fact that America voted a reality TV star into the presidential office should be a leading indicator on the level ignorance for the general population.

Side note, take a look at the closely contested states like AZ, NV, GA, PA. There was a sizeable number of votes for the Libertarian party that could have swing the vote one way or another. I wonder where these folks would have gone if they voted for the lesser of two evils.....

What Trump collecting such a following, and such a faithful following, was supposed to show you is how deeply the so-called experts suck. For a lot of people voting Trump was intended to be a message to the established politicians that their work sucks, that they have to get better.

And then we watched them completely refuse to listen and get even worse.
What Trump collecting such a following, and such a faithful following, was supposed to show you is how deeply the so-called experts suck. For a lot of people voting Trump was intended to be a message to the established politicians that their work sucks, that they have to get better.

And then we watched them completely refuse to listen and get even worse.

With your inability to know the truth, I can see why you guys just crosstalk. Stay talking with each other and you back your predilections. You waste a lot of time begging for someone who agrees with you You can find them here and chat with each other.
Don't delude yourself into thinking you are debating.
The Left thinks that it is the credential (often fraudulent...go look at how little recent university graduates know) that gets paid for, the Right says that it is the persons ability to get a job done that get paid for.

Something I've noticed about the left is that they support someone being paid based on nothing more than existing without regard to what that person has to offer in the way of skills. The "living wage" argument proves that.
Something I've noticed about the left is that they support someone being paid based on nothing more than existing without regard to what that person has to offer in the way of skills. The "living wage" argument proves that.

Globally what this is all about is that the left long ago stopped caring about accountability, and the reason is that this goes against the precepts of the Victim Culture Cult.

The cult slays us with 1000 cuts.
Globally what this is all about is that the left long ago stopped caring about accountability, and the reason is that this goes against the precepts of the Victim Culture Cult.

The cult slays us with 1000 cuts.

They look looks only at the end result and not at the cause of why someone can't make a living wage. The left believes that an employer should pay someone based on their personal situation (i.e. - number of kids) not the value of the skills required to do the job. Unless the employer impregnated that person, personal situations don't matter. If the job the person is doing is worth $2/hour, that's what the person should be paid.
They look looks only at the end result and not at the cause of why someone can't make a living wage. The left believes that an employer should pay someone based on their personal situation (i.e. - number of kids) not the value of the skills required to do the job. Unless the employer impregnated that person, personal situations don't matter. If the job the person is doing is worth $2/hour, that's what the person should be paid.

Three words: Victim Culture Cult.
Three words: Victim Culture Cult.

That's the mentality of the left. When someone doesn't have, get, or possess what the left thinks they should, the automatic assumption is that someone else took advantage of that person.

When someone of color is shot by the police, before any investigation occurs, the dindu nuffins start rioting, looting, and burning down buildings because they automatically believe the police did something wrong.
That's the mentality of the left. When someone doesn't have, get, or possess what the left thinks they should, the automatic assumption is that someone else took advantage of that person.

When someone of color is shot by the police, before any investigation occurs, the dindu nuffins start rioting, looting, and burning down buildings because they automatically believe the police did something wrong.

Birthed in the Left, incubated at the failed Universities (thanks Conservatives for abandoning the Universities.... AWESOME IDEA!...barf) , and never challenged by the right.

And now we are so fucked.
I've noticed that those dindu nuffins rioting, looting, and burning don't do that shit where I live and surrounding areas. The places where it occurs are in areas where left wing politicians allow it to happen. I haven't decided whether they're smart enough to know better or not stupid enough to not know better.

The Revolution is on the cusp of taking over is about to be all over.

Remember that these people will do what ever it takes , they dont give a fuck about you.
The difference between the American Left and Right is that the Democrats are pretty much equivalent to our Conservative Party in its normal (pre-Brexiteer) state while the Trump Republicans are a strange comedy version of Hitlers nazis in 1932.
The difference between the American Left and Right is that the Democrats are pretty much equivalent to our Conservative Party in its normal (pre-Brexiteer) state while the Trump Republicans are a strange comedy version of Hitlers nazis in 1932.

Again, if your Nazi claims were anywhere close to being true, you wouldn't be posting. I'm not saying that it would be a bad thing just that it would be a thing.
Globally what this is all about is that the left long ago stopped caring about accountability, and the reason is that this goes against the precepts of the Victim Culture Cult.

The cult slays us with 1000 cuts.

Stop that crap. You have no understanding of the left and are not qualified to speak for them.
What Trump collecting such a following, and such a faithful following, was supposed to show you is how deeply the so-called experts suck. For a lot of people voting Trump was intended to be a message to the established politicians that their work sucks, that they have to get better.

And then we watched them completely refuse to listen and get even worse.

But he ran as a republican so nothing changed at all
The left thinks getting some useless degree then not making 6 figures out of college means you're not being paid a living wage.

They think working at McDonald's is a career. Managing a Mc Donald's is but flipping burgers there isn't
Something I've noticed about the left is that they support someone being paid based on nothing more than existing without regard to what that person has to offer in the way of skills. The "living wage" argument proves that.

The Left's argument is that in things like wages the outcomes should be equal regardless of the effort or skill involved in getting them. The Left is all about equal outcomes (a participation trophy for everyone). The non-Left is about equal opportunity to get an outcome. If the results vary based on hard work, skill, determination, etc., then that's fair because those that put in more useful effort get rewarded commensurately more than those that were stupid, lazy, unmotivated, or whatever.

With the Left, they want to drag society down to the lowest common denominator rather than build society up on the shoulders of those that can and do put in the most effort.

Everybody but the Left gets that when you grow up and become an adult, you are the one responsible for getting stuff done. The Left wants to remain children and have somebody else--like the government--take care of them so they can spend their life in idle leisure and doing useless crap...
