The Dixie Chicks Are Back, Better Than Ever. Nice Controversial Song... :)


I guess I missed their first "career"....Seriously, I don't recognize any of the songs I checked out....I doubt I'll pay any attention to this attempt at some kind of "return"...especially if they're an anti-American breed of Dixchicks....

Maybe being a moron is catching up with you
Still don't know any of their music...."Award winning" or not....I am sorry to have missed "Thank Heavens for Dale Evans",

You don't know anything about them,but has dozen of comments,either to fuck with Phantasmal,or kiss up to your White Knight 's
EE and RB
That happened long ago. :laugh:

I find her recent post more batshit crazy.
She has no views of her own.
If the few people who can stomach Toxic,that's her POV.
If it's people she doesn't like,like Christie,or Phantasmal,she fucks with them.
And of course she ignores all direct questions.
I find her recent post more batshit crazy.
She has no views of her own.
If the few people who can stomach Toxic,that's her POV.
If it's people she doesn't like,like Christie,or Phantasmal,she fucks with them.
And of course she ignores all direct questions.

The pathetic thing is just another yes-man with no original thoughts or ideas of its own. Her entire hatred for strong, successful women was on full view in this thread. Dixie Chicks... who's that? Oh them, I hate them, they're terrible. They're failures. :laugh:
The biggest problem with female country music is all the man-hating cunts in the industry. Gaslighter is just another man-hating song.
It is. A lot of the same folks who called for boycotts of Ted Nugent who was vocally anti-liberal & who repeatedly insulted & criticized Obama and Hillary now pretend to be fans of the Dix Chix.

Maybe a lot of the same folks who called for boycotts of the Chicks voted for a (now) President who was vocally anti-war & who repeatedly insulted & criticized Bush and his family aren't dogmatic, single-issue binary thinkers, Thingy.

By using a concert stage in another country to criticize a GOP president who was quite unpopular at the time? Yeah, how edgy and brave. /s

You mean pedophile Ted Nugent? Racist Ted Nugent? Threatening-Obama-with-violence Ted Nugent? :thinking: