The Dixie Chicks Are Back, Better Than Ever. Nice Controversial Song... :)

You have absolutely no proof of that, either.

Shows how little you know. Why do you think they have not been seen 14 or so years? Because most country music fans wouldn't buy their records and the majority of country fans live in the south.
Still don't know any of their music...."Award winning" or not....I am sorry to have missed "Thank Heavens for Dale Evans",
okay, I'll believe these lyrics are controversial and timely.......I'm trying to figure out who the target is......

I mean "Gaslighter.....Denier......Doin anything to get your ass farther.....Gaslighter.....Big timer......Repeating all of the mistakes of your father.....Gaslighter......You broke me.....You're sorry but where's my apology.....Gaslighter......You liar......We moved to California and we followed your dreams.......I believed in the promises you made to me"

obvioualy the Dixie Chicks didn't move to California to follow the promised dreams of anyone conservative......

Doing anything to get your ass farther
Big timer
Repeating all of the mistakes of your father

We moved to California and we followed your dreams
I believed in the promises you made to me
Swore that night til death do us part
But you lie lie lie lie lied
Hollywood welcomed you with open doors
No matter what they gave you, you still wanted more
Acting all above it when our friends divorced
What a lie lie lie lie lie

You're such a
Doing anything to get your ass farther
Big timer
Repeating all of the mistakes of your father
You broke me
You're sorry but where's my apology
You liar

You thought I wouldn't see it if you put it in my face
Give you all my money you'll gladly walk away
You think it's justifiable I think it's pretty cruel
And you know you lie best when you lie to you
Cause boy you know exactly what you did on my boat
And boy that's exactly why you ain't comin' home
Save your tired stories for your new someone else
Cause they're lie lie lie lie lies
Look out you little

Doing anything to get your ass farther
Big timer
Repeating all of the mistakes of your father
You broke me
You're sorry but where's my apology
You liar

You just had to start a fire
Had to start a fire
Couldn't take yourself on a road a little higher
Had to burn it up, had to tear it down
Tried to say I'm crazy
Babe, you know, I'm not crazy that's you
You're a lie lie lie liar
Oh honey, that's you
You made your bed and then your bed caught fire

I'm your mirror
Standing right here
Until you can see how
You broke me
Yeah, I'm broken
You're still sorry
And there's still no apology

Doin anything to get your ass farther
Big timer
Repeating all of the mistakes of your father
You broke me
You're sorry but where's my apology
You liar
It's funny how history plays out. A lot of the same folks who called for boycotts of the Chicks voted for a (now) President who was vocally anti-war & who repeatedly insulted & criticized Bush and his family.

The Dixie Chicks have been vindicated, beyond any doubt.
Yeah, the Dixie Chicks were a phenomenal success as long as they wore cute little outfits, shook their butts off, shut up and sang heavenly harmonies and love songs.

But let them have a political opinion and voice their feelings and all of a sudden all those shallow in-it-for-the-music-only types couldn't drop them fast enough.

Well, they showed you.

They got you all hooked on their sound and their looks and you were gaga over them, never even knowing who you were supporting. Boy, were you guys fooled. Ha! You guys couldn't eat them up enough. Going to their shows, buying their CD's. You made them all rich.

Reminds me of a time just a few years ago when Crosby Stills Nash Young did a come-back tour.

Oh, it was pretty funny at first. The first few shows were a little rough. They didn't have their act together. Missed cues, not polished, etc, one of them took a fall during a show. And then, as the tour proceeded they got their old magic back. They got tight. Neil Young had this new song "Let's Impeach The President For Lying." It was great. It was written about GWB.

OK, so they booked a show in Atlanta. Now, I don't know who some of these ticket-buyers thought they were going to go see, but the place was packed. These are the same guys that did OHIO. The Atlanta show was rockin as they covered their older stuff. And then they did that new song of Neil's. LOL! The jaws dropped. I think about half the audience got up and walked out. Too funny! CSNY already had their money. Good riddance to that kind of audience.
It's funny how history plays out.

It is. A lot of the same folks who called for boycotts of Ted Nugent who was vocally anti-liberal & who repeatedly insulted & criticized Obama and Hillary now pretend to be fans of the Dix Chix.

A lot of the same folks who called for boycotts of the Chicks voted for a (now) President who was vocally anti-war & who repeatedly insulted & criticized Bush and his family.

Maybe a lot of the same folks who called for boycotts of the Chicks voted for a (now) President who was vocally anti-war & who repeatedly insulted & criticized Bush and his family aren't dogmatic, single-issue binary thinkers, Thingy.

The Dixie Chicks have been vindicated, beyond any doubt.

By using a concert stage in another country to criticize a GOP president who was quite unpopular at the time? Yeah, how edgy and brave. /s
It is. A lot of the same folks who called for boycotts of Ted Nugent who was vocally anti-liberal & who repeatedly insulted & criticized Obama and Hillary now pretend to be fans of the Dix Chix.

Maybe a lot of the same folks who called for boycotts of the Chicks voted for a (now) President who was vocally anti-war & who repeatedly insulted & criticized Bush and his family aren't dogmatic, single-issue binary thinkers, Thingy.

By using a concert stage in another country to criticize a GOP president who was quite unpopular at the time? Yeah, how edgy and brave. /s

Of course it was brave. Look at the fallout - they put their careers on the line, and it hurt them in a big way.

Please. Very few could handle what they went through. They even added a new term to the lexicon - artists are afraid to speak out because they don't want to be "Dixie Chicked."

People should speak their minds MORE, on both sides of the spectrum. I'll never understand why some are so afraid of ideas or dissenting opinions (and yes, on both sides - I support Mr. Nugent airing his views as well).
Yeah, the Dixie Chicks were a phenomenal success as long as they wore cute little outfits, shook their butts off, shut up and sang heavenly harmonies and love songs. But let them have a political opinion and voice their feelings and all of a sudden all those shallow in-it-for-the-music-only types couldn't drop them fast enough. Well, they showed you. They got you all hooked on their sound and their looks and you were gaga over them, never even knowing who you were supporting. Boy, were you guys fooled. Ha! You guys couldn't eat them up enough. Going to their shows, buying their CD's. You made them all rich.

What a rich fantasy life you have. Thanks for sharing it.
It's funny how history plays out. A lot of the same folks who called for boycotts of the Chicks voted for a (now) President who was vocally anti-war & who repeatedly insulted & criticized Bush and his family.

The Dixie Chicks have been vindicated, beyond any doubt.
Ok...They best wait to get vaccinated if they're planning a "comeback tour"
Hello Thing1,

Of course it was brave. Look at the fallout - they put their careers on the line, and it hurt them in a big way.

Please. Very few could handle what they went through. They even added a new term to the lexicon - artists are afraid to speak out because they don't want to be "Dixie Chicked."

People should speak their minds MORE, on both sides of the spectrum. I'll never understand why some are so afraid of ideas or dissenting opinions (and yes, on both sides - I support Mr. Nugent airing his views as well).

There is a reason that male country performers are more popular than female country performers. It's not that they are any better. It is that there are so MANY of them? Why are there not more women in country music? There USED TO BE. Take a wild guess.

Did the Dixie Chicks have anything to do with that?

We wouldn't want strong willed women using a powerful microphone to speak out about how they feel...

Of course it was brave. Look at the fallout - they put their careers on the line, and it hurt them in a big way.

I doubt it. For example, Ted Nugent isn't being "brave" when he slams Obama and Hillary. It's read meat to his audience, and he knows it. So do you, don't you?

"It hurt them in a big way"?

Not according to this buffoon:

They got you all hooked on their sound and their looks and you were gaga over them, never even knowing who you were supporting. Boy, were you guys fooled. Ha! You guys couldn't eat them up enough. Going to their shows, buying their CD's. You made them all rich.

It looks like he thinks they took a calculated risk and it paid off.

Any thoughts?

Please. Very few could handle what they went through.

Ludicrous. Trump handles more negative feedback in a day than those three have endured in their entire careers, IMO.

They even added a new term to the lexicon - artists are afraid to speak out because they don't want to be "Dixie Chicked."

Indeed, because it was seen by many as career suicide, given the demographics of their audience, but I don't recall anyone expressing any fear of speaking out.

Got any examples?

Maybe some people don't feel the need to subordinate their artistic talents to partisan political messaging.

I support Mr. Nugent airing his views as well.

I don't believe you, Thingy.