The Dixie Chicks Are Back, Better Than Ever. Nice Controversial Song... :)

It is that there are so MANY of them? Why are there not more women in country music? There USED TO BE. Take a wild guess. Did the Dixie Chicks have anything to do with that? We wouldn't want strong willed women using a powerful microphone to speak out about how they feel...NO!

Pure speculation.

Hey, Thingy, ShitTalker wants you to validate his feelings.
DEMOCRATS operate on the Communist maxim that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".

They hated McCain, until he turned against Trump.
They hated Bolton, until he turned against Trump.
They hated Romney, until he turned against Trump.

And, they despise "hick music", "hillbillies", and pretty much anyone in the Midwest or South unless they see a political angle they like.

We hated MC Cain? When? Even when he pissed me off, I liked McCain. Damn another memo I didn't get.

I didn't, don't and likely will NEVER like Bolton. He's an abusive asshole that punches down and SUCKS UP. He's all yours!

Romney? Boring. How do you hate someone who is boring?

I had no idea who the Dixie Chicks were till they spoke THEIR truth. Then I heard their music. They are fanastic and I bought CDs when all the FOOLS were burning theirs. And Ms. Natalie (?) was dead on.
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Bawahahaha, you had no idea who they were, supposedly, now you believe someone who doesn’t like them that they aren’t likable. Hilarious

All successful, attractive, and left-leaning (if the Dixie Chicks lean left) women are unlikeable to the ugly Reichtard spinster. lol
All successful, attractive, and left-leaning (if the Dixie Chicks lean left) women are unlikeable to the ugly Reichtard spinster. lol

So you say, yet several conservatives complimented Tulsi Gabbard recently.
Hello Thing1,

There is a reason that male country performers are more popular than female country performers. It's not that they are any better. It is that there are so MANY of them? Why are there not more women in country music? There USED TO BE. Take a wild guess.

Did the Dixie Chicks have anything to do with that?

We wouldn't want strong willed women using a powerful microphone to speak out about how they feel...


Good points -- outspoken women are especially unwelcome among the conservative crowd. Just look at the Reichwingers here piling on the Dixie Chicks. Even the one who claims to have never heard of them till this thread. :laugh:
They hate conservatives and everything conservative in this country. It's one thing to bad mouth the president 1st Amendment. But to do it on foreign soil in front of foreigners is a disgrace.

You cannot be serious. trump bashed Americans on foreign soil and sided with a dictator. He should have been censured for taking the word of Putin over his own intelligence people.

HELSINKI — President Donald Trump lashed out at a series of fellow Americans — Democrats, special counsel Robert Mueller and members of the news media — as he and Russian President Vladimir Putin, standing side by side at a press conference here, both contradicted the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion that Moscow interfered in the 2016 presidential election to help him win.

He even suggested that Putin is more credible than his own intelligence chief, Dan Coats, who has accused Russia of undertaking an "unprecedented influence campaign" in 2016 and said that "warning lights are blinking red again" on Russian cyberattacks against the U.S.

"I have great confidence in my intelligence people," Trump said when asked about Coats. "But I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today."

"[Putin] just said it’s not Russia," Trump also said. "I will say this: I don’t see any reason why it would be."

So? Was the president wrong?
You cannot be serious. trump bashed Americans on foreign soil and sided with a dictator. He should have been censured for taking the word of Putin over his own intelligence people.

HELSINKI — President Donald Trump lashed out at a series of fellow Americans — Democrats, special counsel Robert Mueller and members of the news media — as he and Russian President Vladimir Putin, standing side by side at a press conference here, both contradicted the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion that Moscow interfered in the 2016 presidential election to help him win.

He even suggested that Putin is more credible than his own intelligence chief, Dan Coats, who has accused Russia of undertaking an "unprecedented influence campaign" in 2016 and said that "warning lights are blinking red again" on Russian cyberattacks against the U.S.

"I have great confidence in my intelligence people," Trump said when asked about Coats. "But I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today."

"[Putin] just said it’s not Russia," Trump also said. "I will say this: I don’t see any reason why it would be."

Yeah, the "foreign soil" thing is such a cop-out.

Anything that anyone on the left has ever done to outrage conservatives, Trump has blown the roof off of. Everything, starting w/ saying that he only liked service vets who didn't get captured. The double-standard of Trump supporters is as epic as it gets - it needs a stronger term than "double standard."