The Gates of Hell have opened

The US is already at war with Iran, while the Southeast has been leveled and without power.
Whacky conspiracy theorist nonsense.

CO/goat, please tell me the story of your abduction by space aliens and how they gave you a "probe". I love that story!
Me too, but your wife tells the story so much better.
Don't be shy, CO/goat. I love the part about how you were bent over a barrel and probed by large, gray space aliens resulting in a raging case of hemorrhoids.

Building the Future of the World Together.

AZAN – The upcoming BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia, will host leaders from 24 countries and delegations from a total of 32 nations, according to Russian presidential aide Yury Ushakov. The event, which will take place from October 22-24, is expected to be the largest foreign policy event ever held in Russia.

Ushakov told reporters that the summit will consist of two main parts: meetings of the BRICS member countries under the theme “Strengthening Multilateralism for Equitable Global Development and Security” and meetings in the BRICS+ format on the theme “BRICS and the Global South: Building the Future of the World Together”.
Beijing naval forces surround Taiwan in war game exercise. It may be over already but Xi flipped the bird to US choose your pronoun Navy by telling the sissies to come get some.