The General Store

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LOL....and, yes, that's exactly what it is. :)


Heheheheh. I bet the incels on your one thread would be terrified of a hot chick with an even hotter firearm. lol

Personally, I'm very concerned for the models in these photos. Where is their hearing protection?? ;~)
Heheheheh. I bet the incels on your one thread would be terrified of a hot chick with an even hotter firearm. lol

Personally, I'm very concerned for the models in these photos. Where is their hearing protection?? ;~)

LOL. True, hot chicks who shoot back would cause every Incel to shit their skinny jeans.

I think they took off their helmet for the photo then put it back least the airborne photos.

Meanwhile, I think this Trump-supporter looks cold:

You boys and your chicks with BFGs. Mr. Owl gets a catalog now and then with gun stuff in it. It's called Blue something. It always features a lovely and barely-dressed female model on the front with some sort of firearm. I always tell him "Your gun porn is here!" lol

And oh how we laughed and laughed!
How many socks does Joan of Snark have now?

I have no idea who "Joan of Snark" is. Are you starting a flame war here?
This is a thread for folks to sit around the old county store with the pot bellied stove in the middle and shoot the breeze in a friendly manner. Any subject is permissible but no flame wars will be tolerated. I will only warn once and it's retro ban. I have already banned those I feel will not play by the rules. We have enough battling in the other threads.
LOL. True, hot chicks who shoot back would cause every Incel to shit their skinny jeans.

I think they took off their helmet for the photo then put it back least the airborne photos.

Meanwhile, I think this Trump-supporter looks cold:


Oh that poor child! I'd better get to making her some donuts and knitting her a knee-length fuzzy sweater. lol
You boys and your chicks with BFGs. Mr. Owl gets a catalog now and then with gun stuff in it. It's called Blue something. It always features a lovely and barely-dressed female model on the front with some sort of firearm. I always tell him "Your gun porn is here!" lol

Owl the day I quit looking at good looking women and stop thinking about sex they will be shoveling dirt in my face. LOL
Good afternoon all :)

Nothing like being well equipped.
I'd "Run Through The Jungle!!"


LOL. Reminds me of Ruby Roundhouse (Karen Gillan's) comments in the Jumanji reboot. :D

[Martha has become Ruby Roundhouse and an insect tried to bite her on her exposed stomach]

Ruby Roundhouse: Why am I wearing this outfit in a jungle? Tiny, little shorts and a leather halter top. I mean, what is this?



I'm looking forward to it....but I'll probably wait for the DVD on Netflix. I hope it's good. Despite my personal opinion that, like many Hollywood types, Tom Cruise is a flake and an asshole, I really do like his movies. :)
I'm looking forward to it....but I'll probably wait for the DVD on Netflix. I hope it's good. Despite my personal opinion that, like many Hollywood types, Tom Cruise is a flake and an asshole, I really do like his movies. :)

I really enjoyed Top Gun hopefully this movie won't let me down. Like you I'll wait till it's streamed.
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