The General Store

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Morning Top, The virus has reached the panhandle. Pcola has at least one case. Not surprising as it has a large Navy aviation base.
I think its pretty much reached everywhere....just use common sense-we are;)...they have special times here for seniors to shop and lots of support from our community...hope yours is the same;)
I've never seen such a come-together time...the whiners get shut down
I think its pretty much reached everywhere....just use common sense-we are;)...they have special times here for seniors to shop and lots of support from our community...hope yours is the same;)
I've never seen such a come-together time...the whiners get shut down

In my area it's business as usual except for water and paper products. I think more may be limiting exposure like us but we are home bodies anyway.
In my area it's business as usual except for water and paper products. I think more may be limiting exposure like us but we are home bodies anyway.

Same here. I'm out in the country, so I'm on a well with a septic tank along with solar power (although no batteries). I went to Walmart yesterday; plenty of food and everything else except for what you said: water and paper products. I didn't need water, but was looking for a 2L bottle of Fresca. Fortunately, I already have about a three week supply of TP and expect the problem will be corrected by then.

In the meantime, I expect to see people setting up a cathole outside their homes and using a garden hose as a bidet. :)

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Good morning, It's confirmed the virus is in all 50 states. Hopefully we will see the peak soon and it start to drop off.
Morning Top, how is your sister doing they are right in the middle of the major infection zones of Florida?
They're doing fine....thanks for asking;) the Canadian grandparents will be extending their visit...and my niece is heading home from Cali...
How are your Disney kids doing?
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