The General Store

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That was what I was referring to. We aren't a suburb but our own independent town. It stands to reason that a large city will get stocks faster than small towns. lol
Well, it is an independent town....separate everything...different school system, taxes, public service, police force, etc...
Not trying to be argumentative...maybe our grocery is stocked because the gov lives here....and the doc doing the pressers;)
They've become pretty famous...
Well, it is an independent town....separate everything...different school system, taxes, public service, police force, etc...
Not trying to be argumentative...maybe our grocery is stocked because the gov lives here....and the doc doing the pressers;)
They've become pretty famous...

See you answered the question on why you have TP available and we don't. When this is over I'm using my frequent flyer miles going up there and TPing your house! Mess with me you Yankee.
See you answered the question on why you have TP available and we don't. When this is over I'm using my frequent flyer miles going up there and TPing your house! Mess with me you Yankee.
LOL...Here you can ask someone to "TP and egg your house"...the corona version...;)
Then they will leave two packs of TP and a couple of dozen eggs on the porch, ring the door bell with a q-tip, and run...
Not our idea...we saw it on FB;)
LOL...Here you can ask someone to "TP and egg your house"...the corona version...;)
Then they will leave two packs of TP and a couple of dozen eggs on the porch, ring the door bell with a q-tip, and run...
Not our idea...we saw it on FB;)

LOL. Good one.
Good morning, it looks like we are beginning to see a flattening of the new cases line. Hopefully we are seeing the beginning of the end.
We can hope, but I doubt it is the end until we have a vaccine and/or a cure. Flattening the curve keeps the number of infected under the level of a state or city's ability to treat each patient. It won't stop those with compromised immune systems or weakened health conditions from succumbing to the virus. There will still be deaths, a steady stream of them until a cure or vaccine is found, but it will be a weekly consistent number, not a climbing spike.

Of course, this is with the status quo: social distancing, staying at home, etc. If we go back to what we were doing last January and February, then all bets are off on "flattening the curve".
Morning. Covid 19 cases continue to drop in the state. My county is still going up a little. Ordered a toy for myself. Got a drone coming. My P51 is hard to fly and requires more mobility that I have now. Maybe I can use it to be a peeping Tom LOL.

Excellent! I knew you had potential. lol Looking forward to getting ours out once the snow is gone. Supposed to have a winter storm though tomorrow night and through Tuesday. Does yours have a camera?
Excellent! I knew you had potential. lol Looking forward to getting ours out once the snow is gone. Supposed to have a winter storm though tomorrow night and through Tuesday. Does yours have a camera?

Haven't gotten it yet. But yes it has a camera, single button take off/landing and other bells and whistles.
We can hope, but I doubt it is the end until we have a vaccine and/or a cure. Flattening the curve keeps the number of infected under the level of a state or city's ability to treat each patient. It won't stop those with compromised immune systems or weakened health conditions from succumbing to the virus. There will still be deaths, a steady stream of them until a cure or vaccine is found, but it will be a weekly consistent number, not a climbing spike.

Of course, this is with the status quo: social distancing, staying at home, etc. If we go back to what we were doing last January and February, then all bets are off on "flattening the curve".

I predict this will fade out and never return much like SARS and MERS. It's already starting to.

Time to get the wheels and cogs ready to roll again.

I predict this will fade out and never return much like SARS and MERS. It's already starting to.

Time to get the wheels and cogs ready to roll again.

I agree, it may stick around for awhile but will infect fewer and fewer people. People will keep social distances for some time to come.
I agree, it may stick around for awhile but will infect fewer and fewer people. People will keep social distances for some time to come.

With social distancing, the infection will spread less, but how can things return to normal with social distancing?
Haven't gotten it yet. But yes it has a camera, single button take off/landing and other bells and whistles.

Keep in mind that the controls are reversed when you're flying back toward yourself. This is very easily confused. One of my friends owns a model shop and sells high-end radio controlled cars, trucks, airplanes, helicopters, boats and drones. Of all of them, the helicopters are the hardest to fly. He sells a cheap copter ($39.95) and I tried flying it and probably crashed it a dozen times in 20 minutes! I finally did get the hang of it somewhat, but I sure wouldn't buy one of the bigger choppers. He has it mastered, he flies it around his shop when there aren't any customers. Me? I'll stick to my Cobra. Flying RC planes, choppers and drones takes practice, and practice, and practice, and....
I agree, it may stick around for awhile but will infect fewer and fewer people. People will keep social distances for some time to come.

That's because of 1) vaccines, and 2) herd immunity. Once we've gotten to the point where 70-80% of the population in a region have been infected and survived, the disease will die out. You'll still have occasional spikes but nothing like we're seeing now.
With social distancing, the infection will spread less, but how can things return to normal with social distancing?

People will not get up close when talking like before. People will tend to avoid crowds, things will slowly get back to normal especially when they have a serum. Nothing will happen overnight
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