The General Store

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That's because of 1) vaccines, and 2) herd immunity. Once we've gotten to the point where 70-80% of the population in a region have been infected and survived, the disease will die out. You'll still have occasional spikes but nothing like we're seeing now.
But SARS and MERS didn't infect that degree of the population and both faded away.
But SARS and MERS didn't infect that degree of the population and both faded away.

Even though COVID is in the coronavirus family like MERS and SARS, the pathogens behave differently. You can't compare them any more than you can compare a tomato plant with a deadly nightshade or a Jimson weed or a russet potato. All are in the Solanaceae family, but obviously are altogether different.
Even though COVID is in the coronavirus family like MERS and SARS, the pathogens behave differently. You can't compare them any more than you can compare a tomato plant with a deadly nightshade or a Jimson weed or a russet potato. All are in the Solanaceae family, but obviously are altogether different.
Regardless, no one knows if it will resurface or fade away like the other two. The latter is certainly possible.

In a matter of time, all of this will be a distant memory.
Good morning it appears that I ruffled some feathers.

My drone will be here Wed. looking forward to playing with it. Here is a neat picture.

Good morning, Did you see the article about the S.D. governor resisting stay at home orders and social distancing orders saying "South Dakota isn't NYC". They now have a large hot spot over 400 workers at a meat packing plant have the virus forcing the company to shut down indefinitely endangering the food supply. She is a 1st time Republican governor. Which proves stupidity is rampant in all political parties.
Good morning all. Got my drone yesterday. It's ready to fly which I plan to do today provided it doesn't rain.

Lastly wish us luck we are going to violate the self quarantine this weekend daughter and grand babies coming. They have been quarantined also so minimal risk.
Good morning all. Got my drone yesterday. It's ready to fly which I plan to do today provided it doesn't rain.

Lastly wish us luck we are going to violate the self quarantine this weekend daughter and grand babies coming. They have been quarantined also so minimal risk.
Have fun! You'll be fine...;)
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