The General Store

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Good morning all. Are we having fun yet?
I'm getting lots done:)
How's the drone? When are the kids coming to visit...?
On another note, Hemp oil is on sale in the Amazon online warehouse...$7 and change for 24 oz.... I left some for the rest of you...but not much;)
I'm getting lots done:)
How's the drone? When are the kids coming to visit...?
On another note, Hemp oil is on sale in the Amazon online warehouse...$7 and change for 24 oz.... I left some for the rest of you...but not much;)

Couldn't fly it yesterday too windy, damn I wish we still had trees, Thanks Michael. Grand babies will be here Sunday, we plan to cook up a pot of Gumbo.
Couldn't fly it yesterday too windy, damn I wish we still had trees, Thanks Michael. Grand babies will be here Sunday, we plan to cook up a pot of Gumbo.
Gumbo sounds so good...might have to make a trip to the store....Doing Cincinnati chili right now...I thought the cold weather food season was over, but we've got sNOw....
Good morning all :)

This is good



Was exactly what I was thinking when I first heard of the hoarding.. I looked down the aisle & saw the TP, paper towels empty, then the cleaner aisle was gutted as well.. Went to the beer aisle & it was packed & faced up, like nothing was missing...... I kept thinking these ppl are thinking they're going to be stuck in the house for a month (@ the time) & they want a garage full of paper & cleaning supplies & no beer..........:palm:
Was exactly what I was thinking when I first heard of the hoarding.. I looked down the aisle & saw the TP, paper towels empty, then the cleaner aisle was gutted as well.. Went to the beer aisle & it was packed & faced up, like nothing was missing...... I kept thinking these ppl are thinking they're going to be stuck in the house for a month (@ the time) & they want a garage full of paper & cleaning supplies & no beer..........:palm:

:laugh: We thought the same thing so stocked up on Mr. Owl's favorite poisons. Besides, in a pinch it doubles as antiseptic and anesthetic, right? Saw an article the other day about ppl in Pennsylvania sneaking across the state lines to buy booze.
Was exactly what I was thinking when I first heard of the hoarding.. I looked down the aisle & saw the TP, paper towels empty, then the cleaner aisle was gutted as well.. Went to the beer aisle & it was packed & faced up, like nothing was missing...... I kept thinking these ppl are thinking they're going to be stuck in the house for a month (@ the time) & they want a garage full of paper & cleaning supplies & no beer..........:palm:

Not the "case" here in PA. Beer distributor parking lots are full. The state controls our liquor sales and closed their stores. They said to go online to order liquor and the website crashed within hours! People are going to NY and Ohio for liquor. I'd say we're pretty "prepared." :thinking:
Couldn't fly it yesterday too windy, damn I wish we still had trees, Thanks Michael. Grand babies will be here Sunday, we plan to cook up a pot of Gumbo.

When you fly that thing, you'll be glad those trees are gone!

Good morning everyone :)
Not the "case" here in PA. Beer distributor parking lots are full. The state controls our liquor sales and closed their stores. They said to go online to order liquor and the website crashed within hours! People are going to NY and Ohio for liquor. I'd say we're pretty "prepared." :thinking:

Yea, was reading about that last night.......

That is stupid IMHO.. They can allow half the allowable # in @ a time or less... Loss $$$, the silver lining for NY & Ohio...
Yea, was reading about that last night.......

That is stupid IMHO.. They can allow half the allowable # in @ a time or less... Loss $$$, the silver lining for NY & Ohio...

They are trying "curb side" liquor pick-up now. Not sure how that's going, I don't drink and the closest "state store" is in the next town.
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