The General Store

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The problem with that is it stays wet longer and is a danger to the dogs. The Dane likes to eat tall grass and the last thing I want is to poison my babies.

You wouldn't want to poison them while they're grazing.
(they say it's instinctive of dogs to graze)
LOL...they wouldn't dare here...not that they would even consider it;)

Yeah, but the NFL overall seems to support it. To say nothing of the whole Nike/Krappernick BS. Even before the kneeling, I was not too happy about how expensive attending a game had become. It's really no longer for the common man. Okay, I'll shut up, this is supposed to be the General Store. :)
Yeah, but the NFL overall seems to support it. To say nothing of the whole Nike/Krappernick BS. Even before the kneeling, I was not too happy about how expensive attending a game had become. It's really no longer for the common man. Okay, I'll shut up, this is supposed to be the General Store. :)
LOL...I'm talking college football;) Although I am a Huge Browns fan;) I don't get the NFL "policies"...did you see the JZ thang...I :laugh:
Most sporting events have become too pricey;(
LOL...I'm talking college football;) Although I am a Huge Browns fan;) I don't get the NFL "policies"...did you see the JZ thang...I :laugh:
Most sporting events have become too pricey;(

Yeah, I never got into college ball too much. But I do root for the Buckeyes, if there's a game on in front of me while I'm having a few beers or something, I will watch it and enjoy it. Pretty much the same with all pro sports, I like catching an Indian's game here and there. I grew up in San Diego, where I could ride my bicycle to the stadium and catch a Padres or Chargers game, with Paperboy money lol.
Yeah, I never got into college ball too much. But I do root for the Buckeyes, if there's a game on in front of me while I'm having a few beers or something, I will watch it and enjoy it. Pretty much the same with all pro sports, I like catching an Indian's game here and there. I grew up in San Diego, where I could ride my bicycle to the stadium and catch a Padres or Chargers game, with Paperboy money lol.
Ahhh, the good old days;) I miss them....
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