The General Store

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Any storm heading for NO is bound to cause a lot of damage to a city below sea level. Pray the levees hold.

Mr. Owl's sister is almost at ground zero in Houma. They plan on staying put despite that it's now a Cat 1 and their house is only five feet above sea level.

My son up near Baton Rouge said that they expect a lot of rain/wind but it shouldn't be so bad that they have to evacuate. They haven't shut down his plant either.
Mr. Owl's sister is almost at ground zero in Houma. They plan on staying put despite that it's now a Cat 1 and their house is only five feet above sea level.

My son up near Baton Rouge said that they expect a lot of rain/wind but it shouldn't be so bad that they have to evacuate. They haven't shut down his plant either.

It depends on how far they are from water. A CAT1 storm isn't bad. Big worry is tidal surge. I will keep them and your son in my prayers. Good luck please keep me posted.
I know, right?:)

This is a thread for folks to sit around the old county store with the pot bellied stove in the middle and shoot the breeze in a friendly manner. Any subject is permissible but no flame wars will be tolerated. I will only warn once and it's retro ban. I have already banned those I feel will not play by the rules. We have enough battling in the other threads.
Mr. Owl's sister is almost at ground zero in Houma. They plan on staying put despite that it's now a Cat 1 and their house is only five feet above sea level.

My son up near Baton Rouge said that they expect a lot of rain/wind but it shouldn't be so bad that they have to evacuate. They haven't shut down his plant either.

Five feet? How far inland are they?
I hope they are safe. Sorry, it sucks yo have loved ones in harms way.

Thanks. Been messaging with sister-in-law in Houma this evening. Pretty alarmed that they hadn't considered a prolonged power outage with the storm. And meanwhile, Mr. Owl is checking the met sites and seeing that their area will get the highest amount of rain.

Sure hope they do okay.
This is a thread for folks to sit around the old county store with the pot bellied stove in the middle and shoot the breeze in a friendly manner. Any subject is permissible but no flame wars will be tolerated. I will only warn once and it's retro ban. I have already banned those I feel will not play by the rules. We have enough battling in the other threads.
Morning all. Barry is just off the coast. Here is the latest advisory from NOAA.



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