Verified User
It is extraordinary that Baal-and-Mammon-worshipers such as the OP nutter can dare to post their bullshit like this. All they have ever cared about is money and power, so that they can grovel to both!
gross, you're a waste of time troll.
I Don't Believe You.
Thanks, that made me chuckle.He sounds like another role playing troll. His religious statements seems a bit out of sorts with both the loving devout and the holier than thou devout. He sounds like he's playing and is as Christian as you are a heavyweight boxing champ.
The people who claim that their belief in a deity is the only thing keeping them from murdering or raping truly frighten me.
how about people who don't believe in a deity and have nothing to keep them from murdering or raping?.......
You mean other than Reason & Logic?
In't it fascinating, the way these weirdoes admit that all that stops them murdering and raping is a fantasised Skyboss!
Yeah, that really sounds like me - always posting stupid shit and afraid to discuss ideas.
There's only one version.
Not really. There's a fundamental divide between Protestantism and traditional Christianity. Luther's sola doctrines (particularly sola fide) present a Jesus radically different from the Catholic and Orthodox mindset.
Not really. There's a fundamental divide between Protestantism and traditional Christianity. Luther's sola doctrines (particularly sola fide) present a Jesus radically different from the Catholic and Orthodox mindset.
Which version of Christ? One of the Protestant Christs? The Catholic Christ? The Orthodox version? The Eastern Orthodox version? The Assyrian Church of the East version?
Are you referring to the Trumpian God????????????????????
Too bad you can’t come up with a question.
We preach Christ and not ourselves.
Other than this thread, do you have something to show as evidence of you preaching Christ here??
Preach it brother, PREACH!!!!
What you do is run and hide when you can't defend what you believe. That's a sign of mental illness but most mentally ill people believe others are the ones with the problem.
I do not even read that knuckle dragging primate. I save my energy and attention here for sentient higher life forms.Never seen that happen, ever........
It is so sad as to border on pathetic but fortunately for you Cypress toys w/ you in the full knowledge that crushing a mental deficient such as yourself would be an effortless task, although perhaps a funny & enjoyable one........
Count your blessing fool & get back in your lane crying fool & victim..