The Historicity of Jesus Christ

He also likes to steal pictures of ultra-rare minerals from Reddit and give quizzes to people.
Perry PhD seems to think I am the gold standard he has to aspire to and surpass. I'm just here to bash Trump and shoot the shit!
True. IMO, he has low self-esteem and spends the day on the Internet harassing people he recognizes as being more intelligent, better educated and more rational than himself from the safety of his anonymous keyboard.

It would not surprise me that he still lives with his parents. While there are a wide variety of people in this particular forum, the largest groups appear to fall into two major groups: retirees and younger, disabled people. Most MAGAts and myself fall into the former group and people like Perry and CO/goat fall into the latter. Other political forums such as PH, DtT and DB have a broader distribution of members. One reason for JPP being different, IMO, is that Damo rules with a light hand. People like the MAGAt geezers and retards like Perry would be banned within a day or two. Here they can do as they please within the limits of 12B and, to some extent, rule 14.
Obtenebrator, aka Perry the PhD would literally have an emotional breakdown unless he can get the last word in.
Out of curiosity, and you can respond in PM if you like, why do you think Perry harasses you but has stopped harassing me? Remember how he continually ridiculed my attending a community college and then accused me of being a college dropout? Now, like most MAGAts on this forum, he refuses to engage me. Something I find both curious and funny.
True. IMO, he has low self-esteem and spends the day on the Internet harassing people he recognizes as being more intelligent, better educated and more rational than himself from the safety of his anonymous keyboard.

It would not surprise me that he still lives with his parents. While there are a wide variety of people in this particular forum, the largest groups appear to fall into two major groups: retirees and younger, disabled people. Most MAGAts and myself fall into the former group and people like Perry and CO/goat fall into the latter. Other political forums such as PH, DtT and DB have a broader distribution of members. One reason for JPP being different, IMO, is that Damo rules with a light hand. People like the MAGAt geezers and retards like Perry would be banned within a day or two. Here they can do as they please within the limits of 12B and, to some extent, rule 14.
Your education in psychological analysis is something to be admired.

I believe compared to the general population JPP has a disproportionately high percentage of dateless Incels, people on social security disability payments, people with low self-esteem stewing in resentment. It's a zoo out there I tell ya!
Out of curiosity, and you can respond in PM if you like, why do you think Perry harasses you but has stopped harassing me? Remember how he continually ridiculed my attending a community college and then accused me of being a college dropout? Now, like most MAGAts on this forum, he refuses to engage me. Something I find both curious and funny.
Nothing wrong with community college at all. I'm sure Perry has a grand tale of being accepted at the most elite American universities.

If I had to guess I think Perry the PhD put you on ignore because your hilarious cartoons finally got under his skin. I think he might have even admitted to having you on ignore if my recollection serves me.
Should clarify something. I didn't mean to say that the content WIkipedia Scholar Cypress put in the original post HERE were lies. Quite to the contrary. I was more making a point about his inability to NOT lie about other people's position and his jarring hypocrisy when claiming he despises liars.
If I had to guess I think Perry the PhD put you on ignore because your hilarious cartoons finally got under his skin. I think he might have even admitted to having you on ignore if my recollection serves me.

Perry put Doc D. on ignore because Doc D is:

1. Even more repulsive than you but doesn't provide any interesting stuff to read (you find better Wikipedia articles) so it was just abuse
2. Doc D. skeeves me out with his 12b Bets. I fear people like that and I don't really want any association with that. You are apparently OK with it.

Hope that clarifies it!
Where are these militant atheists you always fight against?

Literally on this forum the ONLY person who ever said Jesus was mythical was, ironically YOU.

YOU made that talking point up out of whole cloth and you debated against that.

That's because you lie all the time.

You and your friend IBDumbass are two examples. See quotes given below.

Rather than just confessing that the historical human Jesus very likely/most probably/almost certainly existed, you keep making the legendary Jesus Myth sound plausible by giving it equal time and equal traction with the historical Jesus. You have worked relentlessly to give the Legendary Jesus a measure of probability and credibility that no reputable scholar of antiquity would.

Jesus teachings are still valid. If he was real and said those things: great! Cool! If he wasn't real and those teachings were attributed to him: no problem!
An atheist who considers the gospels to be nothing more than urban legend can nonetheless apply the lessons and morals of the New Testament to modern life.
You and your friend IBDumbass are two examples.
You're a moron. When you are asked to define something, examples do not suffice. There is no such thing as a militant atheist, but that doesn't prevent morons from deluding themselves into thinking that there are.

I'm guessing that you believe there is such a thing as a militant atheist because you read such on the internet.

@Obtenebrator - I discovered why Cypress is more or less obligated to regurgitate the "militant atheist" party line, i.e. he read about the League of Militant Atheists in Wikipedia and that ship sailed.

Rather than just confessing that the historical human Jesus very likely/most probably/almost certainly existed,
Rather than just confessing that "Jesus" was a common name, and that nonetheless there really are no first-hand accounts of any of the supposedly miraculous things he accomplished, ...

you keep making the legendary Jesus Myth sound plausible
... you simply hammer away at your assumption that the character mentioned in the Bible was factual, without supporting your assumptions with any first-hand accounts. You are guilty of attempting to use hearsay and religious doctrine to convert your faith to history.

Let me know how that works out for you. I think any rational adult reading your attempts to convince yourself that your religion is actually true can see that you do so precisely because your faith isn't very strong and that you are wrestling with yourself over simply abandoning your religion. You don't want to because you have been a Christian for so long and have invested so much emotional equity into your faith that you loathe the idea of having totally lost that sunk cost.

Your religion is your religion. It does not require anything be factual, just as you cannot transform any part of your faith into something factual.

You have worked relentlessly to give the Legendary Jesus a measure of probability and credibility that no reputable scholar of antiquity would.
You reveal your desperation every time you pretend that you somehow speak for every "reputable scholar".
Perry put Doc D. on ignore because Doc D is:

1. Even more repulsive than you but doesn't provide any interesting stuff to read (you find better Wikipedia articles) so it was just abuse
2. Doc D. skeeves me out with his 12b Bets. I fear people like that and I don't really want any association with that. You are apparently OK with it.

Hope that clarifies it!
That's too bad, he has been writing some hilarious responses to you!
You're a moron. When you are asked to define something, examples do not suffice. There is no such thing as a militant atheist, but that doesn't prevent morons from deluding themselves into thinking that there are.

I'm guessing that you believe there is such a thing as a militant atheist because you read such on the internet.

@Obtenebrator - I discovered why Cypress is more or less obligated to regurgitate the "militant atheist" party line, i.e. he read about the League of Militant Atheists in Wikipedia and that ship sailed.

Rather than just confessing that "Jesus" was a common name, and that nonetheless there really are no first-hand accounts of any of the supposedly miraculous things he accomplished, ...

... you simply hammer away at your assumption that the character mentioned in the Bible was factual, without supporting your assumptions with any first-hand accounts. You are guilty of attempting to use hearsay and religious doctrine to convert your faith to history.

Let me know how that works out for you. I think any rational adult reading your attempts to convince yourself that your religion is actually true can see that you do so precisely because your faith isn't very strong and that you are wrestling with yourself over simply abandoning your religion. You don't want to because you have been a Christian for so long and have invested so much emotional equity into your faith that you loathe the idea of having totally lost that sunk cost.

Your religion is your religion. It does not require anything be factual, just as you cannot transform any part of your faith into something factual.

You reveal your desperation every time you pretend that you somehow speak for every "reputable scholar".

You are a climate denier, so your ability to judge research and academic scholarship doesn't pass the laugh test.
That's too bad, he has been writing some hilarious responses to you!

I don't tend to find people who are into that sort of thing to be "hilarious" in any real way. But I can definitely see why YOU would gravitate toward it. Pure toxicity and a little sumpin' sumpin' extra.
You are a climate denier, so your ability to judge research and academic scholarship doesn't pass the laugh test.

No doubt. I wouldn't let IBDamann do any science. But he sure figured out which Wikipedia article you hit up to come up with your trademarked accusation.

And it's Russian too! Right up your alley.
Are you mentally challenged? Did you not read mine all the way?
That's just one post where you have attempted to give equal traction to the Jesus myth movement. You have a history.

I realize that are now incrementally trying to re-position yourself regarding the historical Jesus, because now you have seen how much evidence is aligned against you.

But you have a history of giving the Jesus Myth movement credibility. And you would not have been so misinformed about Josephus, if you hadn't selectively been filtering on atheist blogs to confirm your preconceived notion that the Jesus reference in Josephus was a total forgery.

You didn't even know there was a second reference to Jesus being the brother of James, or that there were references to other important characters of the New Testament. Even atheist scholar Bart Ehrman says that most reputable scholars think the Josephus reference are genuine, even if they have been spiced up in Latin translations. Your atheist blogs withheld that information from you. That's how I know that you practice confirmation bias.
No doubt. I wouldn't let IBDamann do any science. But he sure figured out which Wikipedia article you hit up to come up with your trademarked accusation.

And it's Russian too! Right up your alley.
:lolup: So much jealousy and resentment. I don't owe anyone any apologies for having read widely and extensively on ancient history and religious history. Most people think it's boring, why does it cause you angst? Cry more, Perry! :cry:
That's just one post where you have attempted to give equal traction to the Jesus myth movement. You have a history.

So because I'm amenable to both YOUR favorite hypothesis as well as the POSSIBILITY of something different you find that problematic.


I'm surprised you would lie about having had training as a scientist. You latch onto an hypothesis and if you like the authority you assume it is 100% PERFECTLY correct.

What a strange way to discuss topics like this.
:lolup: So much jealousy and resentment. I don't owe anyone any apologies for having read widely and extensively on ancient history and religious history using Wikipedia and Google. Most people think it's boring, why does it cause you angst? Cry more, Perry! :cry:

Yeah, we know you used WIkipedia and Google. You spent so much time accusing everyone else of it that it pretty much had to be a confession on your part.

Thanks for confirming it.
You are a climate denier,
What does that even mean. I acknowledge that the summer climate of Phoenix, Arizona is hot and arid. How are you somehow not a moron?

You don't have to convince anyone that you are desperate to appear "thmart!" I get it. This world can appear confusing and chaotic when one has thrown away his childhood educational opportunities. You don't have to convince anyone of your juvenile perception that universities are somehow the pinnacle of knowledge and that university professors are somehow deities. It is obvious that you still aspire to ascend into that level.

I, on the other hand, find it tiresome to focus on what losers mistakenly think. University professors are typically people who couldn't cut it in the real world and teaching at a university was the best they could get. You continually point to such losers as those who tell you what and how to think. You refer to them as "scholars." I can't even begin to tell you how embarrassed you should be. You have come to think that artwork and science fiction is the state of the modern science that you understand not. You reject all correct information in your utter defiance to learning.

Anytime you wish to discuss science and learn something, please let me know. Start by explaining your current misunderstanding of the global climate.
I don't owe anyone any apologies for having read widely and extensively on ancient history and religious history.
... but you should consider expanding your sources to more than just comic books. I notice that your reading doesn't include any first-hand accounts of anything. Hmmmmm.

Most people think it's boring, why does it cause you angst?
Have you considered that the academic world has, for the most part, rejected your practice of teaching religion in the science or history classroom? Only science is to be taught in the science classroom and only history is to be taught in the history classroom. Religion is left for individuals to pursue on their own or with churches wherever their paths take them.