The Historicity of Jesus Christ

I don't even know why he is always jealous and angry. History, science, religious doctrine are completely boring topics to 95 percent of posters here; they're a real snoozer. Why it causes him angst when I write about it is a question only psychologists can answer (y)
When I start a thread on philosophy, there always someone who insults me for just doing it. I find it bizarre.
I don't even know why he is always jealous and angry. History, science, religious doctrine are completely boring topics to 95 percent of posters here; they're a real snoozer. Why it causes him angst when I write about it is a question only psychologists can answer (y)
He's irrational. I've given up trying to reason with consistently irrational people and prefer to just understand their limitations.

My guess is most of his problems are genetic in nature. That's not to say his attributes can't be maximized if our nation supported better mental health care.
Most MAGAs dropped out of school in the tenth grade.

I can't just talk about politics and partisan propaganda all the time
They are very poorly educated. A good reason why Trump loves them so much. Poorly educated supporters make the best Sheeple. :thup:


Slogans don't go to school. Is this the first time you are learning this?

Apparently you can do so indefinitely as long as the internet provides the text for you to copy-paste.
as long as the internet provides the text for you to copy-paste.
I am sure that teabaggers and MAGA morons have attempted to investigate for 18 years if my insights, beliefs, and opinions are just copy-pastes, but with no success.

If I cite or copy text from an external source, I always provide a link.

p.s. I still have the links to the posts where you paraphrased and plagiarized my insights :laugh:
I am sure that teabaggers and MAGA morons have attempted to investigate for 18 years if my Wikipedia and Google insights, poorly understood beliefs, and opinions given to me by some random authority I like are just copy-pastes, but with no success.

Most adults are proud of something in their lives. Cypress is proud that he's been posting on this forum since 2006. It's his sole achievement.
I am sure that teabaggers and MAGA morons
What about wanting to make America great again makes someone a moron?

have attempted to investigate for 18 years if my insights, beliefs, and opinions are just copy-pastes, but with no success.
What language is this?

If I cite or copy text from an external source, I always provide a link.
You are very good about telling everyone whose ideas you are regurgitating. You aren't very good about understanding the material you are regurgitating, and you always get butt hurt when you are informed of errors and problems in what you are regurgitating.

When you copy-paste, or paraphrase from memory, you include all the errors of the author who you somehow consider to be the absolutely greatest infallible mind EV-AH! Why do you consider all these people to be the greatest infallible minds EV-AH? ANSWER: Because they wrote their errors onto the internet. Text on the internet allows you to indulge yourself in fantasies of being the thmart perthon you are regurgitating, and nothing ruins a fantasy more than learning that your fantasy idol is wrong.

For example, you don't understand quantum mechanics and you couldn't correctly answer a question on quantum mechanics to save your life, but you will insist that I am, or someone else is, somehow mistaken just because you read some error to the contrary on the internet.

You create problems for yourself by regurgitating philosophy as though it is correct just because it is old. You never consider that ancient philosophers were simply men contemplating issues for which they did not have the proper tools to address, issues that have long since been correctly addressed and answered.

You create problems for yourself by conflating your own religious faith with actual history and/or with science. You presume that your religious belief equates to documentation sufficiency for an historian. You believe that your religion is science because it answers questions that science isn't supposed to answer.

btw, when you post someone else's error as your position, the error becomes your error. Links to others who similarly espouse the same error do not somehow transform the error into truth. When you post an argument, you need to defend it. Links to others who are equally in error neither support nor strengthen your argument.

p.s. I still have the links to the posts where you paraphrased and plagiarized my insights
You have many linkis, I'm sure. The last thing I or anyone would ever do is plagiarize from you. You do have a habit of backing yourself into a corner, suddenly adopting the position of whoever is obliterating your argument, and then accusing your opponent of "backpedaling" and of "plagiarizing" from you.

I have bitch-slapped you countless times, and I'm sure that you are referring to some of those times, ... so sure, bring on your links. We'll backtrack to the preceding posts where I drive a few boxes of nails into your coffin.
What about wanting to make America great again makes someone a moron?

What language is this?

You are very good about telling everyone whose ideas you are regurgitating. You aren't very good about understanding the material you are regurgitating, and you always get butt hurt when you are informed of errors and problems in what you are regurgitating.

When you copy-paste, or paraphrase from memory, you include all the errors of the author who you somehow consider to be the absolutely greatest infallible mind EV-AH! Why do you consider all these people to be the greatest infallible minds EV-AH? ANSWER: Because they wrote their errors onto the internet. Text on the internet allows you to indulge yourself in fantasies of being the thmart perthon you are regurgitating, and nothing ruins a fantasy more than learning that your fantasy idol is wrong.

For example, you don't understand quantum mechanics and you couldn't correctly answer a question on quantum mechanics to save your life, but you will insist that I am, or someone else is, somehow mistaken just because you read some error to the contrary on the internet.

You create problems for yourself by regurgitating philosophy as though it is correct just because it is old. You never consider that ancient philosophers were simply men contemplating issues for which they did not have the proper tools to address, issues that have long since been correctly addressed and answered.

You create problems for yourself by conflating your own religious faith with actual history and/or with science. You presume that your religious belief equates to documentation sufficiency for an historian. You believe that your religion is science because it answers questions that science isn't supposed to answer.

btw, when you post someone else's error as your position, the error becomes your error. Links to others who similarly espouse the same error do not somehow transform the error into truth. When you post an argument, you need to defend it. Links to others who are equally in error neither support nor strengthen your argument.

You have many linkis, I'm sure. The last thing I or anyone would ever do is plagiarize from you. You do have a habit of backing yourself into a corner, suddenly adopting the position of whoever is obliterating your argument, and then accusing your opponent of "backpedaling" and of "plagiarizing" from you.

I have bitch-slapped you countless times, and I'm sure that you are referring to some of those times, ... so sure, bring on your links. We'll backtrack to the preceding posts where I drive a few boxes of nails into your coffin.
Too much overly verbose word salad to slog through.

While I am obviously very intriguing for you to follow around and read, I don't reciprocate your interest.