The Historicity of Jesus Christ

could you somehow make your ideas more accessible to the general public?
What is more accessible than specific genetic ancestry adapting in space adapting to the moment daily as individually evolving day in until day out, here now.

thermodynamic principles and all you debate is ethical scenarios between church and state compromising to agree to disagree every generation forward now.

Now that there is a system at work corrupting every great great grandchild born daily, nobody wants to give up their reality for the unknowable tomorrow.

Only physical tomorrow intellectually here is the am side of the planet midnight to noon where today is noon to midnight separating day and night in two halves of After Midnight hemisphere and Post Mid day hemisphere on a rotating planet.
What is more accessible than specific genetic ancestry adapting in space adapting to the moment daily as individually evolving day in until day out, here now.

thermodynamic principles and all you debate is ethical scenarios between church and state compromising to agree to disagree every generation forward now.

Now that there is a system at work corrupting every great great grandchild born daily, nobody wants to give up their reality for the unknowable tomorrow.

Only physical tomorrow intellectually here is the am side of the planet midnight to noon where today is noon to midnight separating day and night in two halves of After Midnight hemisphere and Post Mid day hemisphere on a rotating planet.
thermodynamic principals are not really within our sphere of control.

what we can control is how we treat each other.

all your bullshit is designed to sell nihilism..

my premise Is humans are good.
The 100 Most Significant Figures in History

1 Jesus

2 Napoleon

3 Muhammad

4 William Shakespeare

5 Abraham Lincoln

6 George Washington

7 Adolf Hitler

8 Aristotle

9 Alexander the Great

10 Thomas Jefferson

11 Henry VIII of England

12 Charles Darwin

13 Elizabeth I of England

14 Karl Marx

15 Julius Caesar

Most significant figures in history...

...and Marilyn Monroe did not make the cut?

The story is that Socrates didn't want to write anything because he thought the spoken word was superior to the written word, and writing could be distorted and misinterpreted.

We actually don't have anything Aristotle wrote either. What we have preserved are lecture notes his students wrote down. That's why they don't read as elegant as Plato's dialouges.
Everything we have about Aristotle seems to be from Plato. Everything.
You and your friend IBDumbass are two examples. See quotes given below.

Rather than just confessing that the historical human Jesus very likely/most probably/almost certainly existed, you keep making the legendary Jesus Myth sound plausible by giving it equal time and equal traction with the historical Jesus. You have worked relentlessly to give the Legendary Jesus a measure of probability and credibility that no reputable scholar of antiquity would.
With as much deference as possible, whether Jesus (a single individual with some very advanced philosophical takes on humanity) actually not as nearly likely as you suggest, Cypress.

My suggestion that we do not much more accurate as far as I am concerned.

If the source was one person...or an amalgam of several...I am happy it happened. The world is the better for most of what is attributed to Jesus...although in my opinion, the legendary part of the Jesus story has as much negative for humanity as positive.
With as much deference as possible, hether Jesus (a single individual with some very advanced philosophical takes on humanity) actually not as nearly likely as you suggest, Cypress.

My suggestion that we do not much more accurate as far as I am concerned.

If the source was one person...or an amalgam of several...I am happy it happened. The world is the better for most of what is attributed to Jesus...although in my opinion, the legendary part of the Jesus story has as much negative for humanity as positive.
Blind guess.
With as much deference as possible, hether Jesus (a single individual with some very advanced philosophical takes on humanity) actually not as nearly likely as you suggest, Cypress.

My suggestion that we do not much more accurate as far as I am concerned.

If the source was one person...or an amalgam of several...I am happy it happened. The world is the better for most of what is attributed to Jesus...although in my opinion, the legendary part of the Jesus story has as much negative for humanity as positive.
what the legendary negative part and what's the good part?
I am proud of being able to frantically Google tidbits of info about any topic, and then posting it here.

That's not my preference. Spending two minutes frantically Googling little tidbits of information doesn't give one the kind of integrated knowledge one gets from reading books, taking classes, listening to lectures.
With as much deference as possible, whether Jesus (a single individual with some very advanced philosophical takes on humanity) actually not as nearly likely as you suggest, Cypress.

My suggestion that we do not much more accurate as far as I am concerned.

If the source was one person...or an amalgam of several...I am happy it happened. The world is the better for most of what is attributed to Jesus...although in my opinion, the legendary part of the Jesus story has as much negative for humanity as positive.
I have no doubt Jesus existed simply by the impact of those who knew him. The whole divinity thing is another issue.

Even Muslims accept the existence of Jesus although they see him as a prophet, not the son of God.
With as much deference as possible, whether Jesus (a single individual with some very advanced philosophical takes on humanity) actually not as nearly likely as you suggest, Cypress.

My suggestion that we do not much more accurate as far as I am concerned.

If the source was one person...or an amalgam of several...I am happy it happened. The world is the better for most of what is attributed to Jesus...although in my opinion, the legendary part of the Jesus story has as much negative for humanity as positive.
Nothing can proven with 100 percent certainty.

I place significant weight on the conclusions of trained experts. All reputable scholars of antiquity think a historical rabbi named Jesus almost certainly existed based on the voluminous surviving written record of Christian, Jewish, Gnostic, and Roman sources, as well as other lines of evidence.
With as much deference as possible, whether Jesus (a single individual with some very advanced philosophical takes on humanity) actually not as nearly likely as you suggest, Cypress.

My suggestion that we do not much more accurate as far as I am concerned.

If the source was one person...or an amalgam of several...I am happy it happened. The world is the better for most of what is attributed to Jesus...although in my opinion, the legendary part of the Jesus story has as much negative for humanity as positive.
of course......
the real point is that morality is rational, not some retarded arbitrary myth.
That's not my preference. Spending two minutes frantically Googling little tidbits of information doesn't give one the kind of integrated knowledge one gets from reading books, taking classes, listening to lectures.

Every accusation is a confession.

Ya know, I don't know many functional adults who expend as much time screaming to let everyone know about how they read books as Cypress does. Strange.
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