The Historicity of Jesus Christ

This is a clever gambit you are trying. Now you START your posts like you are saying something interesting or worth reading

Then you start with the autocomplete shit.

Are you housebound? I can't figure out why this shit entertains you so much. I can see doing it a couple times, maybe 3 at which point it would get boring for a fully functional adult.

But you keep going on and on and on.

Maybe you can PM me if you want to explain why this is entertaining and you don't want to drop the facade. I am GENUINELY curious. I don't see many people who demonstrate what entertainment looks like the brain damaged.
I discuss how evolving happens as specifically as it continues in plain sight for everything native to this atmosphere daily changing form as shaped currently balancing out now as a whole location with everything working same way in series parallel time what is, is and what people make believe are facts corrupting every generation left alive daily here.

the entire 8.14 billion humans living now.
I discuss how evolving happens as specifically as it continues in plain sight for everything native to this atmosphere daily changing form as shaped currently balancing out now as a whole location with everything working same way in series parallel time what is, is and what people make believe are facts corrupting every generation left alive daily here.

the entire 8.14 billion humans living now.

Always fascinating. It's kind of like watching a brain-injured animal struggle to navigate a maze. It's sad and kind of pointless but you can't NOT watch.
Always fascinating. It's kind of like watching a brain-injured animal struggle to navigate a maze. It's sad and kind of pointless but you can't NOT watch.
Always leading away from what I discuss adding a false analogy to caricaturize me as less than humanity's chosen people.
What is the difference between town cryer, historian, journalist, entrepreneur, philanthropist, journalist, institutional ideology?

leaderships of faith, fellowships of believers, punishment for non compliance to social consensus within all 5 generation gaps living daily genetically separated as eternally separated per rotation alive since conceived until rotation dies?

Series parallel time occupying space equally adapting to living is never same total sum achieve between heartbeats of every lifetime alive now. heart begins beating in one's zygote form since conceived to have a unique set of chromosomes cradle to grave never same form since added a fertilized cell by previous generation of great great grandchildren.
While human reproduction medical pseudoscience immaculate virgin Mary son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception is about as Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July "what is 9/11 ?" Freudian slip George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam occupying space adapting to a more perfect union of Christiananality pedophilia & Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom Islamidiotocracy......
While human reproduction medical pseudoscience immaculate virgin Mary son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception is about as Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July "what is 9/11 ?" Freudian slip George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam occupying space adapting to a more perfect union of Christiananality pedophilia & Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom Islamidiotocracy......
Sure looks like sarcastic satirical post to me. Mocking and mimicking really doesn't address the corruption leading this species to its own self extinction because [people of character loathe their natural time self evidently here.

Every reality of humanity is planned obsolescence to natural time genetics sustains daily eternally separation of each ancestor living now. Standing your ground for what you believe true isn't being honest about living your time adjusting to eternally separated here since conceived to adapt in life as a unique individual equally displaced as any other creature native to this atmosphere as ancestrally occupying time specifically yourself 24/7.

Equal timing is a bitch you cannot get away from imagining anything else is possible by groupthink social justification, ancestral traditional ideologies, individual faith life is anything other than adapting here so far since concieved to replace the 30 specific lifetimes of your own previous 4 generation "people".
Classifications are 16 great great grandparents added 8 great grandparents, delivering 4 grandparents, parenting 2 parents conceiving 5th wave of every changing population being only child, siblings, cousins.

Evolving changes what eternity has arrived as until what it becomes tomorrow by total sum current events happening now. Self evident evolving, no exceptions or exemptions because humans imagine anything else is possible serving humanity's promises life isn't self contained to eternally separated now.

What does academia actually educate brains to mind artistic impressions of economic values, character role playing provides evolving doesn't give any reproduction more of when adapting here now?

Time occupying space here equally adapting since conceived changing population after inception to extinction changes so far. Simple compounding contracting results by expanding details never duplicated again.

Actual space time continuum without reasonable doubt governing people through rule of law.
Sure looks like sarcastic satirical post to me. Mocking and mimicking really doesn't address the corruption leading this species to its own self extinction because [people of character loathe their natural time self evidently here.

Every reality of humanity is planned obsolescence to natural time genetics sustains daily eternally separation of each ancestor living now. Standing your ground for what you believe true isn't being honest about living your time adjusting to eternally separated here since conceived to adapt in life as a unique individual equally displaced as any other creature native to this atmosphere as ancestrally occupying time specifically yourself 24/7.

Equal timing is a bitch you cannot get away from imagining anything else is possible by groupthink social justification, ancestral traditional ideologies, individual faith life is anything other than adapting here so far since concieved to replace the 30 specific lifetimes of your own previous 4 generation "people".
Classifications are 16 great great grandparents added 8 great grandparents, delivering 4 grandparents, parenting 2 parents conceiving 5th wave of every changing population being only child, siblings, cousins.

Evolving changes what eternity has arrived as until what it becomes tomorrow by total sum current events happening now. Self evident evolving, no exceptions or exemptions because humans imagine anything else is possible serving humanity's promises life isn't self contained to eternally separated now.

What does academia actually educate brains to mind artistic impressions of economic values, character role playing provides evolving doesn't give any reproduction more of when adapting here now?

Time occupying space here equally adapting since conceived changing population after inception to extinction changes so far. Simple compounding contracting results by expanding details never duplicated again.

Actual space time continuum without reasonable doubt governing people through rule of law.
Apparently cross conditioned way beyond therapy avoidance - acceptance of pseudosciences is the suicidal super ego sarcastic corruption satire......
Apparently cross conditioned way beyond therapy avoidance - acceptance of pseudosciences is the suicidal super ego sarcastic corruption satire......
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, I don't avoid either perpetual balancing physical absolute results in plain sight nor the specific details to how and why genetics has always eternally separated myself from anything else universally present at the same time.

I am the total sum of my being an ever changing form since conceived to replace the specific people that were my 2 parents, my 4 grandparents, my 8 great grandparents, my 16 great great grandparents that combined their chromosomes into my time alive along with my two siblings from the same 30 people that lived eternally separated before I arrived to life living eternally separated as they had been since their conceptions.

You seeing the bigger picture beyond reality defying the natural process of living eternally separated now yet? You been navigating it since birth society educated you to ignore it all the time.
Woah! Now we have a debate between the two auto-complete bots. This is fascinating. If only EITHER of them were clever enough to generate text that wasn't just a shitty markov chain with 1 antecedent.
Woah! Now we have a debate between the two auto-complete bots. This is fascinating. If only EITHER of them were clever enough to generate text that wasn't just a shitty markov chain with 1 antecedent.
What a response from a programmed by social consensus mentality life only evolves in theory or theology, not genetics limiting lifetimes to each reproduction alive daily here since inception to conception of last added generation of great great grandchildren replacing the previous 4 combining 93.75% their unique time living conceived to decomposed so far.

thermodynamic specificity to time as how, why, what, where, when, which, who came first each generation gap since inception of ancestral lineages alive today.

Every reality is built on ideas by means, methods, motives, promises of better tomorrows, power, wealth, fame to those keeping population doubting life is self evident time adapting as personally here eternally separated in one's ancestral time alive as an ever changing form since appearing as a fertilize cell.

Cause and effect is self evident for each of the 8.14 billion living today.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, I don't avoid either perpetual balancing physical absolute results in plain sight nor the specific details to how and why genetics has always eternally separated myself from anything else universally present at the same time.

I am the total sum of my being an ever changing form since conceived to replace the specific people that were my 2 parents, my 4 grandparents, my 8 great grandparents, my 16 great great grandparents that combined their chromosomes into my time alive along with my two siblings from the same 30 people that lived eternally separated before I arrived to life living eternally separated as they had been since their conceptions.

You seeing the bigger picture beyond reality defying the natural process of living eternally separated now yet? You been navigating it since birth society educated you to ignore it all the time.
Being the total sum of cross conditioned way beyond therapy as a descendant of universal thermodynamics must be a view way beyond reality defying cognitive dissonance living eternally separated......
Being the total sum of cross conditioned way beyond therapy as a descendant of universal thermodynamics must be a view way beyond reality defying cognitive dissonance living eternally separated......
Big production of vocabulary those two words "Cognitive dissonance" being specifically philosophical mantra misleading ancestral brains every generation alive today. That is mind over matter philosophy, not adapting as displaced instinctive awareness.

Cognitive dissonance is a psychological state that occurs when someone's beliefs or actions conflict with each other, causing a feeling of discomfort or tension. The theory suggests that this tension motivates people to change their attitudes or behaviors to make their thoughts and actions more consistent.

Every reality contradicts genetics leaving ancestors eternally separated in plain sight daily as all reproductions native to this universal location are specific compounding combinations of chromosomes changing form daily since arriving their original fertilized cell inception to conceiving another generation gap of the 8.14 billion lifetimes living this rotation of the planet.

Do a little sole research on how genetics works in series parallel space with specific ancestries living day to day never staying the same total sum since inception of original 16 great great grandparents 2nd generation of 8 great grandparents, 3rd generation of 4 grandparents, 4th generation 2 parenting 5th wave of ancestral lineage results of each great great grandchild being a combination of 83.75% the chromosomes of their previous 30 ancestors. It is a universal constant.

the factual remaining 6.25% is the original combination of each 5th generation 6 to extinction of the ancestral lineage. There were basically 5 types of ancestral lineages in this atmosphere multiple that by upto 5 generation gaps living daily in same family tree with all its generation gaps combined to each lineage of siblings that did become parents.

Most intellectual minds cannot see the forest for the metaphors of family trees with limbs, branches, twigs, leaves every season.
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Your choice. As others have mentioned, while I never met George Washington or Thomas Jefferson either and, therefore, cannot verify their existence, I go by the results of what others have written about them and what's been alleged to have been written by them.
You could write a book about the Vietnam war even though you were never there, just by interviewing surviving Vietnam war veterans, or even their children who heard the stories firsthand.

That's exactly what Herodotus did in his histories of the Greco-Persian wars

That's undoubtedly what Paul and the authors of the canonical gospels did, although they were not strictly writing history.

If the academic discipline of ancient history is going to set a standard that only real-time statements from first-hand witnesses count, we might as well abandon ancient history as a subject of a scholarship.
I'm so jealous of Cypress that I hate to admit he was right about Herodutus being a highly respected primary historical source about Greece and Persia.

"Herodotus has been called the “father of history.” An engaging narrator with a deep interest in the customs of the people he described, he remains the leading source of original historical information not only for Greece between 550 and 479 BCE but also for much of western Asia and Egypt at that time." (Encyclopedia Brittanica)

Yes he was.