The Historicity of Jesus Christ

Im not threatened by any women,...I LOVE women,...especially if they have a nice ass and a great pair of legs! Im an old ass and leg man from wayyyyyyyyyy back! :)

As far as I'm concerned, Angus Young of AC/DC made school boy uniforms cool!

Perhaps. But Obtenebrator never discusses anything and always promises to have something important to say. He never does. Just hate filled personal attacks.
With his PhD in Googling, he can and does write long word salads that are dense, verbose, not broken up into short pithy paragraphs, and which are just way too long to slog through.
With his PhD in Googling, he can and does write long word salads that are dense, verbose, not broken up into short pithy paragraphs, and which are just way too long to slog through.
Perry is obsessed with appearing to be the smartest, most educated person in the room. It's compensation. He's living a fantasy life online.
With his PhD in Googling, he can and does write long word salads that are dense, verbose, not broken up into short pithy paragraphs, and which are just way too long to slog through.

It's so sad that an adult man of advanced age is still whining about other people's university achievements from decades ago.

Seriously dude, it's about 30 years now for me. I'm WAAAAY past being fascinated by the PhD.

You're kinda pathetic.
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I have that psycho on ignore.

fuck you dumbass

shut the fuck up you goddam asshole

shut the fuck up

go fuck yourself

fuck off asshole

fuck off troll

go fuck yourself troll

You truly are mentally ill.

go fuck yourself you stupid troll

Look, go fuck yourself. Sick of you stupid troll.

go fuck yourself you stalking asshole

fuck off you stupid troll

fuck off troll
Perry is obsessed with appearing to be the smartest, most educated person in the room. It's compensation. He's living a fantasy life online.
Probably why he keeps saying you are a community college dropout.

It must be exhausting to create a false online biography and then having to put in the effort to maintain the fiction.
Probably why he keeps saying you are a community college dropout.

It must be exhausting to create a false online biography and then having to put in the effort to maintain the fiction.
Agreed. It also explains his constant stalking of you and every intellectual thread you post.

Agreed. A bigger problem is that, while a smart person can act like a stupid person, it's very difficult for a stupid person to impersonate an intelligent and educated person. They can't keep up the fiction and inevitably reveal themselves as you and I've seen Perry do several times.
Probably why he keeps saying you are a community college dropout.

Nah, I just say that shit to Doc because I'm trying to insult him. I don't think he needs me to insult him anymore. For someone who likes to play 12b games on the forum I actually just felt it was best to no longer associate with him.

You clearly have some common interests with him.

It must be exhausting to create a false online biography and then having to put in the effort to maintain the fiction.

It is so sad that you are obsessed with a degree I got decades ago.

Seriously dude, most of us move along after a while. Grow up.
Isn't it fun that a thread on the HIstoricity of Jesus winds up with Doc 12B Bettor and his amanuensis, @Cypress, exchanging bitch-o-grams with each other as they whine about other posters.

If Jesus WAS real these two wouldn't be able to identify him in a line up.
It's so sad that an adult man of advanced age is still whining about other people's university achievements from decades ago.

Seriously dude, it's about 30 years now for me.
"Advanced age"? According to the chronology of your post, you are basically the same age as me. :laugh:

Don't feel sad Perry. People who lie to me about PhDs, sock puppets, and fantasy careers in the Navy Seals are going to be reminded of their lies.

Holding people accountable for their lies is how we maintain a reasonably honest message board, correct?
"Advanced age"? According to the chronology of your post, you are basically the same age as me. :laugh:

Don't feel sad Perry. People who lie to me about PhDs, sock puppets, and fantasy careers in the Navy Seals are going to be reminded of their lies.

Holding people accountable for their lies is how we maintain a reasonably honest message board, correct?
I suspect Perry is late 30s to 40s...and living with his caretaker parents.

Agreed about people living fantasy lives online. They're usually pretty easy to spot.

Agreed about holding such people accountable.
"Advanced age"? According to the chronology of your post, you are basically the same age as me. :laugh:

Yeah, and tha's pretty fuckin' old to be carrying around jealousy of what someone else did 30+ years ago. Pathetic.

But you also seem to value a "strong man" to be your "daddy" figure. Like you do with Doc. Doc is super toxic but you like him.

You are painting a better picture now. A weak-ego older man who can't get past his own failures in life, has severe jealousy of people who have achieved more than he has. So you have to find the biggest bully, the most offensive poster who puts on the facade of the "strong man" to fill that void in your existence.

I mean....12b bets? For real?

You prefer THAT?

Says a lot about YOU.
Agreed. It also explains his constant stalking of you and every intellectual thread you post.

Agreed. A bigger problem is that, while a smart person can act like a stupid person, it's very difficult for a stupid person to impersonate an intelligent and educated person. They can't keep up the fiction and inevitably reveal themselves as you and I've seen Perry do several times.
I don't think Perry is even employed, since he spends all day here posting.
Being unemployed is not characteristic of highly educated, motivated professional people who supposedly have PhDs.

Perry claimed I am elderly, of advanced age. I am 61 and recently retired, so the "younger" Perry should still be well within the range window of his working career but doesn't have anything better to do with his day than whine and rage post on JPP.