the intent of liberals

So you are trying to tell me that the Minority should make the decisions for the majority of voters huh?

That's pretty much what we have now and it sucks!

this is an outright lie. the ONLY thing a minority can do is say NO. A minority cannot force it's desires on the majority, only deny the majority it's ability to force their desires on them.
I am a Libertarian, not a republican. the republican party is not mine. most everyone here should know enough by my posts now to understand that I am anything BUT big government. so stop making bullshit up in your head to make you feel better about your fucked up positions.

Make believe what ever you want sweetie!
This is good:

Those who are in the forefront of changing our language, the way we think and what we value expect us to remain indifferent. But thankfully there are millions of us who are far from indifferent to our predicament. We are not prepared to march into the Brave New World prepared for them by morally neutral social engineers. If indifference is the master word of 2022, let 2023 be the year of engagement and responsibility .
You are describing Democrats again. Inversion fallacy.

The pattern described by Tytler is pretty accurate, as shown repetitively throughout the many years of society. While he describes this happening to a democracy, it happens to republics as well.

How interesting that so many Republicans who vote against Democratic bills, go back to their districts, their states, and tell the voters what a great job they did in passing this bill.
That is exactly what happens in conservative districts. Vote against legislation and once it passes take credit for bring home the bacon to the voters.

that is exactly what demmycunts fantasize happens in convervative districts........of course we all know by now how stupid demmycunt fantasies actually are......
And your point is???

He wants an excuse to commit mass murder against Americans, just like his hero and fellow ex-soldier/White Supremacist Timothy McVeigh.

Note that he doesn't have a problem with "collateral damage", meaning he doesn't care if a daycare center is blown up along with the Federal building he is targeting.

this is precisely why I don't have a huge problem with collateral damage. Your emotions and feelings will do nothing but keep you a slave to tyranny

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