The JPP Boat is sinking!

Funny, everyone wants to dump Desh... but she's the only one they are brave enough to engage in most threads.

Its turned into the Supercandy Cawckaw v. Desh show.

"...brave enough..."

Are you fucking insane; because that's like saying that someone with Tourette's is brave for swearing in public. :palm:

She can't help herself.
Desh I love you to death sweety but you wouldn't know what a fact is if it bit you like a rabid opossum.

Fact -

1. something that actually exists; reality; truth:
"Your fears have no basis in fact."
2. something known to exist or to have happened:
"Space travel is now a fact."
3. a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true:
"Scientists gather facts about plant growth."
4. something said to be true or supposed to have happened:
"The facts given by the witness are highly questionable."
5. Law.. Often, facts. an actual or alleged event or circumstance, as distinguished from its legal effect or consequence.

"...if it bit you like a rabid opossum..."


Here's my list:


Buck Ewer
Desh - I hate to throw desh overboard because I've known her for years but her ramblings have gotten shriller and at points, incoherent as of late.

Let discuss this

go get a post of mine in example so you can teach me how to mend my ways.

something tells me you wont be able to find a good example of what you claim exists in my posts
If I'm so insane why do my old threads that prove how failed you right wing poster are get closed when I go get them to prove just how wrong you right wing people always are in retrospect?
How many rules have been changed because of Watermark?

How many board features have been instituted because of Watermark?

How many posters left because of Watermark?

How many epic meltdown threads have been started because of something Watermark posted?

I am JPPs most influential poster. Not even close

You quit Werewolf in the middle of a game, took your ball and went home like an angry 7 year old.

You're too scared to debate anyone out in the open.

You threadban anyone who might shoot down the unbelievable bullshit you post.

Oh my yes, you are quite "influential"...ROFL!!
Old threads here prove just how wrong the right turns out to be in the end.

Instead of learning how to get It right from the past they hide from their failures by trying close the truth
So you are saying its time for werewolf?

If the goal is to punish Mott, it's about time. Look at how badly his football teams have choked lately. Fucking OSU might have been able to keep the deep south away from a championship if they hadn't choked on MSU. And then that bullshit from the Bungles this past weekend...

And you can save it!

Imagine that JPP is a boat that's ran into a shoal and is sinking. To save the ship JPP Politics you'll have to throw over 6 members to keep the ship from sinking.

There's a catch though. If you throw off too many from the left, the ship will list to the right and sink. If you throw off too many from the right the ship would list to the left and sink.

With that being the case, who would be the six JPP members you would throw off?

Oh...and just for clarity...Libertarians count as being on the right. Self described moderates, Rockefeller Republicans and social liberals/economic conservatives count as being on the left.

just ruined this exercise