The MAP movement aims to mainstream sex with children

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It's a hoax by the sleazy, underhanded right-wing propaganda machine, to try to tie this non-existent "group" to the LGBTQ movement and create "guilt by association". Create the false impression that pedo perverts and gays are one and the same.

As for why Lesion posted about it here, I figure it was likely a cheap attempt to try to get someone to commit a 12b violation.

The sickness of the right-wing mind is equalled only by its dishonesty.

It's not a straight movement. That makes it an LBGTQRXUPTCN movement.
He seems to like and present it as 'Current Events'. He adopts a 'Faux Outrage' demeanor (that is pretty transparent and doesn't fool anybody). When the 'conversation' slows down, he brings in his sock (I Love America) to crank things up a notch.

Now that his antics are exposed, ... I'm thinking the usual pictures and videos would land him in hot water. I mean, this is his third shot at this.

You are a serious idiot.
People, be very careful. You can talk about this, but you cannot violate rule 12b.

The ONLY thing being discussed here ... is Legina.
This is his third attempt at 'discussing' this topic in the last 3 days. He posts this topic feigning 'Outrage', a purely theatrical performance masking his true intentions. Legina and his sock, 'I Love America', both will gin up things when the 'conversation' slows. I asked if there was a '3 Strikes You're Out" policy here at JPP. Legina has consistently and methodically 'pushed the envelope', 'came up to the line', and persisted in 'testing the Moderators' on this. When does Legina get a 'Time Out'?

Having an adult conversation about this would be interesting, maybe insightful, and could generate a good grasp of differing views. But ... THAT isn't what Legina is doing here.
The ONLY thing being discussed here ... is Legina.
This is his third attempt at 'discussing' this topic in the last 3 days. He posts this topic feigning 'Outrage', a purely theatrical performance masking his true intentions. Legina and his sock, 'I Love America', both will gin up things when the 'conversation' slows. I asked if there was a '3 Strikes You're Out" policy here at JPP. Legina has consistently and methodically 'pushed the envelope', 'came up to the line', and persisted in 'testing the Moderators' on this. When does Legina get a 'Time Out'?

Having an adult conversation about this would be interesting, maybe insightful, and could generate a good grasp of differing views. But ... THAT isn't what Legina is doing here.

Please show where bringing up and having a conversation about groups that support pedophilia, is against the rules; because it's beginning to look like you either haven't read the rules, regarding this, or you're just trying to see what you can stir up??
Please show where bringing up and having a conversation about groups that support pedophilia, is against the rules; because it's beginning to look like you either haven't read the rules, regarding this, or you're just trying to see what you can stir up??

Legina has brought this up 3 times in 3 days. I don't think Legina is bringing this up as a legitimate topic. I think there is an alterior reason. In fact, why don't you and Legina have a discussion on the topic and we'll see how it goes. How's that sound?

My contention is that Legina is 'testing the Moderators' on this Topic. I think Legina is getting 'right up to the line'. This seems like something Legina has done before and it's become habitual for him.
The MAP "community" is being studied by the authorities. The results are chilling


The present study compares community-based minor-attracted persons (MAPs) with and without histories of sexual activity with children. MAP actors (N = 342) were significantly older than non-actors (N = 223), with longer duration of pedophilic attraction, more antisocial traits, greater attraction to boys, greater difficulty controlling their attraction, and more positive attitudes toward adult-child sexual activity.
Legina has brought this up 3 times in 3 days. I don't think Legina is bringing this up as a legitimate topic. I think there is an alterior reason. In fact, why don't you and Legina have a discussion on the topic and we'll see how it goes. How's that sound?

My contention is that Legina is 'testing the Moderators' on this Topic. I think Legina is getting 'right up to the line'. This seems like something Legina has done before and it's become habitual for him.

What you "THINK" doesn't matter.

You still haven't shown how bringing up and discussing groups that support pedophilia, is against the rules.

Here, let me help you address what you "THINK". :good4u:

12. Rule 12 - Limits on sexual content:

12(b) - No sexual comments relating to minors. With the exception of news articles or a mature discussion involving stats, how it effects people etc, We DO NOT want ANY mention in ANY context about suggesting encounters with another poster and a child, or with yourself and another poster's child, nor any mention of kids being sexually assaulted, sexually molested, raped, having people being called pedophiles, suggesting posters may have been molested as a kid, having vague references to any of the former, having a "clever" play on words with a wink and a nod that might suggest any of the former, any slight references, WE WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF IT. Do not try to approach the line to test us to see what one can get away with, if you approach the line, chances are you will not receive the benefit of the doubt.
USF: "Do not try to approach the line to test us to see what one can get away with, if you approach the line, chances are you will not receive the benefit of the doubt."
Jack: That is my assertion. Legina is 'approaching the line to test us'.

Why don't you and Legina have a serious discussion about the Topic?
USF: "Do not try to approach the line to test us to see what one can get away with, if you approach the line, chances are you will not receive the benefit of the doubt."
Jack: That is my assertion. Legina is 'approaching the line to test us'.

Why don't you and Legina have a serious discussion about the Topic?

Why don't you explain how the line is being approached, instead of being obtuse?? :good4u:
Why don't you explain how the line is being approached, instead of being obtuse?? :good4u:

I thought I made it very clear. Legina is a Fraud. Legina has no interest in discussing this as a valid Topic, his ONLY motivation is to provide a platform for a 12b violation. He thinks he is clever and witty while in reality, he is a simple 'Provocateur'. It's not just me (the new guy that is still wet behind the ears), it's 5 other people that have mentioned the same thing here.

Legina has been exposed, had his pants pulled down, and has received a severe spanking from ranking members of the JPP Forum.

How many times in how many days of bringing up 'pedophiles' is it considered a dishonest attempt to discuss pedophilia and more a deliberate and calculated attempt to create a 12b violation? Legina's 'INTENT' ... is not to have an honest adult conversation about this Topic, Legina's intent is to trigger a 12b violation.

IMO, this 'INTENT' is what constitutes a violation of the "WE WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF IT. Do not try to approach the line to test us to see what one can get away with, if you approach the line, chances are you will not receive the benefit of the doubt."
I thought I made it very clear. Legina is a Fraud. Legina has no interest in discussing this as a valid Topic, his ONLY motivation is to provide a platform for a 12b violation. He thinks he is clever and witty while in reality, he is a simple 'Provocateur'. It's not just me (the new guy that is still wet behind the ears), it's 5 other people that have mentioned the same thing here.

Legina has been exposed, had his pants pulled down, and has received a severe spanking from ranking members of the JPP Forum.

How many times in how many days of bringing up 'pedophiles' is it considered a dishonest attempt to discuss pedophilia and more a deliberate and calculated attempt to create a 12b violation? Legina's 'INTENT' ... is not to have an honest adult conversation about this Topic, Legina's intent is to trigger a 12b violation.

IMO, this 'INTENT' is what constitutes a violation of the "WE WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF IT. Do not try to approach the line to test us to see what one can get away with, if you approach the line, chances are you will not receive the benefit of the doubt."

Legion doesn't break the rules, fool.
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