The mayan calendar (MAY) have predicted a long term disaster!

Do climatologists ever look to historical climate cycles?

The desiccation of sub Saharan Africa was blamed on man made climate change in the 70s.
Yet that trend is now reversing. Central Africa is now seeing a cycle of desiccation not seen for at least a century and a half.

I recognize the theory you subscribe to, religiously but I also see historical patterns of cyclical weather change.
I have an open mind.
You have a closed, dogmatic and intolerant mind.

Don't tell me what I believe.
Read what I post.

Hey....dumbass....they are CLIMATOLOGISTS! Of.course they study.historical.climate cycles.
So...a "lefty" can't be a Christian? Now who sounds like a righty?
Christianity is opposed to liberalism, liberals hate Christianity.

You quote science on one hand, then reject it on another.
Do you know better than 100% of scientists?
Christianity is opposed to liberalism, liberals hate Christianity.

You quote science on one hand, then reject it on another.
Do you know better than 100% of scientists?

You're a moron. You think in your little narrow mind....go play with your sling blade Carl.
Nice job with the quote feature, moron.

And there are a number of very liberal Christian denominations. I happen to belong to the UCC which is very liberal.
Do climatologists ever look to historical climate cycles?

The desiccation of sub Saharan Africa was blamed on man made climate change in the 70s.
Yet that trend is now reversing. Central Africa is now seeing a cycle of desiccation not seen for at least a century and a half.

I recognize the theory you subscribe to, religiously but I also see historical patterns of cyclical weather change.
I have an open mind.
You have a closed, dogmatic and intolerant mind.

Don't tell me what I believe.
Read what I post.
MY GOD! OF COARSE CLIMATOLOGISTS LOOK AT HISTORICAL CLIMAT CYCLES, THATS WHERE THEY GET HALF THEIR DATA! Get over your dumb conspiracy and accept reality. I'm not saying I'm right about everything I posted here, such as the mayan calendar part as that is just my opinion, but I KNOW I and 97% of scientists are right about this!
Perhaps we could focus on natural cycles, and focus on developing technology to prevent the sun from doing what it naturally does to this planet?
Perhaps we could focus on natural cycles, and focus on developing technology to prevent the sun from doing what it naturally does to this planet?
Please, I don't need a comedian. Natural cycles are fine and unstoppable, but we are changing the climate faster than any natural cycle. Really, do you know how angry these scientists are with this retarded republic???? >?????< THEY HAVE BEEN WARNING US OF THE COMING CRISIS FOR DECADES, AND THE PUBLIC SITLL CHOOSES TO IGNORE THEM? THIS CAN BE STOPPED, BUT IF THE PUBLIC CONTINUES TO ACT LIKE THIS THE ONLY THING THAT THOSE SCIENTISTS WILL BE ABLE TO DO IS WATCH THE WORLD FALL APART. Sure, if man kind wasn't here this rapid climate change wouldn't be so dangerous. But before mankind is wiped out, it will wipe out everything else through nuclear wars. I'm sorry for seeming abnoxious. But I mean what can I say? The whole world is going to slowly crash down and innocent people are going to suffer because of you foolish deniers. All you care about is money money money. That's all I ever hear the deniers talking about. "ARG OBAMA IS GOING TO TAX ME FOSSIL FUELS MONEY MONEY MONEY" MY GOD IT DISGUSTS ME.
Perhaps we could focus on natural cycles, and focus on developing technology to prevent the sun from doing what it naturally does to this planet?

Yet you call me a "baby killer" for not stepping in the way of a woman's choice to end a pregnancy. But you'll sit there with your hands clasped firmly over your ears and yell "LALALALA" when almost all climatologists are screaming that this is happening.

Wait till the dead babies pile up due to drought and famine. But...I guess that's OK as long as you have gas to put in your Suburban and the Koch Brothers stay rich. Fuckin' hypocrite.
Yet you call me a "baby killer" for not stepping in the way of a woman's choice to end a pregnancy. But you'll sit there with your hands clasped firmly over your ears and yell "LALALALA" when almost all climatologists are screaming that this is happening.

Wait till the dead babies pile up due to drought and famine. But...I guess that's OK as long as you have gas to put in your Suburban and the Koch Brothers stay rich. Fuckin' hypocrite.
At least one scientifically accurate person in this pigsty :)
Basic science says CO2 traps heat, IT TRAPS A LOT OF HEAT DAMNIT!! Denial will NOT go unchallenged. We are currently emitting more CO2 than ANYTHING ELSE!!!!