The mayan calendar (MAY) have predicted a long term disaster!

I'm not sure what you mean cause your the only one who even mentioned "Global cooling" on here.

Oh...don't worry about 3D....he only cares about the million or so abortions in the US. He doesn't care about the tens or even hundreds of millions across the globe that may be suffering and dying RIGHT NOW across globe because of unprecedented some parts of the globe and unprecedented flooding in others.....that doesn't even include what may be yet to come.

All because he'd rather believe in the 3% of the climate Scientists who think man made climate change is bunk....even though most of them work for entities that have a vested interest in keeping the status quo. All because he wants cheap gas for his keep a electrical grid that was designed in the 1940's and loses 60% of the energy it poo-poo alternative, renewable energy because it costs money at the public level to get it to the.point where it's economically feasible for mainstream use.

In short? He's a selfish fuck that wants to ignore his own sins and condemn others for theirs.
Oh...don't worry about 3D....he only cares about the million or so abortions in the US. He doesn't care about the tens or even hundreds of millions across the globe that may be suffering and dying RIGHT NOW across globe because of unprecedented some parts of the globe and unprecedented flooding in others.....that doesn't even include what may be yet to come.

All because he'd rather believe in the 3% of the climate Scientists who think man made climate change is bunk....even though most of them work for entities that have a vested interest in keeping the status quo. All because he wants cheap gas for his keep a electrical grid that was designed in the 1940's and loses 60% of the energy it poo-poo alternative, renewable energy because it costs money at the public level to get it to the.point where it's economically feasible for mainstream use.

In short? He's a selfish fuck that wants to ignore his own sins and condemn others for theirs.
unprecidented flooding?
Worse than in your bible?
unprecidented flooding?
Worse than in your bible?

Ok...unprecedented in a hell of a long the city of Venice? You can't walk the streets at high tide anymore.....they have utilize makeshift walkways out of wooden planks and cinder blocks. There are entire villages in Bangladesh that are underwater....those are just two instances in the world.

But hey...that don't matter...until it starts happening here....right?
Ok...unprecedented in a hell of a long the city of Venice? You can't walk the streets at high tide anymore.....they have utilize makeshift walkways out of wooden planks and cinder blocks. There are entire villages in Bangladesh that are underwater....those are just two instances in the world.

But hey...that don't matter...until it starts happening here....right?
So you can't say that these things have never happened before?
Cyclical climate change.
Cycles of hundreds, even thousands of years have been evidenced in Africa.
10000 years ago, apparently the Serengeti was a rainforest.
Cycles of heating and cooling
European mini ice age in the 1300s
Heat waves in the 900s.
South Africa was a dessert in the 20s, yet green and lush a hundred years before that.
Today it is green and lush again.
So wet in fact that many in the wine industry are panicked!
So you can't say that these things have never happened before?
Cyclical climate change.
Cycles of hundreds, even thousands of years have been evidenced in Africa.
10000 years ago, apparently the Serengeti was a rainforest.
Cycles of heating and cooling
European mini ice age in the 1300s
Heat waves in the 900s.
South Africa was a dessert in the 20s, yet green and lush a hundred years before that.
Today it is green and lush again.
So wet in fact that many in the wine industry are panicked!
Wow your being such an asshole! How many times are you going to change the subject to natural climate change? This was never about natural climate change!
Ok...unprecedented in a hell of a long the city of Venice? You can't walk the streets at high tide anymore.....they have utilize makeshift walkways out of wooden planks and cinder blocks. There are entire villages in Bangladesh that are underwater....those are just two instances in the world.

But hey...that don't matter...until it starts happening here....right?
Wow it's like that in my town too. Sometimes some streets go underwater.