The mayan calendar (MAY) have predicted a long term disaster!

For fuck sake, you're the moron who believes we're heading towards global cooling. An idea not believed since the 70s. Zero scientists support your claims about global cooling in the OP!

How's that for belief in science?
For fuck sake, you're the moron who believes we're heading towards global cooling. An idea not believed since the 70s. Zero scientists support your claims about global cooling in the OP!

How's that for belief in science?
Wow. According to NASA, a lot more reliable than your mouth, 97% OF ALL DAMNED CLIMATE SCIENTISTS support global warming.Global cooling was not supported by hardly any scientists ever, only the news. Unlike me, you have provided 0 reliable sources so far :D
Nice job with the quote feature, moron.

And there are a number of very liberal Christian denominations. I happen to belong to the UCC which is very liberal.
Liberals still hate Christians.
They have a violent intolerance of those who don't toe the line.
Liberalism is an atheist cult.
One day you will be forced to choose, Christianity or liberalism.

Quote feature?
What are your ranting about now, moron?
Wow. According to NASA, a lot more reliable than your mouth, 97% OF ALL DAMNED CLIMATE SCIENTISTS support global warming.Global cooling was not supported by hardly any scientists ever, only the news. Unlike me, you have provided 0 reliable sources so far :D
100% of clergy believe in god..........
Please, I don't need a comedian. Natural cycles are fine and unstoppable, but we are changing the climate faster than any natural cycle. Really, do you know how angry these scientists are with this retarded republic???? >?????< THEY HAVE BEEN WARNING US OF THE COMING CRISIS FOR DECADES, AND THE PUBLIC SITLL CHOOSES TO IGNORE THEM? THIS CAN BE STOPPED, BUT IF THE PUBLIC CONTINUES TO ACT LIKE THIS THE ONLY THING THAT THOSE SCIENTISTS WILL BE ABLE TO DO IS WATCH THE WORLD FALL APART. Sure, if man kind wasn't here this rapid climate change wouldn't be so dangerous. But before mankind is wiped out, it will wipe out everything else through nuclear wars. I'm sorry for seeming abnoxious. But I mean what can I say? The whole world is going to slowly crash down and innocent people are going to suffer because of you foolish deniers. All you care about is money money money. That's all I ever hear the deniers talking about. "ARG OBAMA IS GOING TO TAX ME FOSSIL FUELS MONEY MONEY MONEY" MY GOD IT DISGUSTS ME.
Wow, are you always this angry?
It's just a fairy tale.
Like the bible.
Ummm according to NASA it is fact. There wouldn't be an IPPC over a theory :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Get over it science denier!
It is a theory, as in NOT PROVEN.

Here's how your science works.
An analogy.
My neighbor died.
Guns can cause death.
I own a gun.
So I must be responsible.

Even if she died of cancer.

That's a theory but it leaves more than a shadow of doubt, as does the climate crowds theory.
Obama cult?

97 % of the scientists agree with me not you fool
Agree with you on what?
You have given no opinion, just spouted off the usual prattle about fox and beck.
I disagree with liberalism so I must be a Fox News, glen beck, rush Limbaugh republican.
Do climatologists agree with you on that element of Obamacult dogma?

Global warming evidenced by recent extreme weather.
We have seen this extreme weather before.
What caused it a century ago?
5 centuries ago?

Odd how scientists ignore historical evidence in favor of an unproven theory.
the right in this country is USING science like a toy.

they care nothing about what reality is.

they just want to help the corporations get what they want at any cost to the people
Agree with you on what?
You have given no opinion, just spouted off the usual prattle about fox and beck.
I disagree with liberalism so I must be a Fox News, glen beck, rush Limbaugh republican.
Do climatologists agree with you on that element of Obamacult dogma?

Global warming evidenced by recent extreme weather.
We have seen this extreme weather before.
What caused it a century ago?
5 centuries ago?

Odd how scientists ignore historical evidence in favor of an unproven theory.
Umm, still denying that 97% of climate scientists agree that global warming is manmade? Fine, I'll go get the NASA page again (Sigh).
There you are. And again, bringing up natural cycles of the past? Is this thread not about the current artificial climate change? I mean com' on, how can people use real science in such a wrong way!
And, according to scientists it is a proven fact. 97% agree. The greenhouse effect also agree. NASA and the NOAA also agrees. About a million other scientific organizations also agree. And the only ones who disagree is about 40% of the american public and 3% of scientists. I think I know who is right :p
see how he just ignores yet again the scientific consensus on the subject?
Go and re read my posts, idiot.
I already said I tend to believe the theory.
Does not make it a fact though.
100% of the clergy believe a godhead exists, does that make it a fact?
the right in this country is USING science like a toy.

they care nothing about what reality is.

they just want to help the corporations get what they want at any cost to the people

There is no factual basis Behind a theory or a belief system.
And, according to scientists it is a proven fact. 97% agree. The greenhouse effect also agree. NASA and the NOAA also agrees. About a million other scientific organizations also agree. And the only ones who disagree is about 40% of the american public and 3% of scientists. I think I know who is right :p

Not one have said it is a fact.
It is a theory they subscribe to.
It's what they believe to be true.
Belief is not fact.