The moon landing was faked

Even just chalking it up to trolling does not earn a pass from me.

As far as I'm concerned, there is little tangible distinction between relentless trolling and pathological lying. My philosophy is that one should present themselves on a keyboard the same way they present themselves in real life.

You have to wonder if someone is relentlessly trolling (aka lying) on a keyboard, how much lying to their friends, family, and spouses are they doing in real life?
As far as results go, agreed. IMO, the distinction is important as part of an effort to understand why their views are so skewed from reality. A liar is maliciously making a choice. A mentally ill person truly believes the things they post.

While goat, et al, may exaggerate to troll others*, I also think he truly believes most of what he posts. The man is truly deluded. Same for AHZ.

* seek to elicit an emotional response from those he hates.
As far as results go, agreed. IMO, the distinction is important as part of an effort to understand why their views are so skewed from reality. A liar is maliciously making a choice. A mentally ill person truly believes the things they post.

While goat, et al, may exaggerate to troll others*, I also think he truly believes most of what he posts. The man is truly deluded. Same for AHZ.

* seek to elicit an emotional response from those he hates.

This place does tend to draw a disproportionate amount of the mentally ill and socially inept.
Even just chalking it up to trolling does not earn a pass from me.

As far as I'm concerned, there is little tangible distinction between relentless trolling and pathological lying. My philosophy is that one should present themselves on a keyboard the same way they present themselves in real life.

You have to wonder if someone is relentlessly trolling (aka lying) on a keyboard, how much lying to their friends, family, and spouses are they doing in real life?

Exactly. Ditto for those who aren't quite troll status, but who lie relentlessly online about their alleged success, career, wealth, charitable acts, possessions, education, etc. It seems pointless. Why even care what some anonymous cyber people think about your material stuff? Being more concerned about how you yourself and your honesty and credibility are seen, seems more important IMO. Especially so if you are on discussion boards where you tend to be taken more seriously if you're perceived as genuine.

Besides, once you start lying about stuff then you have to constantly be on guard to not slip up. Too much work. lol
This place does tend to draw a disproportionate amount of the mentally ill and socially inept.

It's a safe zone for them. If they said half the crap in public as they do on JPP, they'd become social pariahs at a minimum and punched out on the ground at worst.
He certainly did a few days ago, when he gave himself away by mentioning PMs to his beloved Owl, that only CO sent. :laugh:

Agreed; goat confirmed he's CO's sock. That means he evaded a ban with a sock...something TOP did too. Another reason they all flock together.

Does Lig have a sock to your knowledge?
Agreed; goat confirmed he's CO's sock. That means he evaded a ban with a sock...something TOP did too. Another reason they all flock together.

Does Lig have a sock to your knowledge?

Not that I know of. She's only got enough rage, unhappiness, and bitterness for one account at a time. :rofl2:
Exactly. Ditto for those who aren't quite troll status, but who lie relentlessly online about their alleged success, career, wealth, charitable acts, possessions, education, etc. It seems pointless. Why even care what some anonymous cyber people think about your material stuff? Being more concerned about how you yourself and your honesty and credibility are seen, seems more important IMO. Especially so if you are on discussion boards where you tend to be taken more seriously if you're perceived as genuine.

Besides, once you start lying about stuff then you have to constantly be on guard to not slip up. Too much work. lol

I as well don't understand the motivation to lie to people they don't know and will never meet about supposed military service, educational achievement, sexy wives.

What is gained lying or trolling their way into the good graces of perfect strangers on the interwebs? I have a hard time believing this is something normal, well adjusted people would do.
Hello Dutch,

Studying conspiracy theorists online has been a long term hobby of mine. It’s a mixed bag ranging from young, inexperienced, relatively uneducated people to older people who are either stupid or irrational. There are several online articles from reputable sources. Since the rise of the Alt-Right in American politics, the number of studies available have increased.
Why people believe in conspiracy theories

I began chatting politics online because I wanted to talk about what's going on with our country and I found that people at work, and most people in general do not want to talk about politics. I was perplexed by this because politics affects all of our lives.

I was also very curious to learn why people on the right vote for the candidates and policies they do, because it made no sense to me. What I have learned is that if you had to sum up the motivation of the right in one word that word would be fear. They are so afraid of the left they can't think straight.

That is because the left represents equality and the right wants dominance. Nothing scares the right more than equality.
As far as results go, agreed. IMO, the distinction is important as part of an effort to understand why their views are so skewed from reality. A liar is maliciously making a choice. A mentally ill person truly believes the things they post.

While goat, et al, may exaggerate to troll others*, I also think he truly believes most of what he posts. The man is truly deluded. Same for AHZ.

* seek to elicit an emotional response from those he hates.

you agree with flooding the zone with bullshit because you suck at rationality and reality.
Hello Dutch,

I began chatting politics online because I wanted to talk about what's going on with our country and I found that people at work, and most people in general do not want to talk about politics. I was perplexed by this because politics affects all of our lives.

I was also very curious to learn why people on the right vote for the candidates and policies they do, because it made no sense to me. What I have learned is that if you had to sum up the motivation of the right in one word that word would be fear. They are so afraid of the left they can't think straight.

That is because the left represents equality and the right wants dominance. Nothing scares the right more than equality.

Even today it's frowned upon to discuss politics or religion at work, so I'm not surprised that you didn't find too many takers there.

I like your take on why the right votes and acts as it does. It IS fear. It's personal fear ("a black or a woman might take that promotion I want" or "If my kid is friends with a Muslim kid, maybe he won't be Christian anymore"). It's also national fear, that America will somehow be weakened if there is more economic equality, immigration by non-whites, or lefties voting for less spending on national defense and more on social programs that benefit American citizens.
Hello Dutch,

I began chatting politics online because I wanted to talk about what's going on with our country and I found that people at work, and most people in general do not want to talk about politics. I was perplexed by this because politics affects all of our lives.

I was also very curious to learn why people on the right vote for the candidates and policies they do, because it made no sense to me. What I have learned is that if you had to sum up the motivation of the right in one word that word would be fear. They are so afraid of the left they can't think straight.

That is because the left represents equality and the right wants dominance. Nothing scares the right more than equality.

First, people discussing politics at work is unprofessional and a good way to kill promotions if not find themselves in the unemployment line.

Second, agreed that much of the motivation on the far Right is from fear, but that's a common trait to all extremists. Those on the right tend to both fear and fearmonger more than the left, but it's present on both sides.

Disagreed that the Left represents equality; setting quotas and seeking to limit freedoms is not equality.
Which explains why most of them have more than one account. :laugh:

Wow, you really triggered Asshat. He seems a bit, um, well, obsessed with you.

People in the wrong hate being reminded they are wrong. Opinions are one thing but when I quote his own posts to prove he's wrong, it's truly upsetting to him...and those like him.
First, people discussing politics at work is unprofessional and a good way to kill promotions if not find themselves in the unemployment line.

Second, agreed that much of the motivation on the far Right is from fear, but that's a common trait to all extremists. Those on the right tend to both fear and fearmonger more than the left, but it's present on both sides.

Disagreed that the Left represents equality; setting quotas and seeking to limit freedoms is not equality.

So how would YOU have us address hiring/promotion disparities?
People in the wrong hate being reminded they are wrong. Opinions are one thing but when I quote his own posts to prove he's wrong, it's truly upsetting to him...and those like him.

He's a troll, you know. He doesn't believe half that bullshit he posts. He just posts it to get reactions.
Hello Dutch,

First, people discussing politics at work is unprofessional and a good way to kill promotions if not find themselves in the unemployment line.

Second, agreed that much of the motivation on the far Right is from fear, but that's a common trait to all extremists. Those on the right tend to both fear and fearmonger more than the left, but it's present on both sides.

Disagreed that the Left represents equality; setting quotas and seeking to limit freedoms is not equality.

Well, the left totally embraces diversity and fairness, but the right is afraid of that. The left wants to use the government to reduce the imbalance of being born into a given advantageous position, such as being a rich white male, but the right wants to solidify and enhance that advantage.
So how would YOU have us address hiring/promotion disparities?
Maximizing public school educational access. Only 8% of school funding is Federal, the remainder is state and local.

The same poor, shitty schools from 22 years ago are still the same poor, shitty schools now for the same reason: a lack of funding.

Passing Federal school standards and punishing schools and teachers for failing to meet those standards isn't working. It's the classic case of being told to put 10 pounds of stuff into a 5 pound sack. It may look good on paper, but never works.

The current Democrat initiative is to correct poor public schooling with "free college". That, IMO, is as misguided as Biden's college debt forgiveness plan and doesn't fix the present problem of equal access to quality education in public schools.
He's a troll, you know. He doesn't believe half that bullshit he posts. He just posts it to get reactions.

Agreed, but consider that he does believe half of what he posts. That's the part I find most interesting...and disturbing. :)

My assessment that he's being manipulated, "a patsy", is a good one. Partly because he wants to be one.