The most important unresolved scientific questions, in my opinion.

I'm suggesting that your efforts would bear more fruit if you were to address AProudLefty's posts.

LOL. Not sure what has you amped up this morning, but I recommend laying off it this early in the day.

My point remains and it is just fine.

If you don't like discussing philosophy or your posts then by all means don't.
Does God control everyone's brain? You make the brain into a deity.
There are no gods.

Every conscious thought, decision and action we make is determined by the brain. There is no separate self, no "I", that is making decisions. It's all happening an a neurological level that is not under the control of a self.
There are no gods.

Every conscious thought, decision and action we make is determined by the brain. There is no separate self, no "I", that is making decisions. It's all happening an a neurological level that is not under the control of a self.
How does the brain want to eat a sandwich?
How does the brain want to eat a sandwich?
Your brain makes you aware that you're hungry. The decision on what to eat also comes from the brain because your brain, based on what it's learned over your life, is aware of different options on what can be eaten.
Your brain makes you aware that you're hungry. The decision on what to eat also comes from the brain because your brain, based on what it's learned over your life, is aware of different options on what can be eaten.

Have you watched NOVA "Brain: Who's in Charge?" it's a great explainer for some of the current thinking on the nature of the "self" or self-awareness. As you noted there's some evidence from fMRI studies that actual intent may precede our conscious knowledge of forming intent. I think your explanation that the brain develops a training set over the course of a lifetime and provides the options when the body sends signals of hunger etc.

It's some pretty interesting and often unsettling science.
Why does the brain care what it eats?
It doesn't care, but a decision on what to eat, or maybe to not eat at that time, has to be made. That decision is ultimately made by the brain and that decision is eventually pushed, by the brain, into your consciousness. That process is true of every intentional action we make.
LOL. Not sure what has you amped up this morning, but I recommend laying off it this early in the day.
Your English comprehension must really suck.

My point remains and it is just fine.
Of course it does. You are simply directing it to the wrong person. Enjoy.

If you don't like discussing philosophy or your posts then by all means don't.
I enjoy discussing philosophy. What did you wish to discuss?
I enjoy discussing philosophy.

No, I think you enjoy this stupid game you play on this forum. Where you come on all bluster and bragging about your brilliance followed by posts that are one of the following:

1. Technically incorrect on many points
2. Simply denying everything the other poster said no matter how counter-reality your denial is
3. Stupid dodging and weaving to avoid any real discussion
4. Some bizarre interpretation of what a common word means rendering it impossible to even communicate with you.

Why this gets you off day after day after day after day after day is beyond me. You don't give a flying FUCK about ANY topic. You just poke your nose into threads and do one of the four I just listed.

This isn't much fun for anyone else, it is a mystery why it gets you all excited.
There are no gods.
Interesting. Should rational adults believe this?

Every conscious thought, decision and action we make is determined by the brain.
... or is it determined by random chance? ... or does the Christian God's "plan" do the steering? ... or does the goddess Climate urge us to action to protect the planet from being raped by those evil, blood-sucking conservatives who want to turn all the ocean water into battery acid through human activity?

There is no separate self, no "I", that is making decisions.
I just made a decision to address your point. Independently of anything my physiology might have to say on the matter, I totally agree with you.

It's all happening an a neurological level that is not under the control of a self.
It's time that I, myself, take control of this situation and say that you are absolutely correct.
Have you watched NOVA "Brain: Who's in Charge?" it's a great explainer for some of the current thinking on the nature of the "self" or self-awareness. As you noted there's some evidence from fMRI studies that actual intent may precede our conscious knowledge of forming intent. I think your explanation that the brain develops a training set over the course of a lifetime and provides the options when the body sends signals of hunger etc.

It's some pretty interesting and often unsettling science.
I haven't, but I've read and watched a lot. I'll check it out sometime.

fMRI shows that your brain makes a decision before "you" do - meaning, before the awareness of the decision hits your conscious thought.

In reality, even if the decision/awareness happened at the same instance, it still wouldn't mean "you" are making the decision.
Interesting. Should rational adults believe this?
If an person applies the same requirements for belief to religion, that they do everything else, yes.
... or is it determined by random chance? ... or does the Christian God's "plan" do the steering? ... or does the goddess Climate urge us to action to protect the planet from being raped by those evil, blood-sucking conservatives who want to turn all the ocean water into battery acid through human activity?
I just made a decision to address your point. Independently of anything my physiology might have to say on the matter, I totally agree with you.

It's time that I, myself, take control of this situation and say that you are absolutely correct.

Decisions were made by the brain in your body. There is no "I" or "self" that exists behind your eyes that is making decisions.
No, I think you enjoy this stupid game you play on this forum.
It's not so much of a game as it is an expression of ideas. I realize that you aren't that adept at expressing ideas with words, being more suited to grunting out individual syllables in a caveman type of "charades" ... but I'm in it to actually say things.

Where you come on all bluster and bragging about your brilliance
I'll try to break this to you gently. Pointing out just how much of a moron you are is not, in any way, shape or form, bragging about my brilliance. Your intelligence and education represent such a low bar that mere mention does not imply any sort of relative cognitive acumen on anybody else's part.

followed by posts that are one of the following:

1. Technically incorrect on many points
2. Simply denying everything the other poster said no matter how counter-reality your denial is
3. Stupid dodging and weaving to avoid any real discussion
4. Some bizarre interpretation of what a common word means rendering it impossible to even communicate with you.
The reasons it is impossible to even communicate with you, in addition to your ossified cognizance, are as follows:

1. You don't know any science or math.
2. Your lacking English comprehension prevents you from reading and understanding posts
3. You address the wrong people with your posts
4. You don't even understand what common words mean

Why this gets you off day after day after day after day after day is beyond me. You don't give a flying FUCK about ANY topic. You just poke your nose into threads and do one of the four I just listed. This isn't much fun for anyone else, it is a mystery why it gets you all excited.
It's not so much of a game as it is an expression of ideas. I realize that you aren't that adept at expressing ideas with words, being more suited to grunting out individual syllables in a caveman type of "charades" ... but I'm in it to actually say things.

I'll try to break this to you gently. Pointing out just how much of a moron you are is not, in any way, shape or form, bragging about my brilliance. Your intelligence and education represent such a low bar that mere mention does not imply any sort of relative cognitive acumen on anybody else's part.

The reasons it is impossible to even communicate with you, in addition to your ossified cognizance, are as follows:

1. You don't know any science or math.
2. Your lacking English comprehension prevents you from reading and understanding posts
3. You address the wrong people with your posts
4. You don't even understand what common words mean

Why this gets you off day after day after day after day after day is beyond me. You don't give a flying FUCK about ANY topic. You just poke your nose into threads and do one of the four I just listed. This isn't much fun for anyone else, it is a mystery why it gets you all excited.

More of the same stupidity. What a waste of time. Not even marginally clever or interesting.