The most useless university degrees

Graduated McDonalds hamburger flipper university


More like a drop-out. Just couldn't cut the mustard. lol
Aw, isn't it cute? Look at all the Reichwing "men" mocking little ol' me for getting a degree... again. Still. Must really burn to realize that a mere female is far brighter and interested in learning than they. :laugh:

no just feeling sorry for you taking up resources for someone who could use them and put them to use instead of sit around the coffee with her freinds and brag about a degree that will never be used for anything constructive .
only 27 percent of people with degrees have jobs related to their degree , showing it was a waste of money.
you need one in moron so it will be of use t you
no just feeling sorry for you taking up resources for someone who could use them and put them to use instead of sit around the coffee with her freinds and brag about a degree that will never be used for anything constructive .
only 27 percent of people with degrees have jobs related to their degree , showing it was a waste of money.
you need one in moron so it will be of use t you

This is the second thread where you've brought your obsession with me and getting a degree, to cry and whine about, BullshitBob. I've already told you, knuckledragger, that 1) my tuition is free as a courtesy the university gives to all students -- degree-seeking or not -- over the age of 62. 2) If they were losing money on the proposition they wouldn't offer it. You have absolutely zero idea what I plan to do with the "useless" degree, since I have yet to discuss that publicly.

Why don't you go bark at a cloud or eat some grass or something else more useful than being a dickhead on a forum about some anonymous person you will (thankfully for me) never meet? We get that you are super angry and envious about me constantly eviscerating you, but you really need to work through that. It's not healthy, you poor clod.
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This is the second thread where you've brought your obsession with me and getting a degree, to cry and whine about, BullshitBob. I've already told you, knuckledragger, that 1) my tuition is free as a courtesy the university gives to all students -- degree-seeking or not -- over the age of 62. 2) If they were losing money on the proposition they wouldn't offer it. You have absolutely zero idea what I plan to do with the "useless" degree, since I have yet to discuss that publicly.

Why don't you go bark at a cloud or eat some grass or something else more useful than being a dickhead on a forum about some anonymous person you will (thankfully for me) never meet? We get that you are super angry and envious about me constantly eviscerating you, but you really need to work through that. It's not healthy, your poor clod.

Bob plays Russian Roulette between posts. Try to get him to post more. :)

no just feeling sorry for you taking up resources for someone who could use them and put them to use instead of sit around the coffee with her freinds and brag about a degree that will never be used for anything constructive .
only 27 percent of people with degrees have jobs related to their degree , showing it was a waste of money.
you need one in moron so it will be of use t you

Obviously you are angry that a retired liberal has the money, initiative, and cognitive ability to pursue lifelong creative and intellectual interests.

Your lexicon, syntax, and grammar suggest you were a dismal educational failure. Instead of being resentful of your betters, maybe you should have applied yourself more diligently.
Obviously you are angry that a retired liberal has the money, initiative, and cognitive ability to pursue lifelong creative and intellectual interests.

Your lexicon, syntax, and grammar suggest you were a dismal educational failure. Instead of being resentful of your betters, maybe you should have applied yourself more diligently.

Yeah but space shuttle. :rolleyes:

Seriously, the semi-literate tard claimed that he worked on the space shuttle. My guess is sweeping up the floors after the real sci guys were done for the day.
Yeah but space shuttle. :rolleyes:

Seriously, the semi-literate tard claimed that he worked on the space shuttle. My guess is sweeping up the floors after the real sci guys were done for the day.

LOL. Yes he did. He also claimed to have worked at a University cleaning up the messes of college students....which explains his hatred of college students.

I made that statement a long time ago after she said that she is an old woman who is spending her time and money at a Failed University buying a degree.

I mean WTF, she could not find something more worthwhile to do?

What business is it of yours anyway??

She is doing something deff worthwhile, bettering he mind etc etc etc..........

Don't really even wanna wander in the mess you've ended up as..............

Obviously you are angry that a retired liberal has the money, initiative, and cognitive ability to pursue lifelong creative and intellectual interests.

Your lexicon, syntax, and grammar suggest you were a dismal educational failure. Instead of being resentful of your betters, maybe you should have applied yourself more diligently.

no I have money to pursue what ever I want with in reason such as a African safari I am planning it will cost as much as 20,000 to over 30,000 depending if I decide to hunt a cape buffalo or not.

I have no betters no one has only liberals think they are better then other people , its your ego and a severe weakness its why you are all scum.

Shes wasting her money it will do her no good , like all democrats shes delusional
What business is it of yours anyway??

She is doing something deff worthwhile, bettering he mind etc etc etc..........

Don't really even wanna wander in the mess you've ended up as..............

hows it worthwhile it will do her no good wont help others its a waste dumb ass .
What business is it of yours anyway??

She is doing something deff worthwhile, bettering he mind etc etc etc..........

Don't really even wanna wander in the mess you've ended up as..............

There is a latent disdain for "book learnin'" and higher edumacation in Protestant fundamentalism, Trumpism, and conservatism.

And that is why they worship nincompoops like Donald Trump, George Dumbya Bush, Sarah Palin. Politicians of that nature make a Deplorable feel their mediocrity is acceptable.