The most useless university degrees

Not me. I want my barista to be well educated.

At least be easy on the eyes and showing.....cleavage

She thinks that her degrees in dogfish dissection and gender studies make an intellectual powerhouse, she is incredibly deluded.

I made that statement a long time ago after she said that she is an old woman who is spending her time and money at a Failed University buying a degree.

I mean WTF, she could not find something more worthwhile to do?
owl slut is taking a useless university degree

BBBrain's mom couldn't even find a decent pre-school for him
after she got knocked up by some meth head cracker passing through Bald Knob on the way to a NASCAR race.

The efficacy of her "home schooling" is evident for all of us to see.
BBBrain's mom couldn't even find a decent pre-school for him
after she got knocked up by some meth head cracker passing through Bald Knob on the way to a NASCAR race.

The efficacy of her "home schooling" is evident for all of us to see.

Aw, isn't it cute? Look at all the Reichwing "men" mocking little ol' me for getting a degree... again. Still. Must really burn to realize that a mere female is far brighter and interested in learning than they. :laugh:
I made that statement a long time ago after she said that she is an old woman who is spending her time and money at a Failed University buying a degree.

I mean WTF, she could not find something more worthwhile to do?

This is probably a foreign concept to you, but normal sentient people who are comfortably retired and have disposable income readily available, have the freedom and autonomy to pursue any creative or educational endeavor which strikes their fancy.

It is the pay off for a life well lived.

I might work on a philosophy degree in the next few years!
This is probably a foreign concept to you, but normal sentient people who are comfortably retired and have disposable income readily available, have the freedom and autonomy to pursue any creative or educational endeavor which strikes their fancy.

It is the pay off for a life well lived.

I might work on a philosophy degree in the next few years!

The Reichwingers are butthurt that they don't have the means to do so... intellectual or monetary. It's odd how triggered they are by it though, eh?
The Reichwingers are butthurt that they don't have the means to do so... intellectual or monetary. It's odd how triggered they are by it though, eh?

My theory is that your garden variety Deplorable does not have the interest or cognitive ability to independently pursue intellectual interests.

A lifetime of beer guzzling and Fox infotainment shows tends to atrophy the brain.
I made that statement a long time ago after she said that she is an old woman who is spending her time and money at a Failed University buying a degree.

I mean WTF, she could not find something more worthwhile to do?

Graduated McDonalds hamburger flipper university

My theory is that your garden variety Deplorable does not have the interest or cognitive ability to independently pursue intellectual interests.
A lifetime of beer guzzling and Fox infotainment shows tends to atrophy the brain.


Their seething envy of their betters is enjoyable, isn't it?