The most useless university degrees

It's his money, he earned it, and if he wants to spend $30-$40,000 going to another country to kill some poor endangered animal, I really don't give a shit. That is a pretty sad "bucket list" wish though. Wouldn't it be better to use that money and go on the safari with loved ones, take tons of pics and make wonderful memories together? The dollars they spend there will help the local ppl even more than blowing away some defense living creature.

Then there's how hypocritical it is for him to bleat for days after a retired person going back to college to earn a degree that isn't costing anything but her time.

Like others on this forum, I'm thinking Bob does a lot more daydreaming than champagne drinking on international flights.

He should be proud of his accomplishments instead of attacking others for theirs. Bitterness is a choice....or it's a mental illness. He won't admit to either one.
The failure of the University and the failure of journalism are the top two failed institutions that are to blame for America crashing, that is why it is my business.

Disagreed. Nothing has failed.

I see a lot of bitching but not anyone suggesting a better way to educate people.

It's like Trump whining about the media. If he has a better idea then he should go start one. It's a free country and he has the money.
"Why are you learning school Bro....that's acting white".

Do you really think flip-flopping like an angry kindergartener is going to make your error correct?

Are you denying the data backing the recommendation? I fail to see why this issue bothers you so much.
I got my advanced degree for shits and giggles. I really didnt need it, hell I really didnt need by first degree to be where I am at today. ;)
I enjoyed earning my Masters degree.

There is no downside to knowledge. For most people it's a matter of whether they are willing to do what it takes to earn it.
I enjoyed earning my Masters degree.

There is no downside to knowledge. For most people it's a matter of whether they are willing to do what it takes to earn it.

So-called education tends to ruin minds now, not improve them....because the people running the show are not interested in education.

Jordan Peterson I just saw yesterday said that if people read his 100 books list then they will come away with an educational and that is right...Universities are not the place to go anymore for education.
So-called education tends to ruin minds now, not improve them....because the people running the show are not interested in education.

Jordan Peterson I just saw yesterday said that if people read his 100 books list then they will come away with an educational and that is right...Universities are not the place tp go anymore for education.

Bullshit. "Stupid is as stupid does."

Your ideas about brainwashing and "indoctrination" are as outdated as a 1960s Outer Limits episode.

Sure, people can learn just as much from books. Most people need more structure and leadership to help them find the way. I was no different. That's where schools come in be it a university, community college or a trade school.

I've learned a lot of things watching Youtube; how to camo vehicles, disassemble/reassemble weapons, how to build a wooden fence, make paracord jewelry, etc. In all of them I had a basic understanding of the tools and techniques required.

You might be able to learn yoga or a martial art watching youtube, but it's a lot better to take a few actual classes first then apply those to the video.

Why does the far right go nuts over college? The same Jordan Peterson of the 12 Rules for Life?

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Bullshit. "Stupid is as stupid does."

Your ideas about brainwashing and "indoctrination" are as outdated as a 1960s Outer Limits episode.

Sure, people can learn just as much from books. Most people need more structure and leadership to help them find the way. I was no different. That's where schools come in be it a university, community college or a trade school.

I've learned a lot of things watching Youtube; how to camo vehicles, disassemble/reassemble weapons, how to build a wooden fence, make paracord jewelry, etc. In all of them I had a basic understanding of the tools and techniques required.

You might be able to learn yoga or a martial art watching youtube, but it's a lot better to take a few actual classes first then apply those to the video.

Why does the far right go nuts over college? The same Jordan Peterson of the 12 Rules for Life?

Being ahead of the curve looks the same as being behind the curve to most people on the curve....I am most certainly ahead of the curve......that's what the education was for.

This is really good:

Most people I've seen where were persistently angry were in pain of some sort. Sometimes from loss but mostly from fear.

Fear is self-induced. It's like the old joke about Mind over Matter: "I don't mind, so it don't matter."

You're old enough to know that running from fears only prolongs the pain. Best to just face it head on. Usually it turns out to be anticlimactic. Much ado about nothing.

So why are you scared, Bob? Are you afraid the Boogeyman is coming for you soon?

have you faced your fear of your wife being arrested turning tricks dutch .Or of joe Biden being caught being a pervert.
Being ahead of the curve looks the same as being behind the curve to most people on the curve....I am most certainly ahead of the curve......that's what the education was for.

Only if it's circle. Smart people would see the upper limit and know how much is too much. The stupid just give up.

Good. Agreed education allows people to be ahead of the curve regardless of the type of curve being measured.
Most people I've seen where were persistently angry were in pain of some sort. Sometimes from loss but mostly from fear.

Fear is self-induced. It's like the old joke about Mind over Matter: "I don't mind, so it don't matter."

You're old enough to know that running from fears only prolongs the pain. Best to just face it head on. Usually it turns out to be anticlimactic. Much ado about nothing.

So why are you scared, Bob? Are you afraid the Boogeyman is coming for you soon?

Im not scared dutch , there is no boogie man . what are you scared of dutch , your family finding out you married a whore ?