The most useless university degrees

Of course you are. And I am the Queen of Persia. lol

Your temporary avatar from a couple of weeks ago didn't look like an Iranian owl to me.
Its head was not covered, for one thing.
Then again, I claim no expertise in ornithology, and you're not prone to fibbing!
Your temporary avatar from a couple of weeks ago didn't look like an Iranian owl to me.
Its head was not covered, for one thing.
Then again, I claim no expertise in ornithology, and you're not prone to fibbing!

Generally not, no. Think I should use this one?

Africa is full of shit hole nations as is south America and the middle east.
O by the way I want to shoot a cape buffalo but not sure I will . I would have to spend as much as a extra 11 g to do that and buy a new rifle that allows me to harvest the animal humanely and safely . something like a .416 Rugar or Rigby and appropriate optics. also moron I never worshiped trump . I have made it more then clear that I do support his politics but as a person I don't care for him.

But you dont worry about it with biden president hes really working hard with help fromm idiots like you to turn the nation into a shit hole

You should have the courage to tell African people their countries are shitholes while you are over in Africa being driven out on the Serengeti to blow away a water buffalo.
You should have the courage to tell African people their countries are shitholes while you are over in Africa being driven out on the Serengeti to blow away a water buffalo.

and you should have the courage to admit Im right but cant. The world is full of shit hole nations . You know its true and I know its true.
and you should have the courage to admit Im right but cant. The world is full of shit hole nations . You know its true and I know its true.
So you openly admit you be visiting Africa, you will accept their hospitality, you will be driven by them out on the Serengeti to blast away at their wildlife, but you lack the courage to tell them to their faces what you really think of them
You should have the courage to tell African people their countries are shitholes while you are over in Africa being driven out on the Serengeti to blow away a water buffalo.

Boob is not the sharpest tool in the shed. He was over on another thread having a meltdown because he tried to tell me how to cook carp, in a discussion about invasive species. I informed him that I've done so. Then he had a spectacular seizure screaming about killing and eating endangered animals.

I can't believe that they don't make us pay for all of this entertainment! :laugh:
So you openly admit you be visiting Africa, you will accept their hospitality, you will be driven by them out on the Serengeti to blast away at their wildlife, but you lack the courage to tell them to their faces what you really think of them

Remember that book, "The Ugly American"?
Boob is not the sharpest tool in the shed. He was over on another thread having a meltdown because he tried to tell me how to cook carp, in a discussion about invasive species. I informed him that I've done so. Then he had a spectacular seizure screaming about killing and eating endangered animals.

I can't believe that they don't make us pay for all of this entertainment! :laugh:

I shudder to think an illiterate racist like Boob is representing us and Uncle Sam to the citizens of Africa and the world.

Surely we can find better representatives than Boob to send out there?
For sure. I try to be on my best behaviour and to genuinely represent Uncle Sam to the best of my abilities!

You're an excellent ambassador, then.

Shortly after #TRE45ON was selected, my middle daughter and her husband went to Europe. They visited Scotland, Paris, and Switzerland. They were a bit uneasy and worried that people would not treat them politely due to the worldwide hatred of the #TangerineTyrant. Instead they were pleasantly surprised that if anyone even mentioned politics, it was in sympathy for our country.
I shudder to think an illiterate racist like Boob is representing us and Uncle Sam to the citizens of Africa and the world.

Surely we can find better representatives than Boob to send out there?

Well, they've already had a taste of Beavis & Butthead and *their* animal-killing arrogance, so maybe all they care about is taking their money? I still think that's one of the worst bucket list items I've ever seen. I'd much rather go on a photo safari or an eco-tour that helps enrich the local folks and doesn't harm them or the area's flora and fauna.
You're an excellent ambassador, then.

Shortly after #TRE45ON was selected, my middle daughter and her husband went to Europe. They visited Scotland, Paris, and Switzerland. They were a bit uneasy and worried that people would not treat them politely due to the worldwide hatred of the #TangerineTyrant. Instead they were pleasantly surprised that if anyone even mentioned politics, it was in sympathy for our country.

^^ An indication of how much damage this failed TV game show host did to America's stature.

I was at a family reunion in Russia, and there were people from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, USA, Switzerland, Germany, Finland attending. One of my most distinct memories is how when we are bound by blood and DNA, all geopolitical rivalries seem trivial and pointless.
I bet my degree in head makes me a lot more than Legion. :laugh:

I bet the degree your getting is totally useless and you will never earn a dime from it. just think some poor kid could of used that resource to get a degree and get a job and be productive , instead of hanging out on the street corner like you and turning out more little welfare bastards like you
I bet the degree your getting is totally useless and you will never earn a dime from it. just think some poor kid could of used that resource to get a degree and get a job and be productive , instead of hanging out on the street corner like you and turning out more little welfare bastards like you

You're back on this dead horse again, eh, Boob? Is the only worth of an education to you what $$ you can earn with it? What will you say when I use it to help teach young indigenous kids about their culture and language, as a volunteer? What will you think when I use it to volunteer as a substitute teacher?

I understand that you are horribly butt-sore about an older woman who is far more intelligent, accomplished, interesting, and caring than you can ever hope to be. It's okay. Keep exhibiting your bizarre fixation on me here. You can be assured that everyone else is laughing at you. Now run along and pretend to be something other than a pathetic waste of loose, flabby skin. lol

You're back on this dead horse again, eh, Boob? Is the only worth of an education to you what $$ you can earn with it? What will you say when I use it to help teach young indigenous kids about their culture and language, as a volunteer? What will you think when I use it to volunteer as a substitute teacher?

I understand that you are horribly butt-sore about an older woman who is far more intelligent, accomplished, interesting, and caring than you can ever hope to be. It's okay. Keep exhibiting your bizarre fixation on me here. You can be assured that everyone else is laughing at you. Now run along and pretend to be something other than a pathetic waste of loose, flabby skin. lol


Bob is lonely. None of the other ladies in his section will talk to him. Basically he's a 75 year old Incel with a GED.