The most useless university degrees

have you faced your fear of your wife being arrested turning tricks dutch .Or of joe Biden being caught being a pervert.
the one whos a con man and a traitor to humans and a coward
Im not scared dutch , there is no boogie man . what are you scared of dutch , your family finding out you married a whore ?
college chicks, why would I be scared of them . O yes that's you lying again as you normally do.

Bitter Bob, the Final Meltdown. LOL

I don't know, Bob. Why does higher education, especially of a woman, scare you so much? I know you won't answer for the same reason why you won't explain why you are so bitter and angry; you're a wimp too scared to face whatever is scaring you.

You never have to tell anyone, Bob, but I'll be able to tell when you finally face your demon(s). You'll be a lot happier.
It's his money, he earned it, and if he wants to spend $30-$40,000 going to another country to kill some poor endangered animal, I really don't give a shit. That is a pretty sad "bucket list" wish though. Wouldn't it be better to use that money and go on the safari with loved ones, take tons of pics and make wonderful memories together? The dollars they spend there will help the local ppl even more than blowing away some defense living creature.

Then there's how hypocritical it is for him to bleat for days after a retired person going back to college to earn a degree that isn't costing anything but her time.
endangered Animal lol no your a idiot and dreaming the Animals that are normally hunted in Africa are not endangered . your talking out your fat stupid ass owl slut.

Africa has a abundance of plains game , they are common species of antelope.
I am more then likely going to spend closer to 20,000 for a 8 day hunt in a high end safari with about 7 to 8 Animals being taken , this is for 2 people the little lady and myself along with air fare tips , transportation trophy fees and mounting and shipping . and probably at least one new rifle and scope.
So again you have no clue what your talking about. now answer the question do you eat meat or only suck on it own woman >
The failure of the University and the failure of journalism are the top two failed institutions that are to blame for America crashing, that is why it is my business.

Well if you could back that up in some manner we would have something to discuss, but you can't:|
The failure of the University and the failure of journalism are the top two failed institutions that are to blame for America crashing, that is why it is my business.

I can hardly wait for you to explain why my university -- Northern Michigan University -- is a failure.

I suspect what you really mean is that higher education failed YOU. Obviously.
But he is good at cutting the cheese

You're a trumpanzee.

Your IQ can be stated as a hat size.

What do you say?

I couldn't make it through elementary school?

Or do you say, Education is a waste of time?
You're a trumpanzee.

Your IQ can be stated as a hat size.

What do you say?

I couldn't make it through elementary school?

Or do you say, Education is a waste of time?

Anyone on a message board hollering that college education is a waste of time is openly telegraphing they have never set foot in a college classroom.
no I have money to pursue what ever I want with in reason such as a African safari I am planning it will cost as much as 20,000 to over 30,000 depending if I decide to hunt a cape buffalo or not.

I have no betters no one has only liberals think they are better then other people , its your ego and a severe weakness its why you are all scum.

Shes wasting her money it will do her no good , like all democrats shes delusional

When you go on your trip to blow away a water buffalo, have the courage to tell people in Africa that you worshipped and defended your hero Trump when he implied Africa is full of shit hole countries.
Now that they have been decimated by the WOKE religion liberal arts programs are dying fast, they no longer have anything to offer but chintzy political indoctrination.

Jordan Peterson says that the religion is coming for STEM now, and that the Universities are yet again rolling over for dead.
When you go on your trip to blow away a water buffalo, have the courage to tell people in Africa that you worshipped and defended your hero Trump when he implied Africa is full of shit hole countries.

Africa is full of shit hole nations as is south America and the middle east.
O by the way I want to shoot a cape buffalo but not sure I will . I would have to spend as much as a extra 11 g to do that and buy a new rifle that allows me to harvest the animal humanely and safely . something like a .416 Rugar or Rigby and appropriate optics. also moron I never worshiped trump . I have made it more then clear that I do support his politics but as a person I don't care for him.

But you dont worry about it with biden president hes really working hard with help fromm idiots like you to turn the nation into a shit hole
Now that they have been decimated by the WOKE religion liberal arts programs are dying fast, they no longer have anything to offer but chintzy political indoctrination.

Jordan Peterson says that the religion is coming for STEM now, and that the Universities are yet again rolling over for dead.

^ Nuther jealous RW sad sack.