The multiverse is real....

Just reading it doesn't mean you "understand it". That's where you break down all the time. That's why you can't brook ANY disagreement. Because you don't know what to think other than the words you read. You need to learn how to question stuff. Not just lap it up and puke it out so people will think you're smart.

It's clear you aren't that bright. But you have an ego to beat the band and it is fragile as well. A lacy construct of fake intellectualism larded with big words you don't even begin to understand.
In the old days, we'd call this the "manic" side of manic-depression. Maybe on the backside sliding into depression resulting in anger and lashing out.
You don't know what to think other than the words you read! :cuss:

There is no one on this board who knows high energy particle physics enough to have independent original ideas about the Big Bang, inflation, and the multiverse.:laugh:

That's what this thread is about.

Thats one reason I know you are a science neophyte. You are retarded enough to think JPP posters have expertise and original ideas on high energy particle physics

...Thats one reason I know you are a science neophyte. You are retarded enough to think JPP posters have expertise and original ideas on high energy particle physics
He does seem quirky in the science department. The fact he gleefully argued for days and days, round and round with Sybil about global warming was interesting in an Abbie Normal way.
What, then, is the all-inclusive word for everything that exists anywhere in any form?

How about a phrase instead of a, "Everything that exists whether we humans know or sense it or CAN know or sense it." Some concepts are just not amenable to a single word or descriptor.

When speaking on this subject, I tend to use, "...what we humans call 'the universe.'"

Implicit in that is, "What (many) humans call the universe may not be all that exists (which I suspect is almost certainly the case.)"

Shall we use, Frank, "Multi-verse," illogically substituting the prefix "multi" to mean just the one?

If one wants to...allow it. Allow those who want to differentiate between "Everything that exists whether we humans know or sense or can know or sense"...and "the universe" (mostly a cosmological concept) do it.

I was quite fairly accused of illogically getting involved with this thread
when it is about scientific theory
and my sole interest was linguistic integrity. is my position that anyone who wants to get involved in any discussion should be allowed to do so...without regard to whether or not the thrust of that person's comments are directed toward a peripheral matter or not. I am always interested in the "lingusistic" element of a evidenced by my frequent assaults on the words "believe" "believe" "faith" and many other descriptor words like "atheist" "agnostic" "liberal" and such.

When I said "mostly because you are not correct"...I actually knew you were correct, but that your "correctness" was outside the scope of what was being discussed. (And I wanted to get your attention.)

I honestly admit that it was poor judgment on my part to do so,
but I persist that my linguistic criticism is just.

I happen to think it was not poor judgement...and advise you to go for it.

I'm interested in your thoughts about what I said above.
He does seem quirky in the science department. The fact he gleefully argued for days and days, round and round with Sybil about global warming was interesting in an Abbie Normal way.
The mentally ill always seem to find each other on these boards

I can't imagine anything productive coming out of a "who can Google more" contest with Sybil about climate change
What, then, is the all-inclusive word for everything that exists anywhere in any form?

Shall we use, Frank, "Multi-verse," illogically substituting the prefix "multi" to mean just the one?

I was quite fairly accused of illogically getting involved with this thread
when it is about scientific theory
and my sole interest was linguistic integrity.

I honestly admit that it was poor judgment on my part to do so,
but I persist that my linguistic criticism is just.

There's no "wrong" way to post on this thread or any other, outside of rule breaking.
Or exist along side other bubbles of universes?

I like the idea, but have no clue about the math involved.

I don't think there is any one single conventional way to think about the multiverse, since it is highly speculative.

Some people think you could find evidence of other island universes interacting with ours by seeing patterns in the cosmic microwave background. That implies island universes which are physically separated in space from each other.

The MANY Worlds hypothesis implies alternate quantum realities apart from our physical space.

There's no reason to assume that reality is limited to three spatial dimensions. We could be inside a larger hyperdimensional space with universes existing in other dimensions.
It's the internet, Saint, not the Astrophysical Journal, print version.

That level of indignation is inappropriate unless it's for laughs.

He thinks you're not allowed to discuss high energy particle physics or cosmology, unless you are a genuine expert in the field.

None of us are foreign policy experts or economics experts either, but we discuss those all the time.

I would like an explanation why anyone would come to expecting to find genuine experts in high energy particle physics. All I know about it is what I learned in classes or read in books and articles.
It's the internet, Saint, not the Astrophysical Journal, print version.

That level of indignation is inappropriate unless it's for laughs.

Nah, Cypress is in need of someone telling him that not everyone thinks he is as smart as he fancies himself.

He is of the impression that anyone who knows more science than he does must have "madly googled" it is hilarious. Especially when it is abundantly clear that's literally all he does.

He goes off spouting about "scalar fields" so he can sound smart. He has no understanding of that. Sure he reads a lot, but he doesn't read for comprehension which is why he cannot STAND IT when anyone so much as questions little things.

So, yeah, Cypress wants to be told what a loser he is and I'm here to tell 'im.

(It was fun seeing that he'd never heard of freezing point depression without googling you KNOW he doesn't understand scalar or vector fields.)
He thinks you're not allowed to discuss high energy particle physics or cosmology, unless you are a genuine expert in the field.

Nah, I just like seeing you google stuff you don't understand so you can sound smarter than you are.

None of us are foreign policy experts or economics experts either, but we discuss those all the time.

You aren't an expert in anything but name-checking.

I would like an explanation why anyone would come to expecting to find genuine experts in high energy particle physics. All I know about it is what I learned in classes or read in books and articles.

You play one all the time. In fact it is exactly what you want people to think you are. Which is why you go spouting science topics like scalar fields that you have NO WAY to understand. Not even close.
Nah, I just like seeing you google stuff you don't understand so you can sound smarter than you are.

You aren't an expert in anything but name-checking.

You play one all the time. In fact it is exactly what you want people to think you are. Which is why you go spouting science topics like scalar fields that you have NO WAY to understand. Not even close.


You already admitted I have a book on this topic, and didn't have to google.

The basic concept of scalar fields and vector fields are covered in freshman physics.

The fact that this thread was the first time you have heard of it does not mean the basic concept is incomprehensible to anyone else.

What you and your shrink need to cope with is your festering and debilitating resentment towards me:

Originally Posted by Saint Perry:

(CYPRESS) why don't you stop posting on here!:cuss:

That would be WONDERFUL!:cuss:

You should just fuck right off:cuss:

with your fake-ass pseudo intellectual schtick.

You are a fuckin' loser:cuss: who thinks everyone is obsessed with him. You really are the one who needs help! :cuss:
Sorry but the fact you think a 9th grader could grasp scalar fields lets me know you don't know the first thing about it. LOLOL!

"A scalar field is, to be frank, the most simple type of field you can have."--> Ethan Siegel, Ph.D., astrophysicist

An intelligent ninth grader could understand this conceptually. A scalar field is one that just has a value or magnitude at every point in space.

The Higgs field is a scalar field.
Gravity is a vector field because it has both magnitude and direction at every point in space. A scalar only has magnitude, it doesn't have a preferred direction/vector.

Conceptually, this is basically high school or college freshman physics.

The fact you had never heard of a scalar field before you read my thread does not mean it is incomprehensible to an intelligent 9th grader.

"A scalar field is, to be frank, the most simple type of field you can have."--> Ethan Siegel, Ph.D., astrophysicist

An intelligent ninth grader could understand this conceptually. A scalar field is one that just has a value or magnitude at every point in space.

The Higgs field is a scalar field.
Gravity is a vector field because it has both magnitude and direction at every point in space. A scalar only has magnitude, it doesn't have a preferred direction/vector.

Conceptually, this is basically high school or college freshman physics.

The fact you had never heard of a scalar field before you read my thread does not mean it is incomprehensible to an intelligent 9th grader.

More name-checking.


You don't have the linear algebra necessary to understand what a scalar or vector field is. Sorry, Cypress. I know this because of how you googled "Freezing point depression".

For the guy who didn't know that sea water can exist as a liquid below 0degC there's ZERO chance you have the necessary math to understand scalar or vector fields.

You already admitted I have a book on this topic, and didn't have to google.

The basic concept of scalar fields and vector fields are covered in freshman physics.

The fact that this thread was the first time you have heard of it does not mean the basic concept is incomprehensible to anyone else.

What you and your shrink need to cope with is your festering and debilitating resentment towards me:

Why do you change peoples post when they aren't as angry as you want them to be?

Is ti to satisfy your burning rage you feel all the time?

You need help, sick boi.

There is no one on this board who knows high energy particle physics enough to have independent original ideas about the Big Bang, inflation, and the multiverse.:laugh:

So is that why YOU talk about it all the time and then tell anyone who so much as mildly disagrees with you that THEY were googling frantically?

Thats one reason I know you are a science neophyte. You are retarded enough to think JPP posters have expertise and original ideas on high energy particle physics

No, I just try to figure out why a numbnuts like yourself wants everyone to think he's so smart so he posts NON-STOP ABOUT STUFF HE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT.

You didn't even fucking know what freezing point depression was. Why do you post on high energy physics???????

SO PEOPLE WILL THINK YOU ARE SMART. You are a sick little ego junky.