The multiverse is real....

It's not your idea because you have ZERO clue what ANY of those terms technically mean. You just googled like a madman and posted whatever sciencey sounding words you could muster. Scalar fields. like you have a CLUE what that means.

Still following me around Saint Perry? Did you actually foolishly believe anyone on this board has genuinely original ideas about cosmology and theoretical particle physics? :laugh:

An intelligent 9th grader could grasp the basic concept of a scalar field. And anyone who reads about the Big Bang and the multiverse has been exposed to the concept. The Higgs field is a type of scalar field.

The fact that you never heard of a scalar field does not mean nobody else has.
You just googled like a madman and posted whatever sciencey sounding words you could muster. Scalar fields. like you have a CLUE what that means.

Saint Perry, I actually read books and learn. Here is where I first learned about scalar fields and the Big Bang:

Screenshot 2023-10-27 115420.jpg
from: Chapter 7, course guidebook, The Big Bang and Beyond: Exploring the Early Universe, professor Gery Felder, PhD
Agreed. It's about the science, not what their individual beliefs dictate.

I don't think a scientist should be bringing their religious faith, or their atheistic faith to the table when examining the deep questions of cosmology.

But among rabid laypersons, there seems to be a fear of giving "ammunition" to the other side if some of these questions are probed.
I don't think a scientist should be bringing their religious faith, or their atheistic faith to the table when examining the deep questions of cosmology.

But among rabid laypersons, there seems to be a fear of giving "ammunition" to the other side if some of these questions are probed.
Agreed on professional science.

Also agreed that "rabid laypersons" tend to act irrationally where science seems to disprove their views of themselves and the world around them.
Still following me around Saint Perry? Did you actually foolishly believe anyone on this board has genuinely original ideas about cosmology and theoretical particle physics? :laugh:

An intelligent 9th grader could grasp the basic concept of a scalar field. And anyone who reads about the Big Bang and the multiverse has been exposed to the concept. The Higgs field is a type of scalar field.

The fact that you never heard of a scalar field does not mean nobody else has.

LOL. Googlemaster Cypress and his Scalar Fields.

Sorry but the fact you think a 9th grader could grasp scalar fields lets me know you don't know the first thing about it. LOLOLOL.

Googlemaster Cypress and his Science Words!
Saint Perry, I actually read books and learn. Here is where I first learned about scalar fields and the Big Bang:

View attachment 25706
from: Chapter 7, course guidebook, The Big Bang and Beyond: Exploring the Early Universe, professor Gery Felder, PhD


Always showing pictures of your books.

Just reading it doesn't mean you understood it.


Googlemaster Cypress!

Always showing pictures of your books.
I wouldn't have to if you hadn't plagiarized my idea of using frantic googler barb

I accept your confession that I didn't have to google anything because one this topic I am leveraging what I have read in books and articles.
LOL. Googlemaster Cypress and his Scalar Fields.

Sorry but the fact you think a 9th grader could grasp scalar fields lets me know you don't know the first thing about it. LOLOLOL.

Googlemaster Cypress and his Science Words!

Saint Perry's standard progression of backtracking, backpedaling, and melting down:

1) You Googled those science words!:cuss:

2) Well okay, maybe you read about them in your books, but you didn't understand it! :cuss:


Originally Posted by Saint Perry:

Why don't you stop posting on here!:cuss:

That would be WONDERFUL!:cuss:

You should just fuck right off:cuss:

with your fake-ass pseudo intellectual schtick.

You are a fuckin' loser:cuss: who thinks everyone is obsessed with him. You really are the one who needs help! :cuss:

Mostly because you are just not correct.

Don't be exasperated, Nifty, you are correct on so many other things.

What, then, is the all-inclusive word for everything that exists anywhere in any form?

Shall we use, Frank, "Multi-verse," illogically substituting the prefix "multi" to mean just the one?

I was quite fairly accused of illogically getting involved with this thread
when it is about scientific theory
and my sole interest was linguistic integrity.

I honestly admit that it was poor judgment on my part to do so,
but I persist that my linguistic criticism is just.
What, then, is the all-inclusive word for everything that exists anywhere in any form?

Shall we use, Frank, "Multi-verse," illogically substituting the prefix "multi" to mean just the one?

I was quite fairly accused of illogically getting involved with this thread
when it is about scientific theory
and my sole interest was linguistic integrity.

I honestly admit that it was poor judgment on my part to do so,
but I persist that my linguistic criticism is just.

I'd be tempted to refer to our universe as the cosmos, and everything else, if it exists, as the universe.

Cosmos seems to have a slightly different shade of meaning implying a system that is organized and subject to physical laws.

That seems plausible because our universe is finely tuned for complex matter and structure to exist. Other universes, if they exist, could be composed of pure energy or plasma, they could be radically different.
I'd be tempted to refer to our universe as the cosmos, and everything else, if it exists, as the universe.

Cosmos seems to have a slightly different shade of meaning implying a system that is organized and subject to physical laws.

That seems plausible because our universe is finely tuned for complex matter and structure to exist. Other universes, if they exist, could be composed of pure energy or plasma, they could be radically different.

Cosmos and Universe are generally interchangeable for me. The complex system inside our particular bubble of a universe. Given the distance between the stars and the limitations of physics as presently known, I'd be more inclined to believe "ancient astronauts" are time or interdimensional travelers. It could be a lot shorter trip. :thup:
Cosmos and Universe are generally interchangeable for me. The complex system inside our particular bubble of a universe. Given the distance between the stars and the limitations of physics as presently known, I'd be more inclined to believe "ancient astronauts" are time or interdimensional travelers. It could be a lot shorter trip. :thup:

I'm with you there. I was just throwing nifty a bone. Im not bothered by our universe being embedded in a multiverse
I wouldn't have to if you hadn't plagiarized my idea of using frantic googler barb

I accept your confession that I didn't have to google anything because one this topic I am leveraging what I have read in books and articles.

Just reading it doesn't mean you "understand it". That's where you break down all the time. That's why you can't brook ANY disagreement. Because you don't know what to think other than the words you read. You need to learn how to question stuff. Not just lap it up and puke it out so people will think you're smart.

It's clear you aren't that bright. But you have an ego to beat the band and it is fragile as well. A lacy construct of fake intellectualism larded with big words you don't even begin to understand.
Saint Perry's standard progression of backtracking, backpedaling, and melting down:

1) You Googled those science words!:cuss:

2) Well okay, maybe you read about them in your books, but you didn't understand it! :cuss:


Googlemaster Cypress speaks!
It's the internet, Saint, not the Astrophysical Journal, print version.

That level of indignation is inappropriate unless it's for laughs.