The multiverse is real....

I didn't say that

yet it follows logically from what you did say.....


I wasn't even referring to physical laws.

Nobody knows anything tangible about the scalar energy field presumed to be responsible for inflation. It's completely hypothetical. It doesn't even qualify as a physical law, until we have more information. Right now, it's just a mathmatical hypothesis, just barely beyond conjecture.

I wasn't even referring to physical laws.

Nobody knows anything tangible about the scalar energy field presumed to be responsible for inflation. It's completely hypothetical. It doesn't even qualify as a physical law, until we have more information. Right now, it's just a mathmatical hypothesis, just barely beyond conjecture.

so don't pretend to "explain" how they work in other universes.....
unlike some, I apply logic to words.....

I accept your confession that I never tried to explain to anyone how the laws of physics work in other universes.

You know someone is posting in bad faith when they keep asking what they believe are "gotcha!" questions, but then run away and never acknowledge you answered them when it blows up in their face -->

where does all the matter come from if each new universe that bubbles off contains as much of it as ours does?.....

Energy and matter are interchangeable.

The hypothesis stipulates that inflation is driven by some (as yet unknown) scalar energy field, which decays into elementary particles like electrons, neutrinos, and quarks as temperature cools and density decreases.

???....yes it is....(time is immutable and uniform) .

GPS satellites have to be programed with time correction factors, because from our perspective on Earth's surface, time is moving slower for those satellites.

If we let those satellites just run on normal clock time experienced in our inertial frame of reference on Earth's surface, our triangulated GPS coordinates would be wildly off within days. converts to the other......but you want to still have the matter in our universe after in converts to energy in another.......ain't happening....
Dumb. And ignorant of the topic.

Don't ask 'questions' if you think you will dislike the answer and will end up running away pretending the exchange never happened.
do you ever stop and think about the stupid things you say?.....

The multiverse, and the inflationary propagation of an eternal scalar energy field is not my idea.

It was the idea of prominent 20th century theoretical physicists.

You don't have to like the idea. I myself think it is highly speculative.

But anyone with a good high school education should not be mystified at how matter could appear in the island universes of the multiverse --> E=MC[SUP]2[/SUP]
The multiverse, and the inflationary propagation of an eternal scalar energy field is not my idea.

It was the idea of prominent 20th century theoretical physicists.

You don't have to like the idea. I myself think it is highly speculative.

But anyone with a good high school education should not be mystified at how matter could appear in the island universes of the multiverse --> E=MC[SUP]2[/SUP]

Satan's minion is baiting you. :thup:

My advice is to throw some Holy Water on him. If that doesn't work, try holding his head under for a few minutes. :thup:


Four nuns die in a car crash and end up at the Pearly Gates where they are met by St. Peter. He says, "Before any of you can enter Heaven, I must ask you a question. Has any part of your body ever touched a man's penis?"
The first nun lowers her eyes and softly replies, "I did touch one with my finger one time." "OK," says St. Peter, "dip your finger in this pail of holy water and you can go inside."
He then asks the second nun, "Has any part of your body ever touched a man's penis?"
The second nun solemnly replies, "Yes, St. Peter, I touched one with my hand one time." "Ok, dip your hand in this pail of holy water and you can go inside," says St. Peter.
St. Peter then turns to the third nun and asks, "Has any part of your body ever touched a man's penis?"
Before she has a chance to answer, the fourth nun pushes the third nun aside and stands in front of St. Peter.
Shocked, St. Peter asks the fourth nun, "What are you doing? Why did you push this other nun aside and cut in front of her?"
"I wanted to get my drink before she has to stick her ass in there!!" replied the fourth nun.
Satan's minion is baiting you. :thup:

My advice is to throw some Holy Water on him. If that doesn't work, try holding his head under for a few minutes. :thup:


Four nuns die in a car crash and end up at the Pearly Gates where they are met by St. Peter. He says, "Before any of you can enter Heaven, I must ask you a question. Has any part of your body ever touched a man's penis?"
The first nun lowers her eyes and softly replies, "I did touch one with my finger one time." "OK," says St. Peter, "dip your finger in this pail of holy water and you can go inside."
He then asks the second nun, "Has any part of your body ever touched a man's penis?"
The second nun solemnly replies, "Yes, St. Peter, I touched one with my hand one time." "Ok, dip your hand in this pail of holy water and you can go inside," says St. Peter.
St. Peter then turns to the third nun and asks, "Has any part of your body ever touched a man's penis?"
Before she has a chance to answer, the fourth nun pushes the third nun aside and stands in front of St. Peter.
Shocked, St. Peter asks the fourth nun, "What are you doing? Why did you push this other nun aside and cut in front of her?"
"I wanted to get my drink before she has to stick her ass in there!!" replied the fourth nun.
Holy water burns! :burn:

I have noticed that holy rollers get stressed out if the possibility that the big bang was not a unique act of creation is broached, and that militant atheists complain when the topic of cosmic fine tuning is discussed.

Those are legitimate scientific and philosophical topics irrespective of one's religious or atheistic beliefs.
Holy water burns! :burn:

I have noticed that holy rollers get stressed out if the possibility that the big bang was not a unique act of creation is broached, and that militant atheists complain when the topic of cosmic fine tuning is discussed.

Those are legitimate scientific and philosophical topics irrespective of one's religious or atheistic beliefs.

You sure do hate atheists, dontcha? It's like you can't distinguish between an atheist and your bete noir, the evil "militant atheist". I suspect anyone who is an atheist who so much as DARES talk about atheism is a "militant atheist" in your view.

Ironic because you also claim NOT to be a holy roller. But you sure do hate atheists.

It's also funny that ANYONE who disagrees with you must either be a "holy roller" or a "militant atheist". No in betweens for you!
The multiverse, and the inflationary propagation of an eternal scalar energy field is not my idea.

It's not your idea because you have ZERO clue what ANY of those terms technically mean. You just googled like a madman and posted whatever sciencey sounding words you could muster. Scalar fields. like you have a CLUE what that means.
Holy water burns! :burn:

I have noticed that holy rollers get stressed out if the possibility that the big bang was not a unique act of creation is broached, and that militant atheists complain when the topic of cosmic fine tuning is discussed.

Those are legitimate scientific and philosophical topics irrespective of one's religious or atheistic beliefs.

Agreed. It's about the science, not what their individual beliefs dictate.
You sure do hate atheists, dontcha? It's like you can't distinguish between an atheist and your bete noir, the evil "militant atheist". I suspect anyone who is an atheist who so much as DARES talk about atheism is a "militant atheist" in your view.

Ironic because you also claim NOT to be a holy roller. But you sure do hate atheists.

It's also funny that ANYONE who disagrees with you must either be a "holy roller" or a "militant atheist". No in betweens for you!

Lighten up, Francis. Having a lack of respect for anti-science fucking morons is not "hate". Quit projecting.
It's not your idea because you have ZERO clue what ANY of those terms technically mean. You just googled like a madman and posted whatever sciencey sounding words you could muster. Scalar fields. like you have a CLUE what that means.

No wonder you and Sybil get along so well. You both use the same style of arguing. LOL
Don't you understand, Cypress, that you're trying to tell me what I mean?

I honestly don't care too much about either astronomy or the advent of physical matter.

I care about the English language.

considered-not considered--
discovered--not discovered--
previously postulated--not previously postulated--
discussed--not discussed--
studied--not studied--
cared about--not cared about--

is included in the English word "universe."

It's a word, not a scientific or philosophical concept.

It's an English word with a meaning.

New scientific theories don't get to change the meaning of a word.

Why am I the only one understanding this? It's exasperating.

Mostly because you are just not correct.

Don't be exasperated, Nifty, you are correct on so many other things.