The N Word, and Why We Need It

why do white trash racists believe the tendency to murder is somehow DNA related? are they too stupid to think? why do they not know if you look at the environment and upbringing of criminals OF ALL RACES they are similar most of the time? bad or no real parenting, bad environments, lack of education, lack of direction, almost all male figures of authority screwed up losers, lots of alcohol or drugs around from an early age, around a lot of shady punks and thugs, more than decent honest has nothing at all to do with race, you stupid fucking bitch, any more than there is a white boy gene that makes white people more likely to be racist nazis who want to exterminate jews like rats. get it, bitch?

Perhaps blacks commit the largest percentage of murders of any group because 75% of them are bastards that either don't have a baby daddy around or don't know who the POS is.
Perhaps blacks commit the largest percentage of murders of any group because 75% of them are bastards that either don't have a baby daddy around or don't know who the POS is.

Exactly. And this sentiment of his is not racist folks. Uh uh not at all. Because it is the blacks that are burnin lootin and killin all in the name of Jesus

hey, cfm and peace 'n safety- do you two racist pigs live together? you sure do have a lot in common, such as no decency, no morality, and an IQ below that of a mature two bitches should get married and move in together in the basement of the closest KKK clubhouse to your trailer park.
The n word is a term of endearment amongst black gatherings. This means that withholding the use of the very same word from the whitebreads is racism.

Until the blessing of the n word has been released upon the masses of humanity to be used in jest and adoration of one another, their can be no harmony between whitey and the nigrow.


Shut up, nigga.
When the scumbags call me 'Taffy' I love it really, just as 'black' people love the N word. My kicking the scumbags in the balls is just jolly fun.
Ok so I hope we whites have seen that we can use the n word in exactly the same way that the blacks can.

And this is posted for my friends on the left. Because I know deep down inside you’re trying to do good. You try and put some energy into creatin a more harmonious world whe you’re not busy lusting on the internet.

So, you’ve got to let Tyrone know that it’s ok for you to partake of the word in a spirit of unity. My niggahs.

What in hell are you talking about?

hes explaining how the n word is commonly used among black people as a term of endearment so to speak and how its ok for a black man to use it with another black person but that a white man cant use it. I had one black friend that that called me his n all the time because we were close and I always had his back..He would introduce me as his N to his friends , I mentioned it to him and he said is a way to let people know Im cool and to treat me with respect .
I don't like the word myself . But thee meaning of it depends on how its used and by who , it can be a insult or a complement or a term of freindship.
why do white trash racists believe the tendency to murder is somehow DNA related? are they too stupid to think? why do they not know if you look at the environment and upbringing of criminals OF ALL RACES they are similar most of the time? bad or no real parenting, bad environments, lack of education, lack of direction, almost all male figures of authority screwed up losers, lots of alcohol or drugs around from an early age, around a lot of shady punks and thugs, more than decent honest has nothing at all to do with race, you stupid fucking bitch, any more than there is a white boy gene that makes white people more likely to be racist nazis who want to exterminate jews like rats. get it, bitch?

What culture?

Blacks have high murder rates in not just the USA.

Does a Black in the USA have the same culture as ones in Jamaica, or South Africa, for example?

Check, does a Black in New Orleans have the same culture as one in NYC?

Prince George's County, Maryland has an income way above the national average, and a poverty rate well below the national rate.

Yet, this majority Black county manages to have high murder rates, even higher in recent years than the South Bronx.

My friends, I realize you’re white and live in total fear of the black man and I understand.

After all, any other races can use the n word and not catch the heat you do and that is exactly why it must be released upon the masses for complete usage. It is the only way.


Hmm, wore a Confederate flag around Manhattan.

Hmm, beat up several Blacks for mocking me.

Hmm, called a Black the N word when it was just me & 8 of them. Because he cursed a White girl we were with, and when I asked him.politely to apologize he cursed me out & said he'd knock me out N word.

But, I must be scared.
Hmm, wore a Confederate flag around Manhattan.

Hmm, beat up several Blacks for mocking me.

Hmm, called a Black the N word when it was just me & 8 of them. Because he cursed a White girl we were with, and when I asked him.politely to apologize he cursed me out & said he'd knock me out N word.

But, I must be scared.

Not all not all but most
