The next Harry and Meghan thread

I know many ex-military and they would all rather die than admit their brother pushed them, broke his necklace and a dog bowl. The English expression 'big girl's blouse!' comes to mind.

I wonder if you remember the controversy about Chris Kyle and his book American Sniper. He bragged about how he dehumanized the Iraqis before killing and went on to become the deadliest sniper in American history: "He writes that after his first confirmed kill, "the others come easy. I don't have to psych myself up, or do something special mentally—I look through the scope, get my target in the cross hairs, and kill my enemy, before he kills one of my people."[SUP][9] [/SUP]The righties here were peeing themselves in excitement about this because he was killing those "evil" Muslims.

When Kyle returned home his medical records show that admitted to suffering from "combat stress." And he was murdered by a "brother" who also had PTSD. IMO the JPP psychologists have no business deciding how each veteran handles the lasting effects of war, or what it takes to set someone off.
Did you miss where I pointed out that she was tricked by Bashir using fake bank statements? That guy is truly evil and I hope he gets his just desserts.

I agree about Bashir but what do fake bank statements have to do with "there were three in this marriage so it got to be a bit crowded?"
"Wife" and I wildly agree. Diana had to put up with that sanctimonious prig Prince Chuck, a cowardly loser who fooled her into marriage. Furthermore, he's not fit to be king and it shows.
His dear mother even thought that, that’s why she died still holding the crown. She delayed it as long as possible.
Do you have some Russian blood? Because that's some serious rewriting of history. :)

It didn't come out of nowhere that someone in the royal family was questioning how dark Archie's skin would be. Maybe it was Lady Susan Hussey or Princess Michael of Kent, eh?

I also recall how Meghan's half-sister, brother and father trashed her, and continue to do so. And when that made the tabloids people said "hmm, might be something to it."

Unfortunately this seems to be business as usual with the monarchy. Diana, Sarah Ferguson and Meghan were all put through the wringer and continue to be criticized to this day.
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What will Harry do next?


Nicholas Owen, who was ITN’s royal correspondent, said: “The parallels with the Duke of Windsor are amazing. But at least he conducted the rest of his life more or less in obscurity.

"Harry and Meghan live close to Hollywood now – the thing about film stars is they constantly renew themselves by appearing in more films. After the Sussexes have finished getting angry with the royal family, what else do they have to say?”
It didn't come out of nowhere that someone in the royal family was questioning how dark Archie's skin would be. Maybe it was Lady Susan Hussey, eh?

I also recall how Meghan's half-sister, brother and father trashed her, and continue to do so. And when that made the tabloids people said "hmm, might be something to it."

Unfortunately this seems to be business as usual with the monarchy. Diana, Sarah Ferguson and Meghan were all put through the wringer and continue to be criticized to this day.
And what of Andrew, why is that slimey hebephile untouchable?
And what of Andrew, why is that slimey hebephile untouchable?

Because they blame it on the victims, not the hebephile. How many times have we read that these girls are liars, not really underage, just looking to make a quick buck, just getting revenge for being dumped, you name it.
Because they blame it on the victims, not the hebephile. How many times have we read that these girls are liars, not really underage, just looking to make a quick buck, just getting revenge for being dumped, you name it.

Well done, you and Dotty are attempting to derail this thread. This thread is about Harry and Meghan not Randy Andy.
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What crime did he commit? The age of consent in England is 16, she was 17 at the time. We no longer use hanging, drawing and quartering for royals.

You are talking to an ignorant American who just assumes that the rest of the world operates with our AOC and general sex laws.
It didn't come out of nowhere that someone in the royal family was questioning how dark Archie's skin would be. Maybe it was Lady Susan Hussey or Princess Michael of Kent, eh?

I also recall how Meghan's half-sister, brother and father trashed her, and continue to do so. And when that made the tabloids people said "hmm, might be something to it."

Unfortunately this seems to be business as usual with the monarchy. Diana, Sarah Ferguson and Meghan were all put through the wringer and continue to be criticized to this day.

Sorry but the only source for that is Megsy, I don't believe a word she says quite frankly. Even if true it's undoubtedly highly exaggerated for the morons that watch Oprah. Anyway so what, I'm sure every family speculates about the physical characteristics of a new born that's just normal, except to moronic Progressives who always lie, twist and distort the truth.
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Sorry but the only source for that is Megsy, I don't believe a word she says quite frankly. Even if true it's undoubtedly highly exaggerated for the morons that watch Oprah. Anyway so what, I'm sure every family speculates about the physical characteristics of a new born that's just normal, except to moronic Progressives who always lie, twist and distort the truth.

Just admit you're predisposed to claim everything she says is a lie, because you despise her. I wonder why you're so confident that nobody in the Royal family could possibly be racist, when we all know that couldn't be further from the truth. Nobody had to watch the Oprah interview to hear this, it was in every newspaper and tabloid in the US and the UK.

Your crowd does a lot of speculating about physical characteristics, admit it. For example, the rumor that Harry is James Hewitt's son because they're both redheads, when anybody can look at the Spencers and see that Harry resembles all of them. But it's so much easier to trash the mothers of these kids than to accept facts. And I'm sure there are more conservatives than progressives in the US and the UK who are quick to embrace the lies and conspiracy theories about the royal sprogs.