The next Harry and Meghan thread

Thank you. I was just about to do this. Was hoping our resident Brit, Serendipity, would start one.

Most pathetic display ever. What a disgrace and joke he is. I can't stand either of them.


So you hate inter racial couples!
No surprise!
Ok now for the truth, it's a rare commodity these days. Pretty damn priceless that he's waited up to now to admit it. Yes I take anything they say with a large dose of salt, their bullshit is finally coming back to haunt them. As for "my crowd", my views are my own, thanks all the same. I think yourself and Rana are predisposed to believe Meghan primarily because she's a woman and her mother is black, the truth comes a distant third sadly.

Harry finally admits Royal Family is NOT racist despite furore over comments about Archie

Prince Harry demolished one of the biggest criticisms levelled at the monarchy after admitting he and Meghan did not think the Royal Family was racist.

But asked by ITV News anchor Tom Bradby if he would describe that as racist, Harry said: “I wouldn’t, not having lived within that family.”

"Your crowd" includes you and the others holding the same view about the family's physical characteristics, like many of those in this thread.

I honestly don't understand why you and some of the others on this thread have such reflexive negative views about Meghan, Diana, Catherine and Sarah, women you don't even know. Are you influenced by tabloids or what? These women have been hounded by the media from the minute they came into the public eye. Their lives, personalities, styles etc. have taken much more of a beating than those of the equally imperfect men they're linked to. But the men are given sympathy while the women are excoriated as ball-busters.

Example, I have never liked Camilla but she took the brunt of public disapproval while Chuck got a wave of the hand and "boys will be boys." Why was she more of a homewrecker than the cowardly Chuck? And why was Diana supposed to sit back and keep her mouth shut about Chuck's blatant infidelity? It seems the UK holds women in the RF to a much higher standard of behavior than the men. Did anyone ever call out Philip for his infidelities against Elizabeth? I doubt it. How about Snowdon and Margaret? Even his friends claimed that he had a sexual addiction and would pounce on anything that moved.

Furthermore, why is it bad for Harry to criticize his family but not bad for the Markles to criticize Meghan? I can see the weirdness in the two half-siblings (who were practically a generation older than Meghan and had little to do with her,) suddenly go to the media with their opinions that she's pond scum. And her father is beyond the pale with his grandstanding. These people had nothing to say about Meghan when she was an actress in a TV show but her relationship with Harry really brought out the hate and envy in them, especially Samantha. Do you think it's normal that Samantha had multiple Twitter accounts bashing Meghan? I think that's sick.

I believe you and the others in this thread have a double standard when it comes to the women in the monarchy vs. the men. I have way more respect for Diana, Sarah, Catherine and Meghan for what they had to put up with by marrying into this family, while for decades the men got a nod and a wink.
"Your crowd" includes you and the others holding the same view about the family's physical characteristics, like many of those in this thread.

I honestly don't understand why you and some of the others on this thread have such reflexive negative views about Meghan, Diana, Catherine and Sarah, women you don't even know. Are you influenced by tabloids or what? These women have been hounded by the media from the minute they came into the public eye. Their lives, personalities, styles etc. have taken much more of a beating than those of the equally imperfect men they're linked to. But the men are given sympathy while the women are excoriated as ball-busters.

Example, I have never liked Camilla but she took the brunt of public disapproval while Chuck got a wave of the hand and "boys will be boys." Why was she more of a homewrecker than the cowardly Chuck? And why was Diana supposed to sit back and keep her mouth shut about Chuck's blatant infidelity? It seems the UK holds women in the RF to a much higher standard of behavior than the men. Did anyone ever call out Philip for his infidelities against Elizabeth? I doubt it. How about Snowdon and Margaret? Even his friends claimed that he had a sexual addiction and would pounce on anything that moved.

Furthermore, why is it bad for Harry to criticize his family but not bad for the Markles to criticize Meghan? I can see the weirdness in the two half-siblings (who were practically a generation older than Meghan and had little to do with her,) suddenly go to the media with their opinions that she's pond scum. And her father is beyond the pale with his grandstanding. These people had nothing to say about Meghan when she was an actress in a TV show but her relationship with Harry really brought out the hate and envy in them, especially Samantha. Do you think it's normal that Samantha had multiple Twitter accounts bashing Meghan? I think that's sick.

I believe you and the others in this thread have a double standard when it comes to the women in the monarchy vs. the men. I have way more respect for Diana, Sarah, Catherine and Meghan for what they had to put up with by marrying into this family, while for decades the men got a nod and a wink.

There is a difference between being blood and marrying into the family. That goes double when the women are not even British.
"Your crowd" includes you and the others holding the same view about the family's physical characteristics, like many of those in this thread.

I honestly don't understand why you and some of the others on this thread have such reflexive negative views about Meghan, Diana, Catherine and Sarah, women you don't even know. Are you influenced by tabloids or what? These women have been hounded by the media from the minute they came into the public eye. Their lives, personalities, styles etc. have taken much more of a beating than those of the equally imperfect men they're linked to. But the men are given sympathy while the women are excoriated as ball-busters.

Example, I have never liked Camilla but she took the brunt of public disapproval while Chuck got a wave of the hand and "boys will be boys." Why was she more of a homewrecker than the cowardly Chuck? And why was Diana supposed to sit back and keep her mouth shut about Chuck's blatant infidelity? It seems the UK holds women in the RF to a much higher standard of behavior than the men. Did anyone ever call out Philip for his infidelities against Elizabeth? I doubt it. How about Snowdon and Margaret? Even his friends claimed that he had a sexual addiction and would pounce on anything that moved.

Furthermore, why is it bad for Harry to criticize his family but not bad for the Markles to criticize Meghan? I can see the weirdness in the two half-siblings (who were practically a generation older than Meghan and had little to do with her,) suddenly go to the media with their opinions that she's pond scum. And her father is beyond the pale with his grandstanding. These people had nothing to say about Meghan when she was an actress in a TV show but her relationship with Harry really brought out the hate and envy in them, especially Samantha. Do you think it's normal that Samantha had multiple Twitter accounts bashing Meghan? I think that's sick.

I believe you and the others in this thread have a double standard when it comes to the women in the monarchy vs. the men. I have way more respect for Diana, Sarah, Catherine and Meghan for what they had to put up with by marrying into this family, while for decades the men got a nod and a wink.

I thinks it pretty sick that H&M allowed the canard about Archie's skin colour to fester for so long, don't you? You even brought that up the other day, well it was all bullshit so you might want to correct the record there as well.

That the likes of Charles and Andrew have turned out to have feet of clay is nothing new, that's well documented over decades.
I thinks it pretty sick that H&M allowed the canard about Archie's skin colour to fester for so long, don't you? You even brought that up the other day, well it was all bullshit so you might want to correct the record there as well.

And we must remember that Harry and Meghan's extensive lying is quintessential WOKE.