The no trolling, personal attacks, or political bluster, discussion.

Our family is all over too. FB is a good way to stay in touch, share pics, stories, etc. Just be careful who you "friend," keep your privacy settings as tight as possible, and don't share those quizzes and games because a lot of time they're either spammers or malware.
It's what the list is above, of race trolls, and those with friendliness issues. If he starts shit he won't last, but considering even Yurt has a chance, you can let him try. Just don't call him that, or start shit yourself. Since I just started this, I'll let hiccups like that slide for now. Discuss anything, just don't get screwy with it. No trolling, personal attacks, or getting aggressive with political opinions. Try not to get lewd either, because I will consider that a personal attack against those of the opposite sex.

Oh. Did you know that some (and I won't put a number on this) 'of the opposite sex' like 'lewd'?
(in fact, one of the 'them' even posted an Avatar with a 'lewd' appearance, ... naturally, I won't name names)
What kind of secrets are you hiding from the government?

I think I'm more concerned with 'Hackers'. You hear all kinds of 'Scare Stories' about people getting hacked and it takes the next 5 years to get your 'Life' back.
Ever been to the rock & roll hall of fame?

I've thought about going, but with what bands(?)/singers they've put in there, it's hardly R & R. Rap, top 40, and country acts are in there. Many who don't even deserve to be there are there, some who should be are not.
You just broke your own rule by bringing me up. Ban yourself.

Simmer down, and don't be ridiculous. I mentioned you, never attacked you. You have issues getting along with me, like USfreedom does with Jack. Essentially all I said was despite you not getting along with me, or Usfreedom not getting along with Jack, you both have a chance to post here. Please don't make be regret giving you a chance, and just chat it up. Politics is hectic, and built on where you live, how you were raised, and what is important for life there. It's made for butting heads, but take it away, and discuss interests many share, and we aren't so different.
Ever been to the rock & roll hall of fame?

Have you ever been to the Motown Museum in Detroit? Even though we technically live in MI, we haven't been to Detroit yet, exc. for plane layovers. I'd really like to visit it. Mr. Owl isn't so keen; he didn't care for the Motown sound. Like Grind he likes Radiohead.
Have you ever been to the Motown Museum in Detroit? Even though we technically live in MI, we haven't been to Detroit yet, exc. for plane layovers. I'd really like to visit it. Mr. Owl isn't so keen; he didn't care for the Motown sound. Like Grind he likes Radiohead.

Only been to Red Wings games, but it's been some time. The Red Wings come up here for training camp, and Mom worked the concession's with a friend. Those that work can get something signed by a player of choice, or you can just leave an item, and whoever signs it, signs it. I got a composite hockey stick, covered with signatures.