The Official Barbie Movie Thread

LOL. You get to the last 10 seconds and he says... "Oh, and by the way. Oppenheimer is good."

I have not finished yet, I am constantly overloaded on stuff I want to watch, in part because I watch so many Sailing YouTubes. I fundamentally dont understand people who say that they are bored....I never have that problem.
I recently rewatched the Life of Brian to regain a good mood after having an argument with one of my many daughters... It always works, if the movie is actually funny. Too many forced "patriarchy" jokes can make what had potential into something other than comedy. I hate paying for a comedy only to find that what I actually paid for was to attend a truly crappy political lecture instead.

I think different people had different expectations but the reaction from audiences and critics are receiving the movie positively. It’s 90/90 on rotten tomatoes not sure if the anti wokes have spammed it now but that’s a really good score. I expected social satire and that’s what I got. I was impressed by the spot on satire in much of the movie. Maybe it’s an expectation thing. I loved it. Political? I’d say no. Commentary on gender roles? Yep.
I think different people had different expectations but the reaction from audiences and critics are receiving the movie positively. It’s 90/90 on rotten tomatoes not sure if the anti wokes have spammed it now but that’s a really good score. I expected social satire and that’s what I got. I was impressed by the spot on satire in much of the movie. Maybe it’s an expectation thing. I loved it. Political? I’d say no. Commentary on gender roles? Yep.

The curated audience score is 90....the all audience score is in the low 70's....when you see that much of a spread you should know that Rotten Tomatoes is fucking with the numbers....AGAIN.
The BS review reminds me that I am super annoyed with the increasing practice in both text and video of people going on and on and on and on and on as if their audience has nothing but time. The ability to crystalize distill and condense seems to be becoming a lost art.

I see a lot of that here at JPP as well.

Only half done, I might not finish.

Bull Shit....this is WOKE diatribe....and with all things WOKE it contains massive amounts of lying intended as Mind Molding of the serfs.
Men Suck and so must be kept in their place behind women....that has been the primary message of the feminists for 30 years.
Literally 30 years, 1993/1994 is the date when the feminists switched from working towards equality to working towards oppressing and suppressing men....that is also when the conservatives were largely thrown out of the movement.
The curated audience score is 90....the all audience score is in the low 70's....when you see that much of a spread you should know that Rotten Tomatoes is fucking with the numbers....AGAIN.

You are fucking insane. Just batshit crazy.