The Official Debate Championship Shit Talking Thread!

Where USF did not directly plagiarize wikipedia he took the statements and patched them up with different words so that it didn't make any sense.

Yurt's debate is rife with plagiarism also... the first three paragraphs of Yurt's opening statement are an almost exact duplication of what is stated in the Documentary "Grass", narrated by Woody Harrelson.

Sure, he changed a few words in an attempt to make the argument his own, but if USF is guilty, then Yurt is also.
Actually 15ppMoot, you've failed to prove your assertion. Once again The Southern Man, er, Damn Yankee, rises in triumph while you writhe away like a snake. :)
No, I didn't make an assertion. You did and you failed to prove your assertion. I requested you to provide the regulatory references and you completely failed to do so. When you requested that of me, I did so easily. Game set, match, You can move the goal post all you want. You still lost! na, na, na, na na! :p
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Where USF did not directly plagiarize wikipedia he took the statements and patched them up with different words so that it didn't make any sense.
Oh I give SM the opening statement, I'll explain why I think USF won the rebuttal after he completes his last entry. I can see why you wouldn't agree. SM made the same mistake that cost you in our debate. :pke:
Yurt's debate is rife with plagiarism also... the first three paragraphs of Yurt's opening statement are an almost exact duplication of what is stated in the Documentary "Grass", narrated by Woody Harrelson.

Sure, he changed a few words in an attempt to make the argument his own, but if USF is guilty, then Yurt is also.

could you point out where he plagiarized? I would want that on record.

Even if he did plagiarize though, due to beefy not showing up yurt would have won by default if he just said "sup everybody i am yurt" so in terms of how it affects his standing in this competition at the moment it's a moot point.
Yurt's debate is rife with plagiarism also... the first three paragraphs of Yurt's opening statement are an almost exact duplication of what is stated in the Documentary "Grass", narrated by Woody Harrelson.

Sure, he changed a few words in an attempt to make the argument his own, but if USF is guilty, then Yurt is also.
Oh I think, in their typically spastic colon way, Yurt and Skidmark have a point. Copy and paste your debate information from other sources into your postings at your own risk with out siting it. I think it's fairly obvious when some one does that and If I was a judge I would take that into consideration, though I don't think it's worth disqualifying anone (well we'll make an exception for Skidmark ;).
Yurt's debate is rife with plagiarism also... the first three paragraphs of Yurt's opening statement are an almost exact duplication of what is stated in the Documentary "Grass", narrated by Woody Harrelson.

Sure, he changed a few words in an attempt to make the argument his own, but if USF is guilty, then Yurt is also.

that is total fact, take my first paragraph and google it and you get MY debate and i've never read that documentary nor did i know woody ever did better back this up

USF took the exact sentence and just a couple of words, you're full shit

EDIT: i thought it was a book...i've never SEEN that documentary, you're a fucking liar first three paragraphs are about the HISTORY of can't plagerize FACTS dumbass....

prove i copied his words or recant your bullshit first three paragraphs are about the HISTORY of can't plagerize FACTS dumbass....

prove i copied his words or recant your bullshit
Ahh don't worry about it. If he beats Cap'n Billy he'll be your next opponent....make him pay then! muhahahahaa.
that is total fact, take my first paragraph and google it and you get MY debate and i've never read that documentary nor did i know woody ever did better back this up

USF took the exact sentence and just a couple of words, you're full shit

EDIT: i thought it was a book...i've never SEEN that documentary, you're a fucking liar

Right...and since we all know a lawyer would never LIE to win his case/debate, then we can all just take you at your word...

I've seen the documentary a few times and I recall several sections of historical fact that were worded almost exactly like what you "wrote".

Sentences with facts in them might possibly sound similar...knock me down with a feather.
Ahh don't worry about it. If he beats Cap'n Billy he'll be your next opponent....make him pay then! muhahahahaa.

I fully expect to hear the same whiny pissing and moaning from Yurt, since I've utilized several sites on the web to research my debate position.

I fully expect him to spend the day whining about something.
again, you don't need to cite every source for stats, what you CAN"T do is plagerize other people's WORDS for your debate....stats are not plagerism

that you can't tell the difference between the two is laughable...obviously i got those stats somewhere, but the rules don't say anything about citing stats and since the focus is on how YOU debate, not how well you source, i left the source out, but i WROTE the sentence, whereas YOU stole the sentence.

So you were against quotes; before you were for quotes!! :good4u:

Sounds to me, like you're shooting for a political position. :cof1:
USF's statement and rebuttal were merely a collection of porrly written sentences, some partially plagiarized and others fully so- no structure to hold them together and very poorly organized and written. "Destroy" is simply your biased opinion, nothing more.

My feelings are crushed.

CRUSHED, I SAY!! :palm:
I fully expect to hear the same whiny pissing and moaning from Yurt, since I've utilized several sites on the web to research my debate position.

I fully expect him to spend the day whining about something.
Except your not debating Yurt. You're debating Billy and he's not a whiny bitch! LOL

I'm looking forward to you two's debate. I like that topic.
Thanks Yurt. You've proven yourself to be able to distance your personal or political beliefs so that you can fairly judge a situation. That's an admirable trait, and one that 15ppMoot is sorely lacking.


Right...and since we all know a lawyer would never LIE to win his case/debate, then we can all just take you at your word...

I've seen the documentary a few times and I recall several sections of historical fact that were worded almost exactly like what you "wrote".

Sentences with facts in them might possibly sound similar...knock me down with a feather.

i linked to the video, you didn't, i wonder why, oh yeah, because you LIED...your lies won't hold up, that is how sure i am of my debate, that i linked to the video without even watching it

further, you can't plagerize facts dumbass...if he talked about the same facts....that is not plagerism...but you're too stupid to know that

my profession has nothing to do with anything here, but nice to know you get personal but are too afraid to say what you do for a living....