The Official Debate Championship Shit Talking Thread!

Oh quit being obtuse, you can't defend your point because you don't know what your talking about and I proved it. Take it like a man son. :pke:
I'm not being "obtuse" at all. You're the one running away from the argument, and for the fifth or 6th time.

These points await you when you muster up enough courage to get your head beat in again:

1. You failed to cite when it was ratified and which portions.
2. Its not up to me to prove your case for you. So 'you suck at siting [sic] regulatory references' applies to you, not me.
3. The title of this proposed treaty (and I'll use the qualifier until you prove that the US is a party to it) is "International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships". It does not appear to apply to this situation, where pollution is being cleaned up by ships.
4. The rationale for not allowing the discharge of 97% clean water appears to be either a) Obama stupidity, b) bureaucratic arrogance or c) to create a crisis so The Obama can further destroy the economy.
Can't even admit you were wrong about something as minuscule as that...speaks VOLUMES about you as a person.

Way to do that research...You EVER won a case yet?

obviously i was wrong if its on your wall dumbass

why are you RUNNING from your claim of plagerism...i gave the link to the video and created a seperate thread....

you've been ample opportunity to prove you claim with multiple links, now you have a whole thread....if you don't prove it there, then we all know you lied
Yurt's debate is rife with plagiarism also... the first three paragraphs of Yurt's opening statement are an almost exact duplication of what is stated in the Documentary "Grass", narrated by Woody Harrelson.

Sure, he changed a few words in an attempt to make the argument his own, but if USF is guilty, then Yurt is also.

Thanks Zap. :good4u:
Yurt's debate is rife with plagiarism also... the first three paragraphs of Yurt's opening statement are an almost exact duplication of what is stated in the Documentary "Grass", narrated by Woody Harrelson.

Sure, he changed a few words in an attempt to make the argument his own, but if USF is guilty, then Yurt is also.

I didn't claim you had plagiarized anything...I just pointed out the similarities between your post and the narrative of that Documentary, concluding that if what USF had done was plagiarism, then according to your own definition, you had done it also.

obviously i was wrong if its on your wall dumbass

why are you RUNNING from your claim of plagerism...i gave the link to the video and created a seperate thread....

you've been ample opportunity to prove you claim with multiple links, now you have a whole thread....if you don't prove it there, then we all know you lied

OBVIOUSLY you were wrong but that didn't stop you from LYING, now did it? And since it only took you four posts and a half dozen vulgar ad homs to admit as much, how about for now you go fuck yerself?
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I didn't claim you had plagiarized anything...I just pointed out the similarities between your post and the narrative of that Documentary, concluding that if what USF had done was plagiarism, then according to your own definition, you had done it also.

OBVIOUSLY you were wrong but that didn't stop you from LYING, now did it? And since it only took you four posts and a half dozen vulgar ad homs to admit as much, how about for now you go fuck yerself?

being wrong is NOT lying dumbfuck....i never went to your board so i had no idea....

and you in fact ARE lying...

I didn't claim you had plagiarized anything

oh really?

Yurt's debate is rife with plagiarism also... the first three paragraphs of Yurt's opening statement are an almost exact duplication of what is stated in the Documentary "Grass", narrated by Woody Harrelson.

Sure, he changed a few words in an attempt to make the argument his own, but if USF is guilty, then Yurt is also.

now...i've put the video in its own thread, with a direct link to the is YOUR burden of proof to now show how i "copied" from the movie and you did in fact claim my debate was RIFE with plagerism....

NOTE: will copy this in its own thread so you cannot run from it and we don't fuck this thread up
man nothing better than taking a baseball bat to the collectives face

first he says i plagiarized, then he claims he never said that...and we're talking only a couple of hours apart....the guy is clearly lying and never expected me to defend against his false claims....

trust me, he will never enter that thread and show 1. where i plagiarized; 2. how i copied from the movie....

thats pretty disgusting to accuse someone of such an act and then lie you ever accused them and then not even bother trying to support your claim
first he says i plagiarized, then he claims he never said that...and we're talking only a couple of hours apart....the guy is clearly lying and never expected me to defend against his false claims....

trust me, he will never enter that thread and show 1. where i plagiarized; 2. how i copied from the movie....

thats pretty disgusting to accuse someone of such an act and then lie you ever accused them and then not even bother trying to support your claim
The chronology of the posts has been his undoing. :)
first he says i plagiarized, then he claims he never said that...and we're talking only a couple of hours apart....the guy is clearly lying and never expected me to defend against his false claims....

trust me, he will never enter that thread and show 1. where i plagiarized; 2. how i copied from the movie....

thats pretty disgusting to accuse someone of such an act and then lie you ever accused them and then not even bother trying to support your claim

i was just saying that us judges took a baseball bat to everyones face because I think a lot of people thought usfree was a lock
i was just saying that us judges took a baseball bat to everyones face because I think a lot of people thought usfree was a lock

I thought SM's opening statement was better. But USF undermined SM's entire argument pretty well.

I also would have thought SM would have lost points for not actually answering USF's question. While his opening may have been among the best so far, SM's question was the worst.

I would have scored it differently.
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I thought SM's opening statement was better. But USF undermined SM's entire argument pretty well.

I also would have thought SM would have lost points for not actually answering USF's question. While his opening may have been among the best so far, SM's question was the worst.

I would have scored it differently.

Doesn't matter, let it go. :good4u:
LOL I've met my goal. Y'all hate me back there because I'm right, and I'm Right. :cof1:

So again, what was the judge-by-judge vote tally?

Whether you think your side of the debate was right or wrong is irrelevant.

The ability to debate is what is (or should be) judged.

Yours was less than stellar.

So far I see Mott and Nigel as the best debators I may face.