The Official Debate Championship Shit Talking Thread!

here is the video zappa claims i plagerized...i don't have time to watch the whole thing....but i am that confident that his claims will be false that i will link directly to the video

once again here is the video zappa claims i plagerized....

mind you, i've never seen it

what a pathetic liar zappa....unlike you, i am not afraid to link to the video, despite never seeing it
Except your not debating Yurt. You're debating Billy and he's not a whiny bitch! LOL

I'm looking forward to you two's debate. I like that topic.

Yurt's not debating USF either but that hasn't stopped him from pissing and moaning about USF's debate.

I predict Bender and I will have a well reasoned debate...regardless of any wailing and gnashing of teeth Yurtsicle may do.
Yurt's not debating USF either but that hasn't stopped him from pissing and moaning about USF's debate.

I predict Bender and I will have a well reasoned debate...regardless of any wailing and gnashing of teeth Yurtsicle may do.

if you plagerize like USF...expect to be called on your dishonesty

its funny how you're ignoring watermark's thread on it and acting as if i'm the only one....

oh yeah, thats because you're a lying POS
Except your not debating Yurt. You're debating Billy and he's not a whiny bitch! LOL

I'm looking forward to you two's debate. I like that topic.

see...this is why you get no respect from me

on the one hand, you actually AGREE that plagerism is wrong and that watermark and i have a hack it up with your libby buddies in order to look cool in their eyes....

you have no integrity
that is total fact, take my first paragraph and google it and you get MY debate and i've never read that documentary nor did i know woody ever did better back this up

USF took the exact sentence and just a couple of words, you're full shit

EDIT: i thought it was a book...i've never SEEN that documentary, you're a fucking liar

Yeah, right!! :palm:
i linked to the video, you didn't, i wonder why, oh yeah, because you LIED...your lies won't hold up, that is how sure i am of my debate, that i linked to the video without even watching it

further, you can't plagerize facts dumbass...if he talked about the same facts....that is not plagerism...but you're too stupid to know that

my profession has nothing to do with anything here, but nice to know you get personal but are too afraid to say what you do for a living....

OMG...Yurtsie's getting ready to Spurtsie!!

You unbelievable tool, it says right on my wall what I do for a always do such "thorough" research before a case? I weep for your clients.

You really are a gigantic douche.
Great Debate Guys! Stuff like this is what's going to make this competition a success!! :)

I would much rather play the "Devil's Advocate", since I allready have the information that supports what I believe; this gives me the chance to look at more information and might just give me pause to re-think my position.
OMG...Yurtsie's getting ready to Spurtsie!!

You unbelievable tool, it says right on my wall what I do for a always do such "thorough" research before a case? I weep for your clients.

You really are a gigantic douche.

oh, you cock suck for a living....

i created a thread with a link to the video you claim i plagerized....prove it or recant
see...this is why you get no respect from me

on the one hand, you actually AGREE that plagerism is wrong and that watermark and i have a hack it up with your libby buddies in order to look cool in their eyes....

you have no integrity

So the whiny little girl who couldn't even be bothered to check my wall as part of his "research" to discover what I do for a living before calling me a coward wants to lecture others on "integrity"?

Ha is to laugh...
No, I didn't make an assertion. You did and you failed to prove your assertion. I requested you to provide the regulatory references and you completely failed to do so. When you requested that of me, I did so easily. Game set, match, You can move the goal post all you want. You still lost! na, na, na, na na! :p
Stop being such a pussy. You claimed that there were regulations the The Obama couldn't waive, and you simply failed to prove that.
So the whiny little girl who couldn't even be bothered to check my wall as part of his "research" to discover what I do for a living before calling me a coward wants to lecture others on "integrity"?

Ha is to laugh...

i would never check a pervert's wall....

btw....i notice you've backed off your claim of plagerism and have now deflected about other bullshit....

go there and prove it or recant
ok...i'll wait to the end then to see what he is talking about
OK, there debate is over and now I can speak more fully.

SM clearly won the opening statement. He articulated a clear point of view, defended it well with clearly sited references. His opening statement was extremely well written.

But he made a big mistake in his logic in correlating the definition he used for mentall illness with homosexuality being a mental illness and USF nailed him on it in his rebuttal.

USF completely undermined SM's position when he stated that SM's definition and logic would also mean that those who have sex but are unable to procreate would be mentally ill or those who can procreate but chose not to and have sex would be mentally ill. OUCH!!!

Can you really seriously consider that those people would be mentally ill but how could they then not be as the very same definition and logic SM used would also apply to them?

You could also say, using SM's logic, that any hetero couple who has anal sex is mentally ill. It has nothing to do with reproduction and would not be "normal" by SM's definition. Do you really think that hetero couples who have anal sex are mentally ill? If the answer is no, then why would gay men be any different? You could also make the same argument about oral sex or masturbation, that anyone who paraticipated in these are mentally ill, and just like homosexuality, that too has been claimed in the past.

SM made the same mistake here that Skidmark made in his opening statement and USF's comment right there was a crushing rebuttal to SM's argument.

I also give the question/answer portion to USF. SM didn't even ask a question about the topic. He attacked USF's research on the topic, that's pretty close to an ad hom and from a debate standpoint is not only irrelevent but poor form, to make matters worse, he didn't actually answer USF's question.

On the other side, USF asked a tough question, for which he really didn't get a direct answer from his opponent. In addition USF responded directly to SM's question and used that as a sprngboard to further his attack on SM's postion. His answer to SM's question was definately USF's best post.

On that basis I score it a win for USF 2 pts to 1.
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OK, there debate is over and now I can speak more fully.

SM clearly won the opening statement. He articulated a clear point of view, defended it well with clearly sited references. His opening statement was extremely well written.

But he made a big mistake in his logic in correlating the definition he used for mentall illness with homosexuality being a mental illness and USF nailed him on it in his rebuttal.

USF completely undermined SM's position when he stated that SM's definition and logic would also mean that those who have sex but are unable to procreate would be mentally ill or those who can procreate but chose not to and have sex would be mentally ill. OUCH!!!

Can you really seriously consider that those would be mentally ill but how could then not be as the very same definition and logic apply to them. You could also say that any hetero couple who has anal sex is mentally ill. It has nothing to do with reproduction and would not be "normal" by SM's definition. Do you really think that hetero couples who have anal sex are mentally ill? If the answer is no, then why would gay men be any different? You could also make the same argument about oral sex or masturbation, that anyone who paraticipated in these are mentally ill, and just like homosexuality, that too has been claimed in the past.

So that comment right there was a crushing rebuttal to SM's argument.

I also give the question/answer portion to USF. SM didn't even ask a question about the topic. He attacked USF's research on the topic, that's pretty close to an ad hom and from a debate standpoint is not only irrelevent but poor form, to make matters worse, he didn't actually answer USF's question.

On the other side, USF asked a tough question, for which he really didn't get a direct answer from his opponent. In addition USF responded directly to SM's question and used that as a sprngboard to further his attack on SM's postion. His answer to SM's question was definately USF's best post.

On that basis I score it a win for USF 2 pts to 1.

I was looking at this the same way, especially with SM's response to my question, and was surprised by the Judge's outcome; but that's the way it goes. :good4u:
oh, you cock suck for a living....

i created a thread with a link to the video you claim i plagerized....prove it or recant

Can't even admit you were wrong about something as minuscule as that...speaks VOLUMES about you as a person.

Way to do that research...You EVER won a case yet?