The Official Debate Championship Shit Talking Thread!

I don't know shit about evolution. I had to look all that stuff up and learn from scratch. The only thing I successfully did was destroy the creationist position, but since neither Taicheeze nor you are creationists, its largely irrelevant, and simply debating macroevolution is much harder for me to do than it is for you, a biologist.

Just saying...
Well that's the beauty of it for you. You still win! :)
If Taichi doesn't post by the AM, I'll take his position just to make 3D work for the default win. Is that ok?

Good first post 3D.
If Libby doesn't respond then 3D could have won by saying "Libby is gay". It would have taken far less time to read, made more sense and been entirely accurate.
thai just checked in with me. Says he/she can do it at 530pm eastern. I would like the debate to continue.
when is an appropriate cancel time for the debate if we aren't going to get responses? help me out people.
when is an appropriate cancel time for the debate if we aren't going to get responses? help me out people.

If I noticed correctly, Tai answered around 5 something today, CST. I say close it by 6 pm tomorrow. Since it got underway, seems best to let it finish if possible.
I'm disappointed in this one. So much potential and it starts with a statement of what he actually believes?
Zap did a fairly good job with his OP, arguing that Bush 41 was wrong to let Saddam stay in power. I see he's plagiarized my format though. :)