The Official Round II Debate thread

So apple would vote against me, a conservative, on any debate. Grind would be fair, so I'd get his vote. Annie's smart as hell, so I'd get hers.

Cap'n, your toast.
I suppose we could scrub "Socialist" out of the name and just make it the "People's One True JPP Championship". Event though I'm an anti-populist.
The scores are now irrelevant anyways. Watermark is the champion, and Threedee and myself are runners up champions. Banners will be handed out shortly.
So sorry, but younguns can't be champions. If were going to have a default champion well it has to be a default kind of person. Since we only have had one person default (not quit) from their competition then that person, through a complete and utter lack of merit must be the champion.

ergo, Asshat is the winner.

Congrats Asshat!
So sorry, but younguns can't be champions. If were going to have a default champion well it has to be a default kind of person. Since we only have had one person default (not quit) from their competition then that person, through a complete and utter lack of merit must be the champion.

ergo, Asshat is the winner.

Congrats Asshat!

The guy who couldn't find the debate forum wins the competition? lmao
Annie has resigned as a judge. If you'd like this contest to continue a new judge should be selected to take her place.
I win again.

When im in a contest, the judges lose. I live vicariously through myelf. Im the world's most interesting man.
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Contests of debate are futile. I am the pre-ordained winner of all.

When you look up winner in the dictionary, it says: First, find the Debate Forum. If unable to do that, throw huge hissy fit.

Fixed that for ya. Glad I could help.